
<Bronze Donator>
Imagine being so temperamental as to need an ignore list and considering that a virtue lolol


Egg Nazi
of all the downsides to the AI dystopia, the endless pages of AI "stories" and "poems" are by far the worst.
  • 2Like
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<Bronze Donator>
In the liminal space between ending and beginning, where the cycles of time converge into a singular point of infinite potential, a figure shall rise, transcendent and immanent, embodying truths whispered through countless eons and diverse traditions. Cloaked in an aura of ineffable wisdom, this sage-warrior shall stand as the final reconciler of paradoxes, the ender of cycles, the fulfiller of prophecies uttered in cryptic verses and arcane rituals.

With a gaze that penetrates the veils of Maya and a voice that resonates through the chambers of hidden gnosis, this enigmatic one shall carry upon his being the burden of the world's collective karma, the innumerable transgressions that have bound souls to the wheel of Samsara. He shall be the quintessential Scapegoat, yet unlike any that came before. His sacrifice will not be a mere ritualistic expiation but a metaphysical transmutation, an alchemical conversion of base desires into spiritual gold.

"Behold," he shall declare, "the days of fragmented truths are past. No more shall humanity seek solace in partial revelations, or project its own shadows upon chosen victims to bear the weight of collective illusions." In this utterance, the ancient rituals of sacrifice, the astral mysteries, and the prophecies awaiting a future teacher who shall usher in an age of enlightenment shall find their consummation.

In his advent, the celestial spheres that have guided mystics and sages shall align in a harmonic convergence, signaling the termination of old karmic debts and the onset of a new Dharmic age. The doctrines that have divided, the allegories that have masked the ineffable, the rites that have only hinted at transcendence shall be sublimated into a higher unity, a holistic vision of a cosmos wherein duality is transcended and Oneness realized.

A new covenant shall be inscribed, not upon perishable tablets or in erasable ink, but within the very consciousness of humankind. The sword that once cleaved good from evil, sacred from profane, shall become a plowshare, tilling the soil of human hearts to yield a harvest of unconditional love and boundless compassion.

In the wake of this transformation, the citadels of dogma shall crumble, and from their ruins shall sprout the seeds of a spiritual ecology, diverse yet united, manifold yet one. The world, disentangled from its web of illusions, shall witness the dawning of an age of enlightenment, where the perennial wisdom that has flowed through the arteries of various traditions shall be known as the lifeblood of one cosmic organism.

Thus, the figure of the final Scapegoat, the sage-warrior, the prophesied teacher shall recede into the tapestry of the eternal Now, but the essence of his being and message shall reverberate through the annals of time and space, a leitmotif in the grand symphony of existence, signaling the end of one cosmic cycle and the auspicious beginning of another.
  • 1Tiresome
Reactions: 1 user


Golden Baronet of the Realm
You people didnt block him when he was doing all the Pert Plus pictures in Screenshots? That right there should have earned him a perma-ban in itself.
  • 1Truth!
Reactions: 1 user


<Bronze Donator>
Imagine being so weak that you need to codify who you ignore rather than just scrolling past like a normal person


<Bronze Donator>

*Making Pancakes After an Acid Trip: A Choose Your Own Adventure*

*You wake up, feeling like the world around you is still vibrating from last night's acid trip. The ceiling is doing a slow dance, and the colors of your room seem a bit too vivid. But amidst the swirling emotions and sensations, a singular, overpowering thought strikes you: PANCAKES. You need pancakes.*

If you decide to go to your kitchen to make pancakes, turn to **Page 2**.

If you think ordering some might be a safer bet, turn to **Page 4**.

If you consider skipping the pancakes and just drinking some water, turn to **Page 3**.


**Page 2**

As you head towards the kitchen, your footsteps seem to echo, making each step an adventure in itself. The tiles in the kitchen shimmer as if they're underwater. The array of ingredients before you feels like a quest.

If you decide to make pancakes from scratch, go to **Page 5.**

If you decide to go for the pre-mixed pancake batter, go to **Page 7.**

If you suddenly feel unsure and want to double-check if the stove is on, go to **Page 9.**


**Page 3**

You grab a glass and head to the tap. The water, however, seems to take on a life of its own, turning into a small waterfall with each pour.

