Kenshi - A Sandbox RPG


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I figured it out once I learned you could rename it, lol.

And infinite wingwang is the only character you can get with a real personality. He also starts off as a midrange level rather than the low and very low levels the rest are. You can rename your party members too and he's the only person I didn't rename.

I also switched to nodachi's from the fragment axes. I'm not sure if it's a mistake or not but I'm definitely doing worse for now. Basically the hitting of multiple people with the fragment axes wasn't as big of an effect as I thought it'd be and leveling strength really slows down at around 50, which is still pretty far from where it would need to be to get to lightweight/no weight encumberance.

The problem is that with a fragment axe I was easily doing 100 damage with every swing which means that if I hit the head/stomach/chest it was a KO. With the nodachi I'm doing anywhere from 24-70dmg a swing but am swinging like 3x faster. This means I might do the more DPS but I need to hit a specific body part 2 or 3 times to get a KO.

In other words in the first hit the fragment axe has a 3/8 chance to KO the enemy and the nodachi has a 0% chance. In the second swing the fragment axe still has a 3/8 chance to KO the enemy but the nodachi would have a... 3/64 chance to KO the enemy and it increases pretty good from there. Put another way it seems like half the enemies die from getting their stomach/head/chest below 0 and half of them die from simply bleeding.

However I think once I level up my guys enough to get one hit KOs the nodachi will be far superior so I'm sticking with that. I'm having trouble getting my player made divisions to randomly spawn so until I figure that out there's not much I can do with the game. Playing it makes me want to play Mount and Blade though, so you can see what fun things I'm up to in that thread. I'll come back to Kenshi in the next update probably.


<Silver Donator>
I check in on this game every now and then because it seemed like RR was having fun playing it but I have not made the purchase yet.

I find myself being disappointed with about 50% of my Steam purchases these days.


Molten Core Raider
Tried this out a year ago when everyone was talking about it. Did not like it at all. Boy, is it rough around the edges(or at least it was a year ago). It felt more like fiddling with a game-creation tool set, rather than playing an actual game


Registered Hutt
Yea, it's headed toward something I'm really into, but it's far away from getting there. Considering the size of the project, I doubt it will ever quite manage it. Still, I've enjoyed M&B a ton, and it has that same poor man / shit graphics / unique feature-set appeal. Perhaps this will eventually be a rich enough experience for more people to dig it.


Registered Hutt
Game has females in it? I'm not familiar with the details. Doesn't seem like very much has happened.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Tuco is falling down on the job on updating us on the current state of the game.

Give Tuco negs to offset this injustice.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I played it again about two months ago, almost nothing had changed, lol.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The next stable update looks like it's going to be a good one. Since the last stable update they've implemented a lot of stuff into the experimental build. Including squad management (plus they've upped the max number of player characters up to 50 from 20), roaming animals and nests, large monsters, npc interaction, and a UI overhaul.


Registered Hutt
nice nice. hah, I was gonna say "they should overhaul that website", but they did. I'm not sure this is an improvement, but it's something. The new UI still looks like crap to me, but it's not really a big deal either way. Looking forward to them adding some fauna.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Oh man 50 people is way too many unless they massively increased the mob spawn size and subsequently improved the engine.

I don't know if I posted SS in this thread, but I added spawns of 100+ dudes running around and would waste them with my 20 killers. The engine would start to choke because there'd be thousands of corpses around and each corpse would continue to run its rendering and ragdoll physics routine for miles.


Registered Hutt
Yea, the engine needs to be improved in every way I can think of.

Also, if they're going to give me 50 people to work with I need ways to categorize them and give them some kind of AI captain that tells them to bunker up or switch roles if a threat approaches my base. I don't want to personally micromanage every single dude in every situation. I'm not going to have my 50 all together all the time. That's too many dudes for any one task.

That's one of the issues I have with Mount and Blade as well. The mods give me a bit more power for organization, but it's all still insufficient. In M&B I want to designate a cavalry captain, and have him flanking and handling opposing cavalry while I control my infantry and archers/slingers. Since cavalry is without a doubt the single most effective tool on the battlefield in most situations, I'm forced to always personally lead them while giving rudimentary orders to the bulk of my force to act as bait to set up my cavalry charges perfectly.

In M&B I can bring 1000s of guys to a battle, though I usually limited my battles down to around 200 of mine at a time and fight in stages. I can not delegate any of the commands. All the mods did was give me strong formation commands so I can position certain types of troops quickly. I want to delegate in Kenshi. 20 was already a lot when tasks rarely require more than 3 guys unless you're just rolling around killing shit together.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
It'll always be consistently difficult to time and control your M&B guys well because it takes so much time for a line of 30+ horses to line up together and then charge and because the timing is so critical. It could take 2 minutes for your horses to get into position, but if they hit the enemy line 10 seconds too soon they'll get chewed up by the archers that your infantry is supposed to distract.

However, with grouping and map commands you can do what you specified, you just can't do it automatically and have to tell them where to go each time.

