If you voted for Erronius, pls go change your vote

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Tanoomba should have to take his Seroquel before posting.
You ask me a question, I engage you, and then you talk about me in the third person like I'm not right here.

No wonder you're so popular.
  • 1Jew
  • 1Like
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Queen Bee
You ask me a question, I engage you, and then you talk about me in the third person like I'm not right here.

No wonder you're so popular.

I'm sorry Tanoomba, I think you're mad (as in angry/having a psychotic episode) because you're mad posting. Don't think I've ever seen someone rage type 8 long messages back to back. And then do it again in another thread. And then another.

You ruined big p's thread. You're definitely not going to be winner of the sandal. It was a nice sandal too.
  • 1Jew
Reactions: 1 user


I'm sorry Tanoomba, I think you're mad (as in angry/having a psychotic episode) because you're mad posting. Don't think I've ever seen someone rage type 8 long messages back to back. And then do it again in another thread. And then another.

You ruined big p's thread. You're definitely not going to be winner of the sandal. It was a nice sandal too.
Well, putting aside that there's nothing "angry" in any of my posts and that much of your description of my behavior is flat-out wrong...

- I was punished, arbitrarily and excessively, despite not breaking any rules.
- In fact, I have never been given a reason for this punishment. I still don't know what I allegedly did wrong.
- I wasn't given a warning, I was immediately RRPed (according to our rules, this isn't supposed to happen).
- The place I like to post when I'm RRPed was locked do to pettiness on the admin's part.
- The mods voted in favor of mod power abuse when they had a chance to correct a mistake.
- I was threatened with an extension of my RRP for tagging mods (textbook power-tripping).
- I was threatened with an extension of my RRP for making "off-topic" posts in the Rickshaw (which Mario later admitted to be kidding about, but I couldn't take that as a given at the time).
- I was, briefly, put on the "discouraged" list, presumably for lulz.
- The rest of the board, which was initially visible but I couldn't post in, was cut off completely.
- Despite the fact that I have been effectively neutralized since my RRP and the community is safe from me, the mods and admin have seen fit to do nothing but keep fucking around with me anyway.
- Many of these actions were taken because it was perceived that I wasn't "suffering" enough.
- Basically, the mods and admin are using me as their punching bag, throwing any sense of fairness, reason or responsibility out the window, because they're petty assholes who love to power trip and see me as an acceptable target. The irony that this is occurring after the actions of the Rerolled mods were so heavily criticized is apparently lost on them.
- The precedent has been set so that, despite us voting on our rules (which were based on our own suggestions), and despite everyone demanding LESS moderation and GREATER freedom, mods can and will RRP anyone at any time for any reason. The community is somehow OK with this.

So no, dear, I'm not "angry". Disappointed? Disgusted? Surprised? Sure. But not angry.
  • 1Jew
Reactions: 1 user

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
Well, putting aside that there's nothing "angry" in any of my posts and that much of your description of my behavior is flat-out wrong...

- I was punished, arbitrarily and excessively, despite not breaking any rules.
- In fact, I have never been given a reason for this punishment. I still don't know what I allegedly did wrong.
- I wasn't given a warning, I was immediately RRPed (according to our rules, this isn't supposed to happen).
- The place I like to post when I'm RRPed was locked do to pettiness on the admin's part.
- The mods voted in favor of mod power abuse when they had a chance to correct a mistake.
- I was threatened with an extension of my RRP for tagging mods (textbook power-tripping).
- I was threatened with an extension of my RRP for making "off-topic" posts in the Rickshaw (which Mario later admitted to be kidding about, but I couldn't take that as a given at the time).
- I was, briefly, put on the "discouraged" list, presumably for lulz.
- The rest of the board, which was initially visible but I couldn't post in, was cut off completely.
- Despite the fact that I have been effectively neutralized since my RRP and the community is safe from me, the mods and admin have seen fit to do nothing but keep fucking around with me anyway.
- Many of these actions were taken because it was perceived that I wasn't "suffering" enough.
- Basically, the mods and admin are using me as their punching bag, throwing any sense of fairness, reason or responsibility out the window, because they're petty assholes who love to power trip and see me as an acceptable target. The irony that this is occurring after the actions of the Rerolled mods were so heavily criticized is apparently lost on them.
- The precedent has been set so that, despite us voting on our rules (which were based on our own suggestions), and despite everyone demanding LESS moderation and GREATER freedom, mods can and will RRP anyone at any time for any reason. The community is somehow OK with this.

