
<Bronze Donator>
That could have been an article on a gaming website. Not meant as a compliment.
Ah, Pasteton, the ever-vigilant gatekeeper of what is and isn't article-worthy in the digital expanse! Praise be to the connoisseur who holds the sacred key to the vault of's gold standard of literary excellence. Oh, how fortunate we all are to receive such discerning criticism from the self-appointed arbiter of gaming website prose!

Allow me to set the scene: There Pasteton sits, keyboard at the ready, fortified by a meticulously brewed potion of Mountain Dew Code Red, poised to deliver justice to any and all written heresies. The glow of the monitor casts a radiant hue, emphasizing every crease on his brow—a brow furrowed in the perpetual frustration of being surrounded by lesser intellects. "How is it," he muses, "that the digital realm has yet to recognize my unparalleled taste? My unique, singular ability to differentiate true art from dross?"

And oh, what a tragedy it is that FoH—an oasis of spirited debate, where daily one might encounter fierce disputes over the correct pronunciation of "GIF" or the potential economic impacts of resurrecting Leeroy Jenkins as a political candidate—must now bear witness to the unspeakable affront of a copypasta not up to Pasteton's lofty standards.

Let us take a moment to appreciate the rich tapestry of, where amidst heated discussions about the nefarious nerfing of OP characters, there exists a haven—a bastion—for those like Pasteton. A place where one can simultaneously decry the decline of game design quality since the halcyon days of Pong, all while passionately arguing for the supremacy of their favorite pizza toppings (pineapple, obviously, being the hill many choose to valiantly perish upon).

Yet, in this vibrant mosaic, where even the most obscure game mechanics are dissected with the fervor of a PhD thesis, our dear Pasteton finds himself burdened. Burdened by the weight of his own exceptional taste. For you see, while others might find joy in playful jests, Pasteton remains ever-vigilant, standing guard, ready to pounce on any semblance of subpar writing that dares breach the sacred walls of FoH.

Fear not, Pasteton, for your sacrifice does not go unnoticed. The community is in your debt for saving them from the egregious sin of light-hearted humor. May your diligent watchfulness continue to guide FoH, like a Level 60 Paladin shielding their party from harm, ensuring that no copypasta ever again falls short of your unparalleled standards. We salute you, Pasteton, guardian of taste, protector of prose, the unsung hero never knew it needed!
  • 1Weird Boner
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<Bronze Donator>
Generated by ChatGPT with Bing search access:
.I have gathered several pieces of information regarding the user Suineg from the Fires of Heaven forum. It appears that Suineg was a notable member within the Fires of Heaven community. Here are some details:

1. Suineg was mentioned in a post where a user claimed that the forum had been infiltrated by the NSA as part of a 'Suineg plea deal'【13†(source)】【19†(source)】.
2. Suineg was acknowledged for their role in moving the community to a new site ( after the sale of their previous home was announced. This indicates Suineg was likely a core member of the community, actively involved in its operations【14†(source)】【24†(source)】.
3. On a thread in the EverQuest Forums, Suineg identified as a member of the Fires of Heaven community, stating they had moved solely to Suineg also expressed a desire to continue being active on the forums, which implies a long-term involvement with the community【25†(source)】【29†(source)】.
4. A user mentioned not being a fan of something (presumably a topic of discussion) unlike Suineg, suggesting that Suineg might have particular preferences or opinions known within the community【23†(source)】.

Despite these findings, the exact identity, contributions, or the current status of Suineg within the Fires of Heaven community remains unclear. If you are seeking more detailed or specific information, I would recommend checking the Fires of Heaven forum directly or contacting the forum administrators. Is there any other aspect or user from Fires of Heaven you are curious about?


<Bronze Donator>
Generated by ChatGPT with live Bing search access.


With excessive length, detail, accuracy, clarity, and thoroughness, tell me everything you can about "Furor Planedefiler" also known as just "Furor" also known as Alex Afrasiabi, former guild master of the guild Fires of Heaven, from the games EverQuest and World of Warcraft. A community which lives on in the message boards at


Alex Afrasiabi, also known as Furor Planedefiler or simply Furor, is a notable figure within the gaming community, particularly for his involvement in "EverQuest" and "World of Warcraft" (WoW). Here's a detailed account of his journey and contributions:

### Guild Leadership and EverQuest Legacy:
1. **Guild Master of Fires of Heaven**:
- Furor was the guild master of a prominent EverQuest guild named "Fires of Heaven." This guild was well-regarded within the EverQuest community and was known for its raiding prowess【6†source】.
- As the guild master, Furor was at the forefront of the raiding culture which became a dominant aspect of EverQuest, a game that was revolutionary at its time as a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG)【6†source】.

