Sony Pictures to slash film production unit - but expand the world of Spider Man

Running Dog_sl

Sony Pictures will make a "significant shift" away from movies after it backed a number of high-profile misfires, including Will Smith's After Earth....The studio aims to cut its release schedule from 23 films per year to 18...Putting some of the blame on the crowded blockbuster season, Sony Pictures co-chairman Amy Pascal said the studio would only release four movies next summer, down from nine this year.

...Showing a clip from The Amazing Spider-Man 2, she revealed several spin-offs from the superhero film were in the works. "We are going to access Marvel's full world of Spider-Man characters, so be on the lookout for new heroes and villains," she added. Sony Entertainment CEO Michal Lynton added: "We do very much have the ambition about creating a bigger universe around Spider-Man. There are a number of scripts in the works."

BBC News - Sony Pictures to slash film production unit


Silver Baronet of the Realm
thank god!!less hollywood bullshit

Other films in the pipeline include an adaption of Dan Brown's latest novel Inferno; an Angry Birds movie and a new adaptation of Popeye.
oops....i was wrong.


Vyemm Raider
Sounds good, i'd like to see Dr Strange and some other people, maybe even a Venom anti-hero movie. Marvel movies are already generally doing pretty good so the more the merrier.


Musty Nester
Jayden Smith killed Sony.

Will Smith needs to produce a MMO.

A new adaptation of popeye? I don't see how you can possibly top Robin Williams and Shelly Duval.

He's laaaarge.


Sounds good, i'd like to see Dr Strange and some other people, maybe even a Venom anti-hero movie. Marvel movies are already generally doing pretty good so the more the merrier.
i think you are completely oblivion to the fact that Spiderman is not a Marvel Movie character. the movie rights were sold to Sony long ago. The only way Marvel can get them back is if they wont make a movie each 2 or 3 years

and if you liked the last spiderman, please kill yourself


Millie's Staff Member
thank god!!less hollywood bullshit

Other films in the pipeline include an adaption of Dan Brown's latest novel Inferno; an Angry Birds movie and a new adaptation of Popeye.
oops....i was wrong.
so wait, they are making an adaption of dan brown's newest novel and are bypassing adapting the novel before that one? i fucking loved The Lost Symbol.