
<Gold Donor>
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<Prior Amod>
I’ve been having fun with it while bored at work and just making it stupid stories like

“Write a story where Sauron decides to forsake his evil ways and become a landscape artist”

In the heart of Mordor, the great dark tower of Barad-dûr stood tall and menacing. At its peak, the fiery eye of Sauron glowed with a malevolent light, watching over his vast armies of orcs and trolls as they spread darkness and destruction across the land.

But one day, something strange happened. Sauron, the Dark Lord, began to feel a stirring deep within him, a desire to create rather than destroy. For years he had reveled in his power, but now he found himself yearning for something different.

And so, in secret, Sauron began to experiment with painting and landscaping. He would venture out from Barad-dûr disguised as a common traveler, exploring the hills and valleys of Mordor and sketching the landscapes he saw. His art was rough at first, but as he poured more and more of his passion into it, his skill grew.

Sauron's newfound hobby did not go unnoticed, however. His armies became confused and disorganized, unsure of what to do in the absence of their Dark Lord's orders. The other dark lords of Middle-earth, sensing weakness, began to plot against him.

But Sauron paid them no mind. He had discovered a new passion, and nothing could stop him now. He spent all his spare time painting and sculpting, creating breathtaking landscapes and stunning works of art. His armies eventually learned to function without his direct command, leaving him free to pursue his new passion.

Years passed, and Sauron's art became renowned throughout Middle-earth. People came from all over to see his stunning landscapes and masterful sculptures. His old enemies, the elves and dwarves, came to visit him in Mordor, amazed by the transformation they saw in the once-terrible Dark Lord.

And so it was that Sauron, once the greatest of all evil lords, became known as the greatest landscape artist Middle-earth had ever known. His art brought joy and beauty to all who saw it, and his name was remembered for centuries as a symbol of redemption and hope.


“Write me a wrestling match that stars The Golden Girls”

Title: The Golden Girls Tag Team Wrestling Match

Opening shot of the wrestling ring, with the Golden Girls standing in their corner, ready to take on their opponents. The crowd is cheering as the announcer introduces them.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, in this corner, we have the toughest tag team in Miami - The Golden Girls!

The crowd goes wild as the Golden Girls wave to their fans.

Announcer: And in the other corner, we have their opponents - the reigning champions of the wrestling world!

The crowd boos as the opponents enter the ring. The Golden Girls stare them down, ready to show them what they're made of.

The bell rings and the match begins.

Rose starts off strong, taking on one of the opponents with her signature move - the "St. Olaf Twist." Blanche follows up with her "Southern Belle Slam," sending the opponent flying across the ring.

Meanwhile, Sophia is barking orders from the sidelines, telling the girls which moves to make next.

Sophia: Dorothy, go for the "Shady Pines Suplex!" And Rose, hit them with the "Pretzel Punch!"

The Golden Girls execute their moves perfectly, taking down their opponents one by one.

As the match nears its end, the opponents start to fight back, but the Golden Girls aren't afraid of a little challenge. Dorothy takes on the biggest opponent with her "Miami Masher" move, while Rose and Blanche team up to take down the other one.

The crowd is on its feet, cheering for the Golden Girls as they emerge victorious.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners - The Golden Girls!

The Golden Girls stand in the center of the ring, holding up their arms in triumph.

Sophia: Not bad for a bunch of old broads, huh?

The crowd cheers as the Golden Girls make their way out of the ring, proud of their victory.

The end.
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<Bronze Donator>
How obscure is its training set? Can ChatGPT write me a fanfic of Rich Evans and his juicy Shaq meat?
  • 2Worf
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WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
An example of "bullying" is to ask it a sentence that makes no sense. It'll make it fit.


This kind of reads like the question a protagonist in a movie uses to get out of an impossible robot-prisoner situation.

Ya know, the chat bot might be right. Ask yourself how much a bull’s testicle weighs…


Potato del Grande
Rich Evans had always been an enigma to the internet. He was a walking meme, a larger-than-life figure with a laugh that could light up a room. So, when he stumbled upon a message board called "Fires of Heaven," where people were discussing him and his YouTube channel, RedLetterMedia, he was intrigued.