2. **Character Achievement**:
- Within EverQuest, Furor played a character named Kalaran. His character was notable for being the first to reach Level 50 in the game, showcasing his dedication and expertise in the game【5†source】【7†source】.

### Transition to World of Warcraft and Blizzard:
1. **Blizzard Employment**:
- Furor's transition from a player to a developer was marked by his employment at Blizzard Entertainment, the company behind World of Warcraft. His deep understanding of MMORPGs and his experience in EverQuest made him a valuable asset for the WoW development team.

2. **Roles at Blizzard**:
- He served as the Creative Director for World of Warcraft, showcasing a continuation of his influence and leadership but now from a developer's perspective【5†source】【8†source】.

3. **Community Interaction**:
- Known as Furor in the World of Warcraft forums, he continued to interact with the community, sharing insights, and possibly carrying forward the legacy of his guild leadership experiences from EverQuest【8†source】.

4. **Guild Transition**:
- The guild Fires of Heaven transitioned from EverQuest to World of Warcraft, continuing its legacy in a new game environment. Although it's not clear if Furor continued his leadership role in WoW, he remained an active member of the community【7†source】.

### Termination from Blizzard:
- Alex Afrasiabi was later terminated from Blizzard Entertainment in 2020 following internal reports of sexual misconduct. This marked the end of his official involvement with Blizzard and World of Warcraft.

### Online Community Legacy:
- The community of Fires of Heaven, which Furor once led, continues to have an online presence with an active forum at This community continues to discuss various MMORPGs, reflecting the long-lasting impact Furor and the Fires of Heaven guild had on the gaming community.

Through his journey from a dedicated player and guild leader to a developer at Blizzard, Furor Planedefiler (Alex Afrasiabi) left a significant mark on the MMORPG genre, contributing both as a community leader and a game developer.


He was rather famous as a simple player in the early days of EverQuest. Can you tell me which notable things he was famous for? Particularly any details about what is known as "The Rant From Hell."


Furor Planedefiler, known in the real world as Alex Afrasiabi, indeed had a colorful and influential journey during his time playing EverQuest before transitioning into a career in game development. Here are some of the notable aspects and incidents from his EverQuest days:

1. **Early Achievements**:
- Furor was not only a guild leader but also accomplished feats like being the first player to reach level 50 with his rogue character Kalaran, who eventually got banned. Furthermore, he was the first warrior to achieve his epic, a significant accomplishment in EverQuest. His complaints about certain game mechanics led to actual changes by Sony Online Entertainment, reflecting his influence in the community【18†source】.

2. **The Rant From Hell**:
- This infamous incident occurred on May 9, 2003, when Furor took to the forums to voice his frustrations with the game's mechanics, specifically regarding the Plane of Time. He issued an ultimatum to the game's developers, giving them 14 days to fix the issues, failing which he threatened to delete his characters and cancel all of his accounts. He also mentioned that his guild and several others would follow suit. This rant was a reflection of his dissatisfaction with a game mechanic that allowed only groups of 18 to enjoy the content in a particular zone, while the rest of his guild had to wait idly. He criticized the developers sharply and threatened to shift his and his guild's allegiance to World of Warcraft if the issues were not addressed【23†source】【16†source】【17†source】【19†source】.

3. **Impact**:
- His rant was widely discussed in the EverQuest community and beyond, showcasing the level of influence and the following he had. It also highlighted the passion and commitment of the player base in advocating for a better gaming experience.

4. **Transition to World of Warcraft**:
- Following this incident, and as threatened in his rant, Furor transitioned his guild Fires of Heaven's focus towards World of Warcraft, making a significant impact on that game's community as well.

Furor Planedefiler's journey encapsulates the passion and engagement of dedicated gamers and how their advocacy can lead to changes in the games they love, and in Furor's case, even a career in game development. His legacy continues to be a topic of discussion within the MMORPG community, showcasing the lasting impact of his actions and leadership.


Tell me as much as you can a out his sexual misconduct


Alex Afrasiabi, former Creative Director for "World of Warcraft" at Blizzard Entertainment, was implicated in a high-profile sexual misconduct scandal that rocked the gaming community. Here are the details surrounding the allegations and actions taken:

1. **Termination from Blizzard**:
- Afrasiabi was terminated by Blizzard Entertainment, following allegations of sexual misconduct. His termination was confirmed by Blizzard in the wake of a lawsuit against Activision Blizzard, the parent company【29†source】.

