Speedrunners (competitive multiplayer platformer)


A nice asshole.
Bump of high level play and an amazing game. Putting my money where my mouth is, will grab a four player pack tonight and gift them out to friends that have it on their wishlist, new friends included! This game needs more rerolled.


<Gold Donor>
I bought it based off your recommendation Hatorade. I do not know when I will have time to play it though. With ranked play now live on Overwatch and I just started playing Skyrim for the 1st time ever I feel like my already limited game time is hard pressed to add another game.


A nice asshole.
Gave out 4 copies to friends online that had it in their wishlist. I then thought I was getting good and played a few games against some pro players, I literally died in 8 seconds or less as they did shit I couldn't possible understand. The skill ceiling is insane and with a little support this game could be the next Rocket League, makes me wish I had a few million dollars to burn getting competitions on this up and running in a large EVO like setting.