But besides that unless you're playing a mod where they really penalize cavalry, any spot not taken by cavalry is a bit of a waste on an open battlefield. If you're training your dudes it's one thing, but if you've got 100 slots open the most powerful force will be 100 dudes on horses.


Registered Hutt
It'd be cool if Kenshi at least got the kind of formations and roles you have in M&B. That'd be some spectacular progress in the fighting aspect of the game, but my interest still lies in base building more than fighting.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Well in Kenshi you can shift click a job and that character will do that job until enemies get in range then they'll attack the enemies until they're dead/unconcious then go back to their specified task.

Plus with the squad management feature I've been splitting my guys into combat and non combat groups. So I have combat groups littered around the workers, and the workers set to non-combat. It helps a lot early on as your workers tend not to get injured so your infrastructure keeps ticking over while your combat groups take turns getting beaten up/healed.

I agree it would be nice to have more commands like guard, patrol etc.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Kenshi at its core will probably never support group tactics the way that M&B does. The group combat is more of a... wrapper around a dice roll than anything. I say this because as you guys have seen, two groups will basically choose their targets as evenly possible and engage in a sort of dance with each other until they die. In M&B you can squeeze the enemy in a choke-point and then maximize the number of your fighters that are engaged while minimizing the number of the enemy's fighters.

When I was having my twenty dudes engage 200 at a time, it was just a matter of trying to split the enemy group up to engage evenly so half my dudes didn't run through 100 of the enemy to get to their pairings, meanwhile getting hit by everyone that's fighting.


I bought this game because of this thread so I feel obligated, this week they released a new version. Its in a new part of the world map (mostly the holy rollers area) and lots of new features, biggest to the player probably hunger. Its still Kenshi but it feels like a new game, worth checking out.

Here is the change log.

Beta Update 0.90 Released
NEW WORLD (0.90.0)
Due to the sheer size of the new map the first release will be restricted to a certain area only. This area will gradually expand with more updates, but the main focus now is going to be on stability and polish.

This first build will be full of bugs and instability, please send us crashdumps and bug reports so we can fix it up ASAP.

The update is only available on the "Experimental" branch at the moment, because I'm unsure of it's stability. (you have to right-click on Kenshi in your Steam games list -> properties -> betas tab -> then choose "experimental")


Entirely new world map. More detailed and polished, new factions, new content, things to explore. Its' like Kenshi 2. Crazy. I should have called it Kenshi 2 and charged for it again, but I didn't. Damn.
Entirely revamped research tech-tree, new technologies and balance. Research is faster, but has a cost in items or artifacts.
Totally new buildings. Multiple floors, and you can mount turrets on the rooftops.
New power system. Generators require fuel, wind power fluctuates with the wind strength, batteries compensate for fluctuations. Fuel can be made from crops.
Revamped farming system and different crops.
New animals, and new races with own strengths and weaknesses.
There's water now. Rivers to cross and oceans to drown in.
Camping- You can build easy camp beds and fires for survival when travelling
Things and places to find. Bandit bases, old labs, ruins.


Hunger is now a thing. You can die of starvation although it takes a long time. Your characters appearance reflects their state of physical strength or malnutrition.
Buildings are now made with multiple materials. Machinery requires iron and sometimes copper.
Thievery is improved, buildings have things to steal, guards are more alert.
Leather crafting now requires you to hunt for animal skins
Nice new zoomable world map window. It's so nice.
Your stats are now affected by injuries and malnutrition.
Certain animals might now eat your crops, your dead bodies, and sometimes even your unconscious bodies.
NPCs use the stuff in their homes, guards train, people sit etc
Guards in buildings and shops now descreetly sort of follow you about, keeping an eye on you
Fixed getting busted for stealing from accidental clicks. You can look inside unlocked containers, and lock picking has to be chosen through the right-click menu.
Reduced labour/engineering speed penalty at level 1 from 0.25x to 0.5x. This will speed things up slightly at the lower levels when starting out
Stealth skill is easier to train in non-hostile environments.
Increased trade profitability by 50%, this combined with thievery should provide decent alternatives to looting as a profession in the early game stage.
Characters with a turret job will automatically use whichever turret has enemies in its line of fire.
New long-distance move command, so you can click on distant terrain and your characters will run there
Tons of bugfixes.


-New fancy shadow system, looks nicer and more importantly runs faster.
New terrain engine. Runs faster, looks nicer and shows more detail for distant mountains
Long-range pathfinding system. You can click on any visible distant mountain and your characters will find their way there, following roads.
A lot of fundamental engine optimisations have been done, this may temporarily cause new bugs, but hopefully speed things up
Bit of an overhaul to the animation system, runs faster and combat animation should be a little smoother and have more functionality
Overhauled with a new PBR & HDR global lighting system, should make a great improvement to the visual quality
-(Credit for this goes to Linda MacGill and Igor Frolov of Bug Zen!)


Currently only runs in DirectX11 mode, DirectX9 mode will be fixed later
No more 32-bit support, the game's memory requirements are too high
Not sure how it runs/looks on ATI and non-nVidia graphics cards.