Lord of the Rings Online


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
It has a small, but dedicated following. It's the sort of game you'll either love or hate. It's very lore friendly (at least up to Mordor or so, they go a bit libtard with the quests after that, or so I heard). Visually, the game is exceptionally good (for it's age), and it's HUUUUGE. Ad on a good post processing shader and you can make it look amazing. If you like the lore, give it a try up to lvl 20 or so, if it doesn't grab you by then, then quit cos it won't grab you after it.

Also, this is one of the few MMOs where you do NOT want to zerg to max lvl, it's the journey that counts (probably no wonder since it's a game about a damn journey). Probably one of the few games that benefit from the mode where you can turn off XP gain so you don't outlevel too fast.
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SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Lore-master is a great class choice if you want to play solo and really explore as you level. All the epic questlines are soloable, but there are still many group-only areas in leveling zones with interesting quests and fun to explore. Going with a pet build will let you easily clear through those areas by yourself.
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Watcher of Overs
Furious hobbitry! The downtime has begun.

I wonder if they will just randomly bring it up in the next few hours or stick to a specific time.


Watcher of Overs
Looks like they are "closed". So there's Treebeard and Shadowfax. Which one is fast and which one is... oh wait I get it.


Trump's Staff
I got bored last go, made it to 50-something on a Guardian. MMO's just aren't for me anymore.
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Watcher of Overs
Enjoyed it the first day on Treebeard. The difficulty settings make it fun. Deadly is about like Everquest level I'd say. Solo 1v1 is doable but risky and you really need to blow all your cooldowns. Fairly smooth in a group.

I'm curious what it will be like when enemies turn elite around the old forest time. Sauron's eye starts to drop bombs on you that can be a bit inconvenient.

There's deadly + that goes all the way to 6. That would be one you'd want to have a full sized group for I think. I was grouping with Bobby and a friend.


Watcher of Overs
The best part of this game is the random stuff hobbits say when you are riding by in the shire.
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<Bronze Donator>
Playing this as well, level 19 so far. Man, Turbine really nailed the world. For being an almost 15 yr old game it really has an appealing style and look. I remember being a bit "bored" by it when the game first came out, but playing Hunter has probably helped, and we aren't right in the prime-WoW era and the MMO pickings are slim, so I guess I can't be as picky.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Enjoyed it the first day on Treebeard. The difficulty settings make it fun. Deadly is about like Everquest level I'd say. Solo 1v1 is doable but risky and you really need to blow all your cooldowns. Fairly smooth in a group.

I'm curious what it will be like when enemies turn elite around the old forest time. Sauron's eye starts to drop bombs on you that can be a bit inconvenient.

There's deadly + that goes all the way to 6. That would be one you'd want to have a full sized group for I think. I was grouping with Bobby and a friend.

A few OGC are playing on Shadowfax. I know this is very much a "the journey, not the destination" game, but I found the leveling speed very slow originally and can't imagine doing it at half of that. Unless it's been upped since then. I also played this a lot without membership/"rested" exp which is probably why it was so slow.

I like the journey a lot but it's also nice to feel like you're progressing, so I might give Shadowfax a go.

I've played a Hunter on this already and liked it a lot... for progression I gotta decide if I want to do Hunter again or try Beorning, which looks awesome.

Was a great idea for them to make all classes available from the beginning. I know lots of EQers would like a TLP with Beastlord/Berserker in classic.


Trakanon Raider
Yea just random dumb funny comments, as if you came upon two people in a conversation and overheard a bit.

It's usually food or drink related.
I mean screenshots of the game in general from any of ya'll. I played this at release for a little bit, but haven't since. I don't even remember what things look like.


Watcher of Overs
I don't have many yet. Here's from the big wedding:

My elf maiden that sadly died

Post wedding party:
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Silver Knight of the Realm
I gave it a try last year when they did the big content giveaway, and had quite a bit of fun leveling up through most of the base game zones(Breeland especially). Questing definitely feels dated, there's a TON of running back and forth. Main story quests has some good stuff, but also a lot of filler...that requires running back and forth. Hitting Moria is where it started slowing down for me, which is sad, cause I really like Tolkien dwarves. The zones themselves are really varied and interesting looking, but the quest flow/pacing just made it feel like a chore after awhile. Oh yeah, it also starts the Legendary system, which seems like a train wreck at end game.

I managed to get to think mid 70s, basically through the Dunlending areas and Isengard before I just ran out of steam. Might actually give it another shot later this year when expansion comes out, depending on how the new class looks and what other changes they make.


Watcher of Overs
It is wierd, F12 is the "hide the interface" hotkey, but it is also steam's screenshot hotkey so my ui is off alot.


That's what mine looks like. I don't know if they ever got around to adding custom UIs. I just expand up the bottom one and increase the font size a bit because I'm old and blind. Then map all the good stuff to the keys around wasd like I do in most mmos. VZCX are always panic low health type buttons. I think on my old loremaster V was the human self heal, and Z was the stun breakout, and maybe I had X on the big loremaster self heal. I don't have much of that yet.

Right now X is a potion cure. Bleeds will kill you really fast on deadly difficulty. Since I took that though I got my own ability wound cure.

The elf is deleted yea. I was up north of Nogrost I think is the name of the place? With the dourhand dwarf enemies. Another player was in trouble so I healed him, then didn't notice that one of the dorfs was throwing axes at me. Then I got double sauron air strikes and that was it.

It makes a mark on the ground but sometimes if there's grass or clutter it goes underneath and you can't see it.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Anyone on Treebeard? Ive been super casual but would be fun to play with others. Name is Animosity in game.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I started on Treebeard. My play time is sporadic due to having a new baby, so I'm dual boxing a guardian and minstrel. Name Mcchimli.

I like the slow pace. It feels good to not be out leveling quests. I'm playing on dangerous difficulty. I can't be assed to deal with the eye of sauron on deadly. I tried it and it was more annoying than fun. At dangerous taking on more than two mobs seems risky, and breaking goblin camps of 3 or 4 mobs requires help.

If anyone wants to start, now is the time. Tons of people all over Low level zones. That plus the slower exp plus higher difficulty makes it feel like launch back in the day.