So no, dear, I'm not "angry". Disappointed? Disgusted? Surprised? Sure. But not angry.
I didn't read this post. Just want to point out that this board offers bulleted and numbered list formatting. Please utilize them in the future so that your shitposts look less like actual shit.
  • 3Ice Burn
  • 1Jew
Reactions: 3 users


Well so it does! Thanks for the heads up.
  • 1Jew
Reactions: 1 user


I'm sorry, Tex, I can't pay any attention to you right now. I've got a whole board to catch up on.
  • 1Jew
Reactions: 1 user


Tranny Chaser
Well, putting aside that there's nothing "angry" in any of my posts and that much of your description of my behavior is flat-out wrong...

- I was punished, arbitrarily and excessively, despite not breaking any rules.
- In fact, I have never been given a reason for this punishment. I still don't know what I allegedly did wrong.
- I wasn't given a warning, I was immediately RRPed (according to our rules, this isn't supposed to happen).
- The place I like to post when I'm RRPed was locked do to pettiness on the admin's part.
- The mods voted in favor of mod power abuse when they had a chance to correct a mistake.
- I was threatened with an extension of my RRP for tagging mods (textbook power-tripping).
- I was threatened with an extension of my RRP for making "off-topic" posts in the Rickshaw (which Mario later admitted to be kidding about, but I couldn't take that as a given at the time).
- I was, briefly, put on the "discouraged" list, presumably for lulz.
- The rest of the board, which was initially visible but I couldn't post in, was cut off completely.
- Despite the fact that I have been effectively neutralized since my RRP and the community is safe from me, the mods and admin have seen fit to do nothing but keep fucking around with me anyway.
- Many of these actions were taken because it was perceived that I wasn't "suffering" enough.
- Basically, the mods and admin are using me as their punching bag, throwing any sense of fairness, reason or responsibility out the window, because they're petty assholes who love to power trip and see me as an acceptable target. The irony that this is occurring after the actions of the Rerolled mods were so heavily criticized is apparently lost on them.
- The precedent has been set so that, despite us voting on our rules (which were based on our own suggestions), and despite everyone demanding LESS moderation and GREATER freedom, mods can and will RRP anyone at any time for any reason. The community is somehow OK with this.

So no, dear, I'm not "angry". Disappointed? Disgusted? Surprised? Sure. But not angry.
That's nice. I was discouraged and banned twice before the rules or amod was even in place. Just chill, Tanoomba. Mkay?
  • 1Jew
Reactions: 1 user


(Posting this here in an attempt to divert some of @jihodj's shitposting out of the mainstream.)

Hodj said:
Every position he has ever taken here has been solely to create a situation where he is the center of attention and the entire conversation devolves into an argument with him over some stupid claim he's made that he refuses to budge on, like the Moon Landing was fake, or his failure to understand Poe's law.
I never made the claim the moon landing was fake, let alone refuse to budge on it. And I've always understood Poe's Law. I was willing to admit I was wrong in order to keep the peace, but you insisted after the fact that I was right all along, so it's extra hypocritical for you to use that as an example of me "refusing to budge".

How can anybody take your incessant bitching and whining (which you spread into every possible thread) seriously when you can't even get the most basic facts straight? Clearly you're overly emotional about this and it's messing with your ability to think rationally.

I've already been targeted and punished far beyond the scope of anything described in the rules. I'm not "getting away with" anything, dude. You can keep poisoning the well all you want, but right know it's making you look worse than me. It's also going to make it really awkward when we have to work together as mods after the next election. So chill the fuck out a bit. Why don't you wait until there's an actual problem before going full "sky is falling" mode?
  • 1Triggered
  • 1Jew
Reactions: 1 users


Blazin said:
I'll see if I can be helpful instead
Tanoomba Tanoomba please stop
@Blazin I've already stopped, dude. The "problem" has been solved. Hodj is just sperging for the sake of sperging now.

I would have responded in the same thread you posted in, but I have been denied the privilege of posting in the Ask Amod thread (among a few others.)
  • 1Jew
  • 1Ice Burn
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