Dredd 2 (2024 Confirmed!)


Avatar of War Slayer
The quality of Dredd was in it's simplicity and a lot of small details. The interaction between Dredd and the cadet was simple but sweet. I enjoyed some of the ways they showed the power of the cadet's psychic abilities. The slo mo effects between what it did to the environment and how damage looked were incredible. It was done so well that people watching the movie might could understand why a character would want to try the drug. The outright blunt violence was refreshing. So many actions movies consider red liquid to be taboo and thus all characters have only a couple of ounces of blood in them. Dredd even got shot. The hero was shot and severely hurt.

It was a culmination of a lot of small elements that made the movie well worth watching. My only concern would be the attempt at doing it again with a sequel, but I am all for them trying.
That was a great scene, he saw the shots through the wall... he could have spun and avoided a few shots and had the other judge just come around the corner and most likely blow him away- he knew where he would get shot and it would not instantly kill him, he took a breath and bore it the best he could to buy himself some more time for Anderson to get there.

Random note on Anderson, her tits where much bigger than expected, the uniform did a good job at de-sexualizing her (as most uniforms etc are meant to do- create a standard base)

I am glad they didn't make the slo-mo drug used for fighting or whatever to make people super matrix people- it slowed the brain to 1% that includes reaction time etc etc


It was the perfect Keep It Simple Stupid movie. Quick world description and then let the actions of the characters in the situation explain the characters. Telling you the story using the medium rather than the crutch of exposition. I have shown this film to women who hate action movies (and sci-fi to boot) and they thought it was 'fucking awesome'.
It's just a very well done MOVIE.


<Bronze Donator>
Binkles sounds like some twat hipster who took a single film class. Learn to context bro.


Vyemm Raider
It just never gets old how some people always seem to want so damned much from a fuckingaction moviebased on acomic book. Damned movie was never intended to be some epic adventure that changed your fucking worldview. Dredd himself summed it up best:

Chief Judge: So what happened in there?

Judge Dredd: Drug bust.

Chief Judge: Look like you've been through it.

Judge Dredd: Perps were uncooperative.

Beef Supreme_sl

It just never gets old how some people always seem to want so damned much from a fuckingaction moviebased on acomic book. Damned movie was never intended to be some epic adventure that changed your fucking worldview. Dredd himself summed it up best:

Chief Judge: So what happened in there?

Judge Dredd: Drug bust.

Chief Judge: Look like you've been through it.

Judge Dredd: Perps were uncooperative.
No shit.

Awesome movie is awesome.


Molten Core Raider

2000 AD steps up Dredd sequel campaign

Though not a success at the box office, Pete Travis' gritty comic book adaptation Dredd went on to become a triumph with its DVD release in early 2013.

Fans have long called for a sequel, as has star Karl Urban, and now 2000 AD has thrown its support behind the idea.

After launching an official petition in July this year, the title has announced a 'Day of Action' on Wednesday 18 September, the anniversary of the film's release, asking fans to buy Dredd merchandise for the cause.

"We've already made the moneymen who could get behind a sequel sit up and take notice by consistently keeping the DVD and Blu-Ray in the charts on Amazon and now on Netflix," reads the press release.

"We're asking everyone who's signed the petition to come together next Wednesday and drive DREDD back up the charts - if everyone who's signed the petition bought an extra DVD or Blu-Ray (either for themselves or as a present for a friend) or rented/bought it on iTunes and Netflix it will send the loudest signal yet that WE WANT MORE DREDD!

"So spread the word that on Wednesday 18th September, you're going to bring DREDD back into the public eye!"

Urban himself told fans to keep voicing their desire for a sequel at Comic-Con in July.

?It's certainly my hope that we get to make more? clearly it has found an audience,? he said.

?I think the more people that campaign for it, the more people that email, Twitter and write into Lionsgate and say 'We want to see more of this', then the more likelihood is that we'll get to see that.

?We certainly are doing everything we can to ensure that happens.?
Facebook - Make a DREDD Sequel



Trump's Staff
It's a shame really, Dredd is an excellent template for an exciting and interesting action movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it.


Trump's Staff
Does Dredd remind anyone else of the old-school Diehard movies?
Very much. Generally speaking framing action movies as character driven and with otherwise simple plots allows you invest emotionally in the outcomes of those characters. This emotional investment is key to building tension and impact. Both movies are excellent examples of this phenomena in action.


Vyemm Raider
I got a real Robocop vibe from it, except darker and grittier, which is saying a lot. It didn't get real campy, or have annoying, over emotional characters that made you wish the movie was 20 minutes long and ended in a fiery death for all involved. The main villain was brutal, driven and really tried everything she could to stop the protagonists. I hate stupid villains.

Lots of good details during the combat sequences kept them engaging, rather than just turning into exploding orgies of fire and death, although there was a fair share of those too.

Did a good job of conveying the sense that the Judges are just completely overwhelmed by the population issue and are losing the fight in the long run. Good movie, would definitely recommend to anyone who likes good, bloody, action flicks.


I think sadly most people associate that title with the 2005 remake, instead of the really really really good one.


Millie's Staff Member
well thats a damned shame. the morpheus version was a piece of shit and people should know its a bad remake of a superior original film. that movie launched john carpernter's career though of course he made it really big with halloween.


<Gold Donor>
So I saw all 3 this weekend...
The Road
Solomon Kane

I liked them all but the best IMO was Solomon Kane. Followed closely by Dread The road was too dark for my liking.


privileged excrementlord
What's Dread about?