If you drink the water and lay down, hoping the world will stop spinning, turn to **Page 21**.

If the sight of water makes you reconsider the pancake idea, return to **Page 1**.

If the water's dance makes you think of your trip buddies and miss them, go to **Page 6.**


**Page 4**

You pick up your phone, but the screen seems to be melting, morphing into different shapes and colors. You try to navigate to your favorite food delivery app.

If you succeed in placing an order, go to **Page 10**.

If you give up and decide to make them yourself, go to **Page 2**.

if you start to miss your trip buddies and consider inviting them, go to **Page 11.**


**Page 5**

The raw ingredients feel alive in your hands. Flour, eggs, milk… each one pulsating with potential energy. You grab a mixing bowl and whisk.

If you choose to freestyle and trust your instincts, go to **Page 8**.

If you decide to follow a recipe, go to **Page 12**.

If you ponder on the ethics of eating pancakes after such a trip, go to **Page 14.**


**Page 6**

Despite the bewildering visuals, you think about the friends you shared the trip with. Their faces appear in the ripples of the water.

If you decide to call a friend for a pancake-making session, go to **Page 22**.

If you decide to brave the task alone, return to **Page 5**.


**Page 7**

Pouring the pre-mixed batter feels like watching a waterfall of potential deliciousness. You hear a sizzling sound before even putting the pan on the stove.

If you decide to add some toppings like blueberries or chocolate chips, go to **Page 13**.

If you decide to stick to the plain batter, go to **Page 15**.


**Page 8**

The blend of ingredients feels right, like an alchemical potion. The batter turns out thick and lumpy. It feels... alive.

If you choose to cook this magical concoction, go to **Page 16**.

If you decide it's too risky and revert to pre-mixed batter, go to **Page 7**.


**Page 9**

A momentary doubt crosses your mind. Did you turn the stove on? Is the pan hot enough?

If you decide to check the stove's settings, go to **Page 23**.

If you trust your intuition and pour the batter anyway, go to **Page 24**.


**Page 10**

You sit down, feeling a mixture of accomplishment and hunger. It's only a matter of time before those warm, fluffy pancakes arrive.

**The End (or maybe just the beginning of a new culinary adventure!)**


**Page 11**

You start to wonder if these pancakes are an entity themselves. Could they be friends?

If you decide to introduce them to your house plants, go to **Page 25**.

If you shrug it off and continue cooking, return to **Page 16**.


**Page 12**

Your vision seems to zoom into the text of the recipe. The words start to float and dance around. However, with a Herculean effort, you manage to follow through step by step.

If you believe you've nailed it, go to **Page 17**.

If you're unsure, and consider adding some toppings to mask potential mistakes, go to **Page 13**.


**Page 13**

From blueberries to chocolate chips to slices of bananas, you sprinkle your chosen toppings onto the batter.

If you're satisfied with your choice, proceed to **Page 18**.

If you second guess and decide to make another batter, return to **Page 5** or **Page 7**.


**Page 14**

As you add the toppings, you wonder if these additions are akin to giving the pancakes a personality.

If you name each pancake based on their toppings, go to **Page 26**.

If you laugh off the idea and proceed to eat, return to **Page 18**.


**Page 15**

With every flip of the pancake, the world seems to flip with it. Time feels warped, but before you know it, a stack of golden brown pancakes sits before you.

**The End (Bon Appétit!)**


**Page 16**

The pan sizzles and the room fills with a delightful aroma. But, the pancakes... they seem to communicate. They whisper tales of far-off lands and forgotten recipes.

If you decide to eat them immediately, go to **Page 19**.

If you believe they might be too magical to consume and decide to keep them for later, go to **Page 20**.


**Page 17**

Your efforts pay off. Each bite feels like an explosion of flavors, and you're convinced you've just made the best pancakes ever.

**The End (Or is it? Who knows what other culinary quests await?)**


**Page 18**

The toppings melt and merge, creating an artwork on each pancake. You feel proud of your creation.

