RIP Burt Reynolds


Golden Baron of the Realm
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Title: Smokey and the Bandit

Tagline: What we have here is a total lack of respect for the law!

Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy

Director: Hal Needham

Cast: Burt Reynolds, Sally Field, Jerry Reed, Jackie Gleason, Mike Henry, Paul Williams, Pat McCormick, Linda McClure, Susie Ewing, Laura Lizer Sommers, Michael Mann, Lamar Jackson, Ronnie Gay, Quinnon Sheffield

Release: 1977-05-26

Runtime: 96

Plot: A race car driver tries to transport an illegal beer shipment from Texas to Atlanta in under 28 hours, picking up a reluctant bride-to-be on the way.

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FPS noob
RIP, two of the greatest movies ever made Cannonball Run and Smokey and the Bandit


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Bronze Baron of the Realm
Posted in the other thread as well. Didn't take himself too seriously, unlike some actors today. As someone who drove a 79 Trans Am to high school I can say it was a big impact on my life. Pointiac should have give him a free car for life (or until Pontiac went belly up) I can't imagine the number of Trans Ams and firebirds he sold.

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Millie's Staff Member
Posted in the other thread as well. Didn't take himself too seriously, unlike some actors today. As someone who drove a 79 Trans Am to high school I can say it was a big impact on my life. Pointiac should have give him a free car for life (or until Pontiac went belly up) I can't imagine the number of Trans Ams and firebirds he sold.

a 79 trans am was my first choice for a first car. i had the chance to buy one, but my dad talked me out of it because he said i would get tickets and pulled over. so i bought an old station wagon that he said would keep me out of trouble. i got pulled over and tickets anyway. at least i had the matchbox transam as a kid!
Movie information in first post provided by The Movie Database