Creed (Rocky 7)


Surprised there was no thread on this, Unless I missed it in the search.

Just got back from seeing it and I thought it was fantastic. Very very well choreographed and directed to the point where I think it may win some awards.

Michael B Jordan was great in it and they really played to Stallone's age in the movie and thankfully he doesn't box or do anything physical.

I can see this movie spawning more sequels and eventually not even needing "Rocky" in it.

They really grasped the 2015 climate of boxing right down to the movie having the HBO timer in the bottom right corner for a lot of the match. They do the 24/7 stuff as well.

From an "actual" dramatic movie I'd put it second to the first Rocky. It's got like 95% on Rotten Tomatos as well.

I just hope in like 2021 in Creed IV he fights some ISIS boxer in Syria and at the end his courage cools relationships between the US and the Arab world.



<Prior Amod>
Movie was great.

1. Rocky 1
2. Rocky 4
3: Creed
4. Rocky 2
5. Balboa
6. Rocky 3
7. Rocky that shall not be named.

(5th and 6th could easily be swapped...I love all of them except the one that shant be named)


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I thought this movie was awesome, but Tuco, you are insane if you pick Rocky 4 over 2.

1. Rocky 1.
2. Rocky 2.
3. Creed
4. Balboa
5. Rocky 4
6. Rocky 3
7. Rocky 5.

Any movie without Conti behind the Maestro gets knocked automatically.