County Basketball League Lulz


<Gold Donor>
So, I joined a basketball league with a few buddies of mine a few weeks ago. There were initially supposed to be two leagues: A League, for the ballers, and B League for the kids like me that grew up playing real team sports. Zing! Actually, I'm just butthurt that I never played basketball growing up, so all I can do is drive to the basket :'( Anyways, apparently there weren't enough teams and they had to merge the two leagues, so what was originally going to be a chill couple of months of basketball has turned into NBA level madness.

So, to my point. I'm in the gym on Sunday and see David Pollack, ESPN's college football analyst, walk in the door all geared up to play. I look over to my buddy and I'm like, " that David Pollack?" and as he looks up from tying his shoes he goes, "Nah man, it's probably just someone that...holy...what...dude, that's David Pollack!" Admittedly, I was unexpectedly starstruck... His team also had three equally giant former college basketball players and two shooters that probably shot 90% that game. It was brutal.

The final score ended up being 90 - 44 over the course of two 20 minute halves. O_O


For those of you unfamiliar with Pollack, he was a three time All-American DE that played for the University of Georgia, signed a $40m contract to play in the NFL, but hurt his neck/back? and now hosts a segment on ESPN for college football.


<Gold Donor>
Word on the street is that there's another team with two former UGA Alum/NFL draftees, so I'm sure more lulz will ensue. Best idea ever, slowly becomes worst idea ever.


Bronze Squire
My dad use to play in a "chill" league with a bunch of other short old men. But there was one team made up of the fresh-out-of-college basketball players who just wanted to run the table on everyone. My dads team (one of the worst in the league) decided to just leave one guy at the other end of the court to play goalie defense against them. Nearly won and many lulz were had.