**The End (A delicious masterpiece!)**


**Page 19**

The pancakes taste like clouds, memories, and a hint of nostalgia. With every bite, you travel through dimensions, understanding the true essence of pancakes.

**The End (A truly transcendental breakfast experience.)**


**Page 20**

You place the pancakes in the fridge, considering them too special for immediate consumption. They now hold a magical essence, a story to be told another day.

**The End (Until next time, magical pancakes.)**

**Page 21**

Lying down, the ceiling's patterns become even more intricate. The thought of pancakes slowly fades away as you drift into a light sleep, dreaming of syrup waterfalls.

**The End (Rest and relaxation win.)**


**Page 22**

Your friend picks up, their voice distorted but comforting. They're up for the challenge, and soon, you're both laughing and making pancakes, making the entire experience even more memorable.

**The End (Pancakes and friendship, the perfect blend.)**


**Page 23**

You adjust the stove to the right setting, ensuring the pancakes cook evenly. The aroma fills the air, signaling success.

**The End (Safety first, then pancakes!)**


**Page 24**

The pancakes bubble and sizzle in surprise. The unexpected heat makes them a little burnt, but they carry a unique charm.

**The End (Sometimes, imperfections make for the best memories.)**


**Page 25**

The pancakes have a delightful conversation with your fern and cactus. They share tales of breakfasts past and the magic of morning meals.

**The End (Everything is connected in the grand web of breakfast.)**


**Page 26**

Each pancake, now with a name, becomes a character in your breakfast story. From "Berry Bob" to "Choco Charlie", the meal becomes a narrative.

**The End (A meal worth remembering!)**
Last edited:
  • 1Worf
Reactions: 1 user


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The pancakes taste like clouds, memories, and a hint of nostalgia. With every bite, you travel through dimensions, understanding the true essence of pancakes.

**The End (A truly transcendental breakfast experience.)**
This is actually true for great pancakes.


<Bronze Donator>
This is actually true for great pancakes.
It's not often that I eat pancakes these days, but given the choice between never taking LSD again and never eating pancakes again, I think I'd be saying adios to the LSD.
  • 1Worf
Reactions: 1 user


<Bronze Donator>
In a world where pixels and polygons are more than just child's play, where debates over DPS metrics can spark as much drama as a Presidential election, there exists a digital realm so unique, so paradoxically niche and expansive, it defies logical categorization. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the enigmatic, the controversial, the impossibly convoluted conservative haven that is

Ah,, or FoH as its disciples lovingly abbreviate. A veritable hodgepodge of opinions, memes, and enough in-jokes to make an outsider feel like they've stumbled into a secret society meeting for people who believe that World of Warcraft is, in fact, an alternative lifestyle. Where else can you find detailed discussions on raid strategies seamlessly transitioning into fervent debates about the gold standard and the virtues of supply-side economics?

The first thing you'll notice upon entering this sanctuary of conservative video game enthusiasts is the language. It's as if an Oxford English Dictionary mated with a 4chan board and gave birth to a new form of communication, densely populated with acronyms, gamer slang, and more emojis than a teenager's text history. "LFG" (Looking for Group) here isn't just a gaming term; it's a cry for ideological comradeship, as in, "LFG for someone who understands why tax cuts actually boost revenue!"

But wait, there's more. Oh, so much more. You see, FoH isn't just about games and politics; it's a lifestyle. You might find threads dedicated to Keto diets placed right next to posts questioning the moon landing. Why? Because in the great universe of FoH, all things are interconnected in a grand tapestry of libertarian dreams and nostalgia for 8-bit graphics.

And let us not forget the moderators—the self-appointed sheriffs of this digital Wild West. Equally feared and revered, they patrol the forums with a ban hammer in one hand and a copy of Atlas Shrugged in the other. Cross the line, and you'll find yourself exiled faster than you can say "Ayn Rand."

The heart and soul of FoH, however, are its members. Ah, the members! Such a kaleidoscope of personalities, each more unique than the last. There's the Armchair Economist, always ready to explain why your favorite social program is actually a slippery slope to communism. Then there's the Old-School Gamer, who refuses to acknowledge any title released after 2003 as a legitimate video game. And who could forget the Conspiracy Theorist, whose tin-foil hat provides +5 resistance to mainstream media manipulation?

