Recent content by Qhue

  1. Qhue

    Dragon Age: Why We Can't Have Nice Things

    It's a custom character appearance you racist fuck. The game looks solid as hell
  2. Qhue

    The Acolyte

    "Mothers" likely refer to the force using witches that they were born into and which the four Jedi did a My Lai massacre/coverup of. The one master killing himself rather than admitting to what he did points to it being pretty terrible. So Mai sees the Jedi as murderers who need to be...
  3. Qhue

    General Gaming News and Discussion

  4. Qhue

    Doctor Who

    You have one population who has spent the past 5 years screaming bloody murder that they will never watch Sci-fi again and a different population which is very appreciative of the storytelling. Is there any shock that the shows continue to drift one direction? Good news is that there is an...
  5. Qhue

    Wayfinder -- new Free To Play MMO

    It's funny because the old version you could pretty much faceroll through first pile of levels, but this newer version really makes me want to group up with people... I think they must also have hired someone who knows how to use excel as the various stats and modifiers are now VERY relevant...
  6. Qhue

    Dragon Age: Why We Can't Have Nice Things

    I mean by the action-oriented cast of characters for companions they are clearly trying to tap some of the BG3 energy, but with a more populist Call-of-Duty vibe. We will see what the actual gameplay looks like on Tuesday.
  7. Qhue

    Wayfinder -- new Free To Play MMO

    They are relaunching in 2 days as a single player game. Online no longer required and micro transactions are gone. You can, however, play with friends co-op if you desire. It's an enjoyable enough action RPG, it just wasn't gonna cut it with currency bullshit.
  8. Qhue


    This is going to be soooo bad. I have no idea what the fuck they were thinking.
  9. Qhue

    The Acolyte

    Personally the idea that Jason from the Good Place is a Sith Lord is just crazy enough to make me smile
  10. Qhue

    X-Men '97

    Magneto's gear this season was straight out of the comics. The late 80s and early 90s were very colorful.
  11. Qhue

    The Acolyte

    The show seems to be respecting the mystery genre in that the obvious 'twists' the audience picks up on are resolved quickly. We've already heard like three different versions of what went down on that planet 16 years ago so it's clear that this is key to the whole shebang. Favorite...
  12. Qhue

    Atari buy Intellivision For gamers of a certain age this is epic. People not of the 80s will not appreciate the drama that was Atari vs Intellivision!
  13. Qhue

    Doctor Who

    Martha is so easy to forget entirely. I really like a couple of the stories from her season and yet I always forget she was the companion at the time...
  14. Qhue

    Hades (Supergiant Games)

    Finally beat Chronus with a random and oddly effective build. Can now earn Nightmare tokens to upgrade the arms further. I'm on night 90 or so, so I've definitely gotten my money's worth out of the game!
  15. Qhue

    Doctor Who

    Holy Moffat. That was an amazing episode and Moffat pulled zero punches in eviscerating the military Industrial complex and the Anglican church in the same go. Plus the doctor standing on a mine for 30+ mins of the episode was crazy and yet Ncuti pulled it off.