4th Times a Charm? Big Huge Games..no 38 Studios.. no Imppossible Is Shut Down



Following last year's Kingdoms of Amalur financial disaster that resulted in the closure of both Curt Schilling's 38 Studios and Maryland's Big Huge Games, Epic Games swooped in and rescued a group of Big Huge refugees, forming Epic Baltimore, eventually renamed Impossible Studios. Today Epic founder Tim Sweeney announced the studio's closure.

"When former members of Big Huge Games approached Epic last year, we saw the opportunity to help a great group of people while putting them to work on a project that needed a team. It was a bold initiative and the Impossible folks made a gallant effort, but ultimately it wasn't working out for Epic," said Sweeney via an announcement on the Epic Games community site.

Located in Hunt Valley, Maryland, and led by studio director Sean Dunn, Impossible Studios was tasked with finishing up Infinity Blade: Dungeons, a prequel to the hit series of iOS fighting games that served as a showcase for Epic's Unreal Engine 3 on mobile devices. That project is now on hold as Epic considers its future.

While Epic wouldn't comment on the situation ? my requests were directed back to the community post ? in the light of a late January tweet by Impossible Studios head Sean Dunn I can only imagine the closure came as something of a surprise.

Impossible Studios employees will be given three months' severance pay, as well as the opportunity to reform the studio under the existing name, complete with that amazing horned, winged bear logo that debuted with the studio in August of last year.


Maybe these guys can start a fad in the game industry as being the most passed around game studio. It will be like hanging out with the cool kid in school that doesn't actually do anything.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Maybe they are just terrible developers? I really never understood why people thought Amalur was such a great game. It has this huge cult following, but I was bored to fucking tears by it.


I don't remember it having a huge cult following. It had a pretty lukewarm reception on the boards. IIRC, most people thought it was way too easy and that the middle of the game was incredibly dull.

I enjoyed it for what it was, but it was certainly not a "great" game and I don't remember anyone calling it that.


The Big Mod
hopefully these losers will go back to waiting tables and take their shitty, uninspired game design ideas with them.