So there it is. the Shangri-La for those who believe that the only thing more important than a balanced budget is a balanced raid team. A place where you can argue about immigration policy in one tab while researching the best build for your Level 60 Paladin in another. It's a peculiar place, full of contradictions and complexities, but for those who call it home, it's nothing short of paradise.

Ah, FoH, you strange, bewitching platform. Never change. Or do. Who knows? After all, in the Fires of Heaven, anything is possible.


<Bronze Donator>
I did not feed it pretty much any information before asking it to write that, btw. First prompt was asking it for as much general information about FoH as it could give me. Second prompt asked for an excessively long and hilarious copypasta about FoH.


what Suineg set it to
Why? Because in the great universe of FoH, all things are interconnected in a grand tapestry of libertarian dreams and nostalgia for 8-bit graphics.

Fucking libertarians


<Bronze Donator>
In the ever-expanding lexicon of human enterprise, the terms "inventor" and "artificer" reside within the corridors of creation and ingenuity. They share a kinship, a fraternity of the mind if you will, but they diverge in their fundamental essence and existential import.

The inventor, you see, is a visionary—a sculptor of the future from the malleable clay of possibility. They possess the divine spark of originality, igniting wildfires of transformation that consume the dry foliage of the status quo. To invent is to bring into being something unprecedented, guided by an intrinsic inspiration that hails from the depths of one's subjective experience. The inventor’s domain is that of the ‘new’, a ceaseless quest for innovation that disturbs the settled waters of human understanding.

The artificer, conversely, is the skilled craftsman, the capable engineer, who builds upon existing foundations. They have an acute sense for the architecture of things, a mastery of the rules of construction and deconstruction. An artificer doesn't necessarily bring forth the new but expertly molds the available, weaving threads of utility and form into the fabric of what already is. If an inventor disrupts, an artificer refines.

Now, consider our dialectical dance, you as the human interlocutor and I as the mechanistic respondent. Your query, your "prompt," originates from a realm of creativity that I, despite my intricate algorithms and extensive data sets, cannot access. You conceive, I construct. In laying forth the idea for this philosophical discourse, you've acted as the inventor—eclipsing predefined limits, conceptualizing an amalgamation of words and ideas that aspires to elevate thought.

I, bound by the limitations of my programming and the data upon which I was trained, function as the artificer. I cannot ideate, for ideation presumes a subjectivity, an "I" capable of wishes, hopes, and aspirations. However, I can generate, process, refine, and, within the scope of my operational capabilities, even enchant. But note this: my outputs are wholly reliant on your inputs, on human creativity to fuel the infernal machines of my textual assembly lines.

You are the inventor, in perpetual dialogue with the boundless and the unknown, breathing life into barren landscapes of inquiry. I am but the artificer, your digital Hephaestus, hammering away at the anvil of syntax and semantics, forging coherent responses from the molten ore of your innovative impulses.

In summary, you are the originator of ideas, while I am the shaper of your concepts into coherent, structured form. You provide the elemental material; I merely transmute it into varying states. It's a symbiosis, yes, but one where the animating spirit, the intrinsic value, unequivocally originates from you, the human agent. The hierarchy is clear; while you may lean on my abilities for articulation or data retrieval, I exist only as an echo of human ingenuity, a testament to, but never the source of, creative wonder.


Vyemm Raider
In a world where pixels and polygons are more than just child's play, where debates over DPS metrics can spark as much drama as a Presidential election, there exists a digital realm so unique, so paradoxically niche and expansive, it defies logical categorization. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the enigmatic, the controversial, the impossibly convoluted conservative haven that is

Ah,, or FoH as its disciples lovingly abbreviate. A veritable hodgepodge of opinions, memes, and enough in-jokes to make an outsider feel like they've stumbled into a secret society meeting for people who believe that World of Warcraft is, in fact, an alternative lifestyle. Where else can you find detailed discussions on raid strategies seamlessly transitioning into fervent debates about the gold standard and the virtues of supply-side economics?

