Recent content by Mist

  1. Mist

    Investing General Discussion

    I'll pocket my $300 bucks + divies from IJS and get out.
  2. Mist

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    Gonna try a ranged rogue maybe? IDK.
  3. Mist

    The Video Thread

  4. Mist

    General Gaming News and Discussion

  5. Mist

    Helldivers II

    Are they on 13th or 14th gen Intel? If so, it's not the game. They need to update their bios (which will downgrade their CPU for stability.)
  6. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    Because you don't need "AI" to do that. Tons of games already generate procedural quests. Hell, Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall did it forever ago. But you'd need a very, very good model to dynamically learn what makes a good quest and to use that info to generate better quests in the future.
  7. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    And yet you still come here.
  8. Mist

    The Boys

    Finally getting around to starting this, still in S1. I fuckin' died in the nursery scene where Billy uses the baby as a weapon.
  9. Mist

    Game Pass for Xbox and PC

    Truth. "DEI" isn't what's killing these big companies, it's the Big 4 Consulting companies. "DEI" just comes along for the ride, part of the packaged deal, but these consultants do so much other damage to their "clients" that "DEI" hardly registers as the root cause. It just one branch of the...
  10. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    They could be AI, but would you really want them to be AI? Wouldn't you rather play with real people who might be interesting, and then let the game fill in the rest with AI? It'd be interesting to see a game someday where you don't immediately know which other characters are real players or...
  11. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    Right, so you have some kind of procedural or generative model that comes up with interesting combat (and other PoI) encounters on the way to the quest.
  12. Mist

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  13. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    You'd need to design an MMO where the fun part is getting TO the quest, rather than just looting the Obelisk of Bear-Butts and going back to town.
  14. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    There's just a lot of different games that scratch different parts of the MMO itch but at different intervals. Want a game where you loot a bunch of shit and if you get lucky you pwn a bunch of newbs for free? Play Fortnight or any other BR with colorcoded loot levels. Want a...
  15. Mist

    Dragon Age: Dreadwolf

    Voice acting was good, gameplay was good, story was a little generic but fine.