The Wolf's Call (2019)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
5.00 star(s) Rating: 5.00/5 1 Votes
Title: The Wolf's Call (2019)

Genre: Thriller, Drama

Director: Antonin Baudry

Cast: François Civil, Omar Sy, Reda Kateb, Mathieu Kassovitz, Paula Beer, Stefan Godin

Release: 2019-02-20

Runtime: 115

Plot: Thriller set in the milieu of French nuclear submarines.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I hope you like submarine movies because this movie is mostly about submarines. It's in French, featuring french actors or actors trying hard speaking french. It's also probably the best submarine movie around with thrilling moments, lots of military slang and people talking quiet because they're in submarines.
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There is much to be said about french films trying to venture in genres that are perceived as being holywoodians (like here, a military thriller), about how the french critics tend to view such attempts and about the average quality of such attempts.... so yeah, I did not muster the courage to see The Wolf's Call, but it should be noted that it is written and directed by Antonin Baudry, who co-authored Quai d'Orsay a brilliant graphic novel (later turned into a so-so movie) about Baudry's experience as a speechwriter in the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs under Dominique de Villepin. I am sharing this factoid also as an attempt to motivate myself to see that film!
Movie information in first post provided by The Movie Database