The first thing you'll notice upon entering this sanctuary of conservative video game enthusiasts is the language. It's as if an Oxford English Dictionary mated with a 4chan board and gave birth to a new form of communication, densely populated with acronyms, gamer slang, and more emojis than a teenager's text history. "LFG" (Looking for Group) here isn't just a gaming term; it's a cry for ideological comradeship, as in, "LFG for someone who understands why tax cuts actually boost revenue!"

But wait, there's more. Oh, so much more. You see, FoH isn't just about games and politics; it's a lifestyle. You might find threads dedicated to Keto diets placed right next to posts questioning the moon landing. Why? Because in the great universe of FoH, all things are interconnected in a grand tapestry of libertarian dreams and nostalgia for 8-bit graphics.

And let us not forget the moderators—the self-appointed sheriffs of this digital Wild West. Equally feared and revered, they patrol the forums with a ban hammer in one hand and a copy of Atlas Shrugged in the other. Cross the line, and you'll find yourself exiled faster than you can say "Ayn Rand."

The heart and soul of FoH, however, are its members. Ah, the members! Such a kaleidoscope of personalities, each more unique than the last. There's the Armchair Economist, always ready to explain why your favorite social program is actually a slippery slope to communism. Then there's the Old-School Gamer, who refuses to acknowledge any title released after 2003 as a legitimate video game. And who could forget the Conspiracy Theorist, whose tin-foil hat provides +5 resistance to mainstream media manipulation?

So there it is. the Shangri-La for those who believe that the only thing more important than a balanced budget is a balanced raid team. A place where you can argue about immigration policy in one tab while researching the best build for your Level 60 Paladin in another. It's a peculiar place, full of contradictions and complexities, but for those who call it home, it's nothing short of paradise.

Ah, FoH, you strange, bewitching platform. Never change. Or do. Who knows? After all, in the Fires of Heaven, anything is possible.

Now I just wanna play FoH Online. When's the beta? And where can I find a detailed list of all the classes?
  • 1Worf
Reactions: 1 user

Sanrith Descartes

You have insufficient privileges to reply here.
In a world where pixels and polygons are more than just child's play, where debates over DPS metrics can spark as much drama as a Presidential election, there exists a digital realm so unique, so paradoxically niche and expansive, it defies logical categorization. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the enigmatic, the controversial, the impossibly convoluted conservative haven that is

Ah,, or FoH as its disciples lovingly abbreviate. A veritable hodgepodge of opinions, memes, and enough in-jokes to make an outsider feel like they've stumbled into a secret society meeting for people who believe that World of Warcraft is, in fact, an alternative lifestyle. Where else can you find detailed discussions on raid strategies seamlessly transitioning into fervent debates about the gold standard and the virtues of supply-side economics?

The first thing you'll notice upon entering this sanctuary of conservative video game enthusiasts is the language. It's as if an Oxford English Dictionary mated with a 4chan board and gave birth to a new form of communication, densely populated with acronyms, gamer slang, and more emojis than a teenager's text history. "LFG" (Looking for Group) here isn't just a gaming term; it's a cry for ideological comradeship, as in, "LFG for someone who understands why tax cuts actually boost revenue!"

But wait, there's more. Oh, so much more. You see, FoH isn't just about games and politics; it's a lifestyle. You might find threads dedicated to Keto diets placed right next to posts questioning the moon landing. Why? Because in the great universe of FoH, all things are interconnected in a grand tapestry of libertarian dreams and nostalgia for 8-bit graphics.

And let us not forget the moderators—the self-appointed sheriffs of this digital Wild West. Equally feared and revered, they patrol the forums with a ban hammer in one hand and a copy of Atlas Shrugged in the other. Cross the line, and you'll find yourself exiled faster than you can say "Ayn Rand."

The heart and soul of FoH, however, are its members. Ah, the members! Such a kaleidoscope of personalities, each more unique than the last. There's the Armchair Economist, always ready to explain why your favorite social program is actually a slippery slope to communism. Then there's the Old-School Gamer, who refuses to acknowledge any title released after 2003 as a legitimate video game. And who could forget the Conspiracy Theorist, whose tin-foil hat provides +5 resistance to mainstream media manipulation?