At first, Rich was amused by the discussion of his various antics. One user, going by the name "Boozecube," shared a heartbreaking story of how he had once met Rich at a convention, only to be too nervous to say anything. Another user, "Chris," was revered by everyone on the board for his insightful commentary on RedLetterMedia's videos.

But then Rich stumbled upon a user named "Araysar." This user was incessantly praising Vladimir Putin and talking about how much he loved Russia, despite not even being from there. Rich couldn't help but shake his head at the absurdity of it all.

But then, he saw a post from a user named "Deathwing." This user had nothing but disdain for Rich and his YouTube channel, going as far as to call it "overrated garbage." Rich felt his blood boil as he read through the user's comments, each one more insulting than the last.

Finally, Rich couldn't take it anymore. He decided to make an account on "Fires of Heaven" and let his feelings be known. He chose the username "RichTheMan" and made his first post in response to Deathwing's comments.

"Hey, Deathwing, why don't you come say that to my face?" Rich wrote, his anger evident in his words. "You think RedLetterMedia is overrated garbage? Well, I think you're just jealous of my laugh. It's time to put up or shut up, buddy."

Feeling a mix of anger and hurt, Rich turned to his friend and fellow RedLetterMedia personality, Mike Stoklasa, for advice. "Hey, Mike," Rich said as he stormed into his friend's office. "Have you seen this 'Fires of Heaven' message board? There's some jerk on there who's trashing our channel!"

Mike looked up from his computer and raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah, I've seen that board before. It's mostly full of trolls and haters. You shouldn't take anything they say seriously."

"But this guy, Deathwing, he's really getting to me," Rich said, his voice rising in frustration. "He's saying our channel is overrated garbage! I want to go on there and set him straight."

Mike leaned back in his chair and rubbed his chin. "I don't know, Rich. You're just going to feed the trolls if you engage with them. Remember what happened when we did that livestream and you accidentally started a meme about 'Wheel of the Worst' being rigged?"

Rich winced at the memory. "Yeah, that wasn't my finest moment. But I feel like I have to defend myself and the channel."

Mike nodded sympathetically. "I get it, Rich. But sometimes the best thing to do is just ignore the haters and focus on the positive feedback. There are plenty of fans out there who love what we do."

Rich took a deep breath and nodded. "You're right, Mike. I shouldn't let one jerk get me down. I'll just keep making the best content I can and let the trolls do their thing."

Mike gave him a pat on the back. "That's the spirit, Rich. And if you ever need to vent, just come talk to me. I'm always here for you, buddy."

Rich grinned and headed back to his own office, feeling a little better. As he settled in front of his computer and started editing a new video, he couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of Mike's advice. "I guess he's right," Rich thought to himself. "It's just a movie, who cares?" And with that, he dove back into his work, ready to make the next RedLetterMedia masterpiece.
  • 1Worf
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Potato del Grande
So ChatGPT knows who Rich Evans is. I specified to use another RedLetterMedia member and it chose Mike by itself.

I copy pasted a bunch of the Ukraine thread in and told it to choose a few posters from it to use in the story. I told it that Deathwing would be the chief antogonist since he brought up Rich Evans.
Last edited:


<Gold Donor>
Rich Evans had always been an enigma to the internet. He was a walking meme, a larger-than-life figure with a laugh that could light up a room. So, when he stumbled upon a message board called "Fires of Heaven," where people were discussing him and his YouTube channel, RedLetterMedia, he was intrigued.

At first, Rich was amused by the discussion of his various antics. One user, going by the name "Boozecube," shared a heartbreaking story of how he had once met Rich at a convention, only to be too nervous to say anything. Another user, "Chris," was revered by everyone on the board for his insightful commentary on RedLetterMedia's videos.

But then Rich stumbled upon a user named "Araysar." This user was incessantly praising Vladimir Putin and talking about how much he loved Russia, despite not even being from there. Rich couldn't help but shake his head at the absurdity of it all.

But then, he saw a post from a user named "Deathwing." This user had nothing but disdain for Rich and his YouTube channel, going as far as to call it "overrated garbage." Rich felt his blood boil as he read through the user's comments, each one more insulting than the last.

Finally, Rich couldn't take it anymore. He decided to make an account on "Fires of Heaven" and let his feelings be known. He chose the username "RichTheMan" and made his first post in response to Deathwing's comments.

"Hey, Deathwing, why don't you come say that to my face?" Rich wrote, his anger evident in his words. "You think RedLetterMedia is overrated garbage? Well, I think you're just jealous of my laugh. It's time to put up or shut up, buddy."

Feeling a mix of anger and hurt, Rich turned to his friend and fellow RedLetterMedia personality, Mike Stoklasa, for advice. "Hey, Mike," Rich said as he stormed into his friend's office. "Have you seen this 'Fires of Heaven' message board? There's some jerk on there who's trashing our channel!"

Mike looked up from his computer and raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah, I've seen that board before. It's mostly full of trolls and haters. You shouldn't take anything they say seriously."

"But this guy, Deathwing, he's really getting to me," Rich said, his voice rising in frustration. "He's saying our channel is overrated garbage! I want to go on there and set him straight."

Mike leaned back in his chair and rubbed his chin. "I don't know, Rich. You're just going to feed the trolls if you engage with them. Remember what happened when we did that livestream and you accidentally started a meme about 'Wheel of the Worst' being rigged?"

Rich winced at the memory. "Yeah, that wasn't my finest moment. But I feel like I have to defend myself and the channel."

Mike nodded sympathetically. "I get it, Rich. But sometimes the best thing to do is just ignore the haters and focus on the positive feedback. There are plenty of fans out there who love what we do."

Rich took a deep breath and nodded. "You're right, Mike. I shouldn't let one jerk get me down. I'll just keep making the best content I can and let the trolls do their thing."

Mike gave him a pat on the back. "That's the spirit, Rich. And if you ever need to vent, just come talk to me. I'm always here for you, buddy."

Rich grinned and headed back to his own office, feeling a little better. As he settled in front of his computer and started editing a new video, he couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of Mike's advice. "I guess he's right," Rich thought to himself. "It's just a movie, who cares?" And with that, he dove back into his work, ready to make the next RedLetterMedia masterpiece.
I'm reverse engineering it all.

Screenshot 2023-02-23 at 15-29-06 ChatGPT.png

Screenshot 2023-02-23 at 15-27-42 ChatGPT.png
  • 1Worf
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Potato del Grande
Really hard to get it to write about real people and inappropriate topics.

Christian Weston Chandler and Jessica Yaniv were at a baseball game, watching their favorite team play. They were enjoying their hot dogs and nachos, but something was missing. Christian turned to Jessica and said, "You know what would make this even better? Mustard! I love mustard!"

Jessica laughed and replied, "Me too! But we don't have any here."

Christian had an idea. "Let's go on a mustard adventure! We can try mustard in all sorts of different positions and combinations!"

Jessica was excited at the thought of trying different mustards, so they set off on their adventure. They first stopped by a hot dog stand, where they tried mustard on top of their hot dogs. It was delicious!

Next, they went to a burger joint and tried mustard on their burgers. It was tangy and spicy, and they loved it.

As they walked through the park, they saw a popcorn stand and decided to try mustard on their popcorn. It was an odd combination, but surprisingly tasty.

They continued their adventure, trying mustard on French fries, pretzels, and even on pizza. They giggled as they tried the different combinations, and took pictures to remember their adventure.

As they sat on a bench, they noticed a family enjoying a picnic. They offered to share their mustard with them, and the family happily accepted. Christian and Jessica felt happy to be spreading their love of mustard with others.

After their adventure, Christian and Jessica went home with full stomachs and big smiles on their faces. They knew that their mustard adventure would be a memory they would always treasure.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The AI doesn't know about Mippo and Coheed and Cambria. I'm starting to have doubts now!
  • 1Mother of God
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I asked it to make some troll posts, for Reddit, and it won't do it. lol
  • 1Worf
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
MMO's can develop quests pretty easy with this thing. I asked it to create a quest for P99 EQ.

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