Altars of Ruin : angular js rpg


I recently finished a simple RPG and got it into the apple app store.

Altars of Ruin : Home

It started out as something to learn, but as I was working on it I decided to make it an actual thing. I had been using Backbone for almost two years, but after this I am switching to Angular.

Development is much faster and you end up writing a LOT less code with Angular because of the extensive templating system and it's two way data-binding. Angular also enforces much more structure on your code unlike Backbone which leaves everything up to the developer. And I found that in a production environment people's Backbone code gets crappy quickly. I developed the game in about 2 months using Angular as the only Javascript library.

EDIT: I usedAdobe PhoneGap Buildto bundle the html as an iPhone app. Phonegaps cloud solution is pretty awesome if you haven't used it.

The game is kind of like a simple dungeon crawler but with only text for graphics. KILL > LEVEL UP > LOOT > SELL > REPEAT.

And it costs $1 because why not.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Bought this for the luls and am pleasantly surprised at how much it reminds me of MUDs. Not the most advanced game ever made, for sure, but fun anyway, and it's a whopping $1.


That's a good question... I haven't looked into what it takes to get an app into the google play store, will investigate.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Our shop went from backbone to angular over the last 6 months, for pretty much the reasons you described. If you put this out in android will pick it up to see what a game looks like as opposed to a webapp.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Gah. Got a bug where I'm being told my bag is weighing me down, but I see no items to sell in it. Tried exiting the game and re-entering, no dice. Hepl!

Don't wanna have to restart, I'm somewhere in my low 20s at this point.

Edit: Oh, another bug I noticed as well. I grabbed the Strike skill and you can't finish a fight if you kill the mob with a Strike. You have to wait until the next combat round is over (at which point the mob can still hit you).


Yup Alkorin I just started getting notifications on your bug. I have a fix and an update should be up in a few days. I will also look into the Strike thing, though I may not have a fix till the next patch.