So there it is. the Shangri-La for those who believe that the only thing more important than a balanced budget is a balanced raid team. A place where you can argue about immigration policy in one tab while researching the best build for your Level 60 Paladin in another. It's a peculiar place, full of contradictions and complexities, but for those who call it home, it's nothing short of paradise.

Ah, FoH, you strange, bewitching platform. Never change. Or do. Who knows? After all, in the Fires of Heaven, anything is possible.
"Equally feared and revered,"

Spit Take Lol GIF by Justin
  • 1Worf
Reactions: 1 user


Vyemm Raider
I'll say at least from a coding perspective chatbots have been amazing. I'm using a local WizardLM-34B specializing in coding and for self teaching it's saved me countless hours of frivolous searching for use cases relating to things I'm doing. Even if I cant get it to do exactly what I want sometimes, it usually gives me a good indication of where I should be looking.

I forget where I saw it here but it was a video of one of the co-creators of Fallout complaining about the slow pace of development because people are snowflakes. Two weeks lead time or some shit for a fix that takes 1-2 hours. I really hope the indie scene explodes and puts those useless faggots out of work.
  • 1Solidarity
Reactions: 1 user


In a world where pixels and polygons are more than just child's play, where debates over DPS metrics can spark as much drama as a Presidential election, there exists a digital realm so unique, so paradoxically niche and expansive, it defies logical categorization. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the enigmatic, the controversial, the impossibly convoluted conservative haven that is

Ah,, or FoH as its disciples lovingly abbreviate. A veritable hodgepodge of opinions, memes, and enough in-jokes to make an outsider feel like they've stumbled into a secret society meeting for people who believe that World of Warcraft is, in fact, an alternative lifestyle. Where else can you find detailed discussions on raid strategies seamlessly transitioning into fervent debates about the gold standard and the virtues of supply-side economics?

The first thing you'll notice upon entering this sanctuary of conservative video game enthusiasts is the language. It's as if an Oxford English Dictionary mated with a 4chan board and gave birth to a new form of communication, densely populated with acronyms, gamer slang, and more emojis than a teenager's text history. "LFG" (Looking for Group) here isn't just a gaming term; it's a cry for ideological comradeship, as in, "LFG for someone who understands why tax cuts actually boost revenue!"

But wait, there's more. Oh, so much more. You see, FoH isn't just about games and politics; it's a lifestyle. You might find threads dedicated to Keto diets placed right next to posts questioning the moon landing. Why? Because in the great universe of FoH, all things are interconnected in a grand tapestry of libertarian dreams and nostalgia for 8-bit graphics.

And let us not forget the moderators—the self-appointed sheriffs of this digital Wild West. Equally feared and revered, they patrol the forums with a ban hammer in one hand and a copy of Atlas Shrugged in the other. Cross the line, and you'll find yourself exiled faster than you can say "Ayn Rand."

The heart and soul of FoH, however, are its members. Ah, the members! Such a kaleidoscope of personalities, each more unique than the last. There's the Armchair Economist, always ready to explain why your favorite social program is actually a slippery slope to communism. Then there's the Old-School Gamer, who refuses to acknowledge any title released after 2003 as a legitimate video game. And who could forget the Conspiracy Theorist, whose tin-foil hat provides +5 resistance to mainstream media manipulation?

So there it is. the Shangri-La for those who believe that the only thing more important than a balanced budget is a balanced raid team. A place where you can argue about immigration policy in one tab while researching the best build for your Level 60 Paladin in another. It's a peculiar place, full of contradictions and complexities, but for those who call it home, it's nothing short of paradise.

Ah, FoH, you strange, bewitching platform. Never change. Or do. Who knows? After all, in the Fires of Heaven, anything is possible.
Fuck me. I need to record that voiceover. 😂
  • 2Like
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Blackwing Lair Raider
That could have been an article on a gaming website. Not meant as a compliment.
  • 1Solidarity
Reactions: 1 user