Ghostbusters : Afterlife


Millie's Staff Member
The sound you are hearing is that of my semi-woody deflating. They just keep on adding possible ways to fuck it up at this point.
GB 1 was lightning in a bottle.
GB 2 was a watchable flick with some gems and i will still watch it if i catch it on tv.
The 2016 abortion that shall not be named had the same feeling as someone taking a toy your favorite uncle or grandpa gave you , smashing it with a hammer, sticking the pieces in a bag with dog shit in it and then regifting it to you on the death anniversary of that uncle/grandpa.
i dont understand how you announce a sequel. produce a teaser for it and not even bother to contact the people who are supposed to be in it.
  • 2Worf
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Ghostbusters 2 had some gems:

"Johnny, where the hell are you from anyway?"
"The upper vest side..."
“Now don’t put any of those old cheap moves on me.”
“Oh no, I have all new cheap moves.”
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Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
Chris Hemsworth was the funniest part of GB:ATC. Imagine that, it took a man to make any part of that movie funny.

Also, I don't get the reaction from Leslie and Paul. Ghostbusters was already done, twice, with all male casts and they performed far fucking better. Why is it only now that we can't make any more movies with male casts and that their success would somehow be tainted? That argument makes no fucking sense.


Millie's Staff Member
Chris Hemsworth was the funniest part of GB:ATC. Imagine that, it took a man to make any part of that movie funny.

Also, I don't get the reaction from Leslie and Paul. Ghostbusters was already done, twice, with all male casts and they performed far fucking better. Why is it only now that we can't make any more movies with male casts and that their success would somehow be tainted? That argument makes no fucking sense.
it makes even less sense since it was THEY who decided ATC was to be a reboot, completely nullifying any chance it would be considered canon. they could have had the exact same horrible movie if they had just included the original characters and acknowledged that NYC had been in trouble once before and since the old GB team retired, they needed a new crew to do the job. cue the Wokebusters. boom. next movie whomever could have been in it.
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<Charitable Administrator>

Title: Ghostbusters III

Genre: Science Fiction, Comedy

Director: Jason Reitman

Release: 2020-07-10

Plot: A third entry in the original "Ghostbusters" series, focusing on four teenagers: two boys and two girls. Plot unknown.



Millie's Staff Member

Title: Ghostbusters III

Genre: Science Fiction, Comedy

Director: Jason Reitman

Release: 2020-07-10

Plot: A third entry in the original "Ghostbusters" series, focusing on four teenagers: two boys and two girls. Plot unknown.

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Millie's Staff Member
it Could be ok...not holding out hope but...Maybe.
its going to be Stranger Things comedy clone using the Ghostbusters IP. its not going to be a true sequel just because dan akroyd has a small cameo appearance as the guy who owns the ecto1. you can hold out hope if you like, i'm also beginning to think this movie was never actually greenlit, but they only produced that teaser as a trial balloon to see if people were still interested in ghostbusters. they hoodwinked people into thinking it was going to be original cast by saying it was to be a sequel. when this IP leaves fucking Sony i will get excited for a new movie. for now its destined to be a failure.
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I'll be voting against their betrayal with my wallet, again.
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It's going to flop, and they won't be able to blame it on misogyny this time, so...

Coming to a narrative near you: How aging white men on the internet hate teen characters due to their increasing irrelevance in life in the face of the new generation.


Log Wizard
So...wait. They announced the sequel without signing any of the original cast?

What the fuck were they thinking?


Tranny Chaser
So...wait. They announced the sequel without signing any of the original cast?

What the fuck were they thinking?

I'm sure they had Dan the Man from the word go. He's got writer/creator credits from the original so he gets a check if anyone goes to make another film. He's been beating the drum for more Ghostbusters movies forever. You probably also can figure that Ernie Hudson isn't going to be any kind of holdout. You don't even bother with Bill Murray outside of polite formalities (hey want to do this no ok thank you) and Ramis is dead.

Nostalgia reboot ahoy!


Millie's Staff Member
I'm sure they had Dan the Man from the word go. He's got writer/creator credits from the original so he gets a check if anyone goes to make another film. He's been beating the drum for more Ghostbusters movies forever. You probably also can figure that Ernie Hudson isn't going to be any kind of holdout. You don't even bother with Bill Murray outside of polite formalities (hey want to do this no ok thank you) and Ramis is dead.

Nostalgia reboot ahoy!
Ghostbusters 3: Ernie Hudson Hasn't Been Contacted Yet
  • 1Worf
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I'm sure they had Dan the Man from the word go. He's got writer/creator credits from the original so he gets a check if anyone goes to make another film. He's been beating the drum for more Ghostbusters movies forever. You probably also can figure that Ernie Hudson isn't going to be any kind of holdout. You don't even bother with Bill Murray outside of polite formalities (hey want to do this no ok thank you) and Ramis is dead.

Nostalgia reboot ahoy!

Having Aykroyd might be a bad thing too. He's batshit insane and it was a miracle that his ideas were filtered enough that the first movie turned out as amazing as it was. If they can't manage to contain him again then it's a potential disaster in the making.


Musty Nester
Rlm said his first draft of Ghostbusters was hundreds of pages. Lol.

Dan wrote a book, not a movie.

Akroyd is weird. All of the other ones from snl were either stand ups or improve troupes. Dan just kinda wandered down from Canada and said what's all this aboot then, eh?