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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Part of the reason they renewed as well was for the emmy's. Kinda dumb. But hopefully they pull it off and s2 is a success and not a flop.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
One thing I've read about is Taiga Dramas (basically historical dramas with creative embellishment) aren't produced as often anymore in Japan and usually have lower budgets, so Shogun was actually fairly welcome among viewers there who love that sort of content.

They've got heavy involvement from Japanese producers and you've got western producers who can help balance it out a bit in terms of helping craft an internationally palatable drama (some of the JP produced stuff can be a little melodramatic otherwise) and a shitload of actual history to pull from, so I'm confident they can probably produce something good.

Shame Yabu died, though. He and Blackthorne played well off eachother, would have been fun to watch them go on misadventures lol. They could always bring Fuji back - especially if they focus on the Catholic/Spanish&Portuguese stuff going on, they could have her nun stuff act as the viewer's window in things going on in that area.
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<Silver Donator>
They can easily make season 2 all about the build up to the Battle of Sekigahara - there were plenty of other battles leading up to it.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
There is a lot of actual history they can draw from, so it isn't too hard to continue the story. Even if they skip over the Battle of Sekigahara, they've got the Catholic conspiracy/power struggle and eventual expulsion of foreigners and also the stuff with the heir, since another power struggle ensued. Although that is a pretty big time skip IRL

I mean, honestly.. I think a lot of people would really enjoy seeing a battle or three in season 2. I dont mean the small skirmishes that were really good, in season 1. I mean GRAND, HUGE, battles with 1000's of people in a nicely rendered CGI, with some intricate skirmishes between known characters in the midst of it. Give the viewer some kind of idea of just how powerful certain armies are, cause at times it seems like Toranaga's army was just a whimper at best.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Just finished season 1, enjoyed it.

How historically accurate is the suicidal tendencies of Samurai? I know Seppuku is a thing, but the show opened up with Tadayoshi speaking out of turn and then having to kill himself AND his kid. That set the stage for all these suicidal characters attacking the enemy by killing themselves, which made the whole show silly. After the gardener effectively kills himself over the dead bird, Hiromatsu kills himself to protest Toronaga's choices, even the meaningful suicide(ish) of Mariko that presumably cripples Ishido's powerbase is tainted by how common and comical seppuku is treated in the show. The only seppuku I thought wasn't a joke was Yabushige.

Is it historically accurate to kill your kid and self for such a minor offense, or is it some dumb white / western(ish, the author was Australian) exaggeration?


Tranny Chaser
white / western(ish, the author was Australian) exaggeration?

Australia and NZ were colonised by Britain, therefore are considered Western democracies because their culture, values, political and legal system are descended from or based on Britain.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Australia and NZ were colonised by Britain, therefore are considered Western democracies because their culture, values, political and legal system are descended from or based on Britain.
Sure. Even beyond the differences in Australian culture due to influence of southeast asians and Pacific islanders, the author's biography is interesting. Notably he fought against Japan in WWII and was a PoW, so he has some real-world experience beyond what a typical western author would. Not that eating a handful of rice a day for months means you learn Fuedal Japan history. James Clavell - Wikipedia
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Tranny Chaser
Sure. Even beyond the differences in Australian culture due to influence of southeast asians and Pacific islanders, the author's biography is interesting. Notably he fought against Japan in WWII and was a PoW, so he has some real-world experience beyond what a typical western author would. Not that eating a handful of rice a day for months means you learn Fuedal Japan history. James Clavell - Wikipedia

you said Western(ish) - they're Western Democracies


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Is it historically accurate to kill your kid and self for such a minor offense, or is it some dumb white / western(ish, the author was Australian) exaggeration?

My understanding is traditionally it was just a samurai thing for dishonor or execution ordered by their lord


FPS noob
wow locked in toranaga for 2 more seasons show musta been wildly popular

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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
2 more seasons, impressive. It got high views and critical acclaim, so good for them.

I do wonder how it will actually pan out since they no longer have the book and have to rely upon actual history vs. their fictionalized interpretation of it
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I'm not going to complain but feels like it's shitty on the writer. He wrote his story and it was that
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<Bronze Donator>
I mean, honestly.. I think a lot of people would really enjoy seeing a battle or three in season 2. I dont mean the small skirmishes that were really good, in season 1. I mean GRAND, HUGE, battles with 1000's of people in a nicely rendered CGI, with some intricate skirmishes between known characters in the midst of it. Give the viewer some kind of idea of just how powerful certain armies are, cause at times it seems like Toranaga's army was just a whimper at best.

I went to Japan recently and in Osaka castle they had these huge painted panels depicting the final climatic battle and how the forces were all arrayed, was pretty awesome after just watching this mini series days before.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Hiromatsu kills himself to protest Toronaga's choices
at first i thought the same, but later it seemed to hint that it was a planned suicide to make toronaga look like he had lost all support, even amongst his closest retainers. a feudal japanese lord is not above using vassal suicides as a means to an end.
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