What is the best email program/service for multiple accounts?


Trakanon Raider
I have 2 small businesses with two email addresses for each one, along with one personal email.

Both company emails are included through the web hosting company, which uses Roundcube for the email accounts. Roundcube is a bit slow, especially the search feature.

So I have these:

Sledge1@ companyA.com
Info@ companyA.com

Sledge1@ companyB.com
Info@ companyB.com

There's a chance I need to set up another website which will have two more, but it uses a different hosting company. Is there any single program for tracking multiple emails from multiple domains? Will emails sync between work and home computers, or should I look at some online cloud based service that's faster than Roundcube?

I tried doing this with Outlook Express on my home computer, and I did get the emails from both companies. But when I got back to work, I didn't have access to any emails I answered the night before.

I'm going to be using Dropbox (or similar) to sync files between multiple computers, but not sure if that matters or not.