All Stephen King Books


Tranny Chaser
I liked Insomnia very much and I think it has a great ending. Eat shit Atropos you little fuck.

But it's really fucking long for how little actually happens in it. Holy shit that thing is a brick.


Buzzfeed Editor
Finished The Drawing of the Three as well. Pretty good. I'm taking a break before moving on to The Wastelands. I find it interesting that at this point in the series you really don't know shit. There's no real concept of what the tower is, other than some symbolism for power etc, or what is driving him or what drove him after the Man in Black etc. Pretty bare story, but interesting. Trying to keep an open mind, I know a lot of people were disappointed in the later books.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Drawing of the Three and The Wastelands are the best.

I think it goes downhill when you get into Song and Wolves. Anything that was in the real world was kind of boring in my opinion, but when they were plopping through Lud - I thought those scenes were pretty good.


Buzzfeed Editor
I didn't take that long of a break. Finished The Wastelands, it was good. But it seems like the story didn't move too much further ahead. