Infinitode 2 - Infinite Tower Defense


A nice asshole.
Game appears to suffers from ALL THE MECHANICS thrown at you from the start to be insanely overwhelming, but the main "story" slowly builds you up to learn everything. The research part of the game you will love or hate but took me about couple hours over the course of a few days to understand WTF I was looking at or doing. It had a bunch of time lock/pay currency mobile app bullshit progression stuff all through testing but that is all gone now which is why I am recommending it for PC or mobile. You need to mine nodes on the map for research but you also have razor edge margins to protect your base, it is a delicate balance but ASAP is always a good idea because you can never "beat" a map they just keep getting harder until you lose.

TLDR: Great TD game with a fuck ton of mechanics and options to understand, not for casual TD fans, not even close.

Oh and the music is fantastic, they add new songs regularly and up to like 90+ tracks.