Recent content by Arden

  1. Arden

    Hit Man (2023)

    Movie had a bit of an identity crisis. Seemed like it didn't know if it wanted to be a comedy, a drama, a romance, or a think piece about the psychology of identity. Unlike a lot of genre-bending movies, instead of blending the genres together, this movie somehow kept them separate and just...
  2. Arden

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

    Don't disagree. Others in this thread would disagree, but I personally don't think it will ever be a currency (as such). So far, it's been a super lucrative but volatile investment and people are beginning to realize that it's one of the best stores of value in the world. Most people would...
  3. Arden

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

    I agree it's still mostly a speculative investment, but 1 USD has been less valuable than 1 BTC since 2011. Even if you want to use a different formula than a simple 1:1 comparison, there isn't any question that the buying power of the dollar has dropped drastically in that time and the buying...
  4. Arden

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

    Lots of stuff, I'm sure. Depression, anxiety, obesity, loneliness. Birth rates are down pretty much globally. I've read some pretty good theories that 2007 was the beginning of the end for this iteration of civilization. We've been in a steady decline since. It's a funny chart, but you...
  5. Arden

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

  6. Arden

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

    FIT21 day. Hold onto your digital assets boys.
  7. Arden

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

  8. Arden

    Manor lords

    Anyone playing this? Is it playable? Fun? Someone give me a fair but critical review
  9. Arden

    Manor lords

    Looks really cool, but I know I'd hate it. I used to love city build/rts combat games but I've grown really bored with super tedious mechanics when it comes to the building/management of territories. I don't mind making big, sweeping decisions about the direction/development of my faction, but...
  10. Arden

    Road House

    The 80s were absolutely filled with movies where anyone in the industry with talent in other decades would have skimmed through the script, laughed and said "I'm not attaching my name to this garbage." But for some reason that didn't happen in the 80s, and as a result we got a ton of amazing...
  11. Arden

    Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)

    Hahaha. Tarantino is going to be so neurotic about how absolutely fucking amazing his last movie ever has to be that it will never get made.
  12. Arden


    Yeah Apple is solid. I keep trying to cancel my sub but they keep coming out with stuff that makes it worth sticking. I hate having a bunch of subs so I get pretty ruthless when it comes to culling any sub that isn't providing me a clear, worthwhile benefit. Apple hasn't made the cut list yet.
  13. Arden

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    Wait, this is a joke right? They didn't really change in game names because someone's GF got upset right? Refuse to believe this is accurate
  14. Arden

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

    Sounds like you timed it well, congrats. I've been delaying, which I knew was risky based on macro stuff that has pretty clearly been careening towards an event like this. I've been up big since Jan but I've been trying to stretch it out long enough to avoid cap gains. If this storm ends up...
  15. Arden

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

    everyone might want to plan on holding their crypto for a while, unless you fancy a loss