I need to interview a net admin and/or an Actuary.


Molten Core Raider
Hello everyone, I am in need of a few people that would be willing to answer some interview questions for me. I'm doing this for a college program if anyone would be so kind as to take a little time for me. More than one response would be great for this. If you are not comfortable posting your personal info on the thread pls PM your responses.

I'm either looking at actuarial science which is a heavy math/econ degree. Unfortunately it will be harder to get it paid for since it's such a small job market, evn though it has less than 1% unemployment. The other option is a comp sci degree(net admin/security) which I'm expecting is better than just going to a tech school and getting a ccna/ccnp but if I'm wrong pls let me know.

Your name+Company Name + phone number.
-What exactly do you do?
-What do you like about your job?
-What don't you like?
-What are the physical and mental stresses in the job?
-What kind of person does well in this job?
-What are some values/attitudes needed for the job?
-What is the work environment like?
-What are the typical hours?
-What are the qualification reqs?
-Is there a career path and what does it lead to?
-What is the best way to get into this Job?


Molten Core Raider
Please someone! I need to get this done for Voc Rehab to progress. Unfortunately it's pretty pointless to just call a company that does this since none of them want to do interviews heh. I'm begging!