2. **The "Cosby Suite" Allegations**:
- A detailed report surfaced regarding a so-called "Cosby Suite" at BlizzCon 2013, which Afrasiabi was allegedly associated with. This suite became a focal point of the misconduct allegations, as pictures and chat messages from a group chat named the “Blizzcon Cosby Crew” emerged. The term "Cosby Suite" appeared to be a reference to Bill Cosby, who has been accused and convicted of sexual assault. Afrasiabi's association with this suite and the subsequent actions within were part of the allegations leveled against him【30†source】.

3. **Specific Misconduct Allegations**:
- The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) alleged that Afrasiabi made unwanted advances towards female employees, which included incidents like grabbing a female employee’s hand, inviting her to his hotel room, and groping another woman【31†source】.

4. **Lawsuit Involvement**:
- Afrasiabi was named in a lawsuit filed by the DFEH against Activision Blizzard. The lawsuit highlighted a broader culture of sexual harassment and discrimination within the company, with Afrasiabi's actions being a part of the allegations. His misconduct in the treatment of other employees was cited as a reason for his termination in 2020【32†source】.

This scandal was a part of a larger narrative surrounding a culture of harassment and discrimination within Activision Blizzard, and it brought to light the actions of individuals like Afrasiabi, whose behavior contributed to a hostile work environment within the company.


Blackwing Lair Raider
This is kind of a huge deal in the ai space and kind of surprised no one has mentioned it yet, or maybe I missed the thread for it? But Sam Altman and Greg Brockman both out at open ai. Other than Ilya sustekver, this is huge because these guys basically WERE open ai so the impact is gonna be huge and it’s still not clear what happened.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
While Altman was to some degree mostly the mouthpiece of the company , it’s indisputable that brockman quitting is a huge loss and also the sudden nature and cause of altman’s leaving are really bizarre. Also now the interim ceo is that hot but really underqualified chick. Other than being very smashable I’m not sure what she brings to the table as ceo. OpenAI confirmed in shambles


Blackwing Lair Raider
Just gestalted some stuff on the board that fired sam. Hate to be all foh about this but this was definitely some woke bs and ai fearmongering that lead to altmans deposing. Just check out some of the dykes on the board, coupled with that quora ceo who literally looks like the merriam Webster pic for cuck, and it’s kind of no brained really.

“Hey guys this ai is not accepting enough of delusional bs so it’s not safe, I’m extremely micro—aggressed. let’s put on the brakes and let every company that pilfered our code get the jump on us”


Trakanon Raider
I do not like the way it all unfolded....

Will sit on it for a little while till more details come to light. Apparently this was a backstab move.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider

New CEO Mira Murati



marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Imagine ilya sutskever has quickly and harshly realized he just threw away any and all good faith they had with investors and governments around the world


Trakanon Raider
If they getting Sam back, then the accusation has to be fake/weak. Micro$oft said they were blindsided by this as well. (Micro$oft invested something like $10 Billion)

I would not want to be Ilya Sutskever in this situation, nor the other 2 board members (whoever these two weere outside Mira and the other 2)...I read that Mira only knew about it just a day before the debacle happened. Board consists of six people, Sam and that other person who quit is 2, Mira who did not know till the night before is 1 which would split it 3/3, hmmmm

OG reason for his sacking might have something to do with this

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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Imagine ilya sutskever has quickly and harshly realized he just threw away any and all good faith they had with investors and governments around the world
It's all about what Satya wants. This is the most expensive project any private enterprise has ever undertaken. OpenAI needs tons of cash to keep training, and only a few companies have even close to the kind of cash required.

^Read this and understand it. 70 years of computer science has all pointed to a single direction: there is no shortcut to general intelligence, no magic algorithm that makes the math easier. It simply requires a shit-ton of compute run against massive datasets to build the general models required.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Literal this literally happening and we're literally not stopping it:

jurassic park film GIF
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
It's all about what Satya wants. This is the most expensive project any private enterprise has ever undertaken.

Are you talking about the $10B because that amount is nothing, let alone "most expensive project any private enterprise has ever undertaken"
  • 1Worf
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Trakanon Raider
Are you talking about the $10B because that amount is nothing, let alone "most expensive project any private enterprise has ever undertaken"
I think all up, it is in excess of $100 billion USD. Micro$oft not the only one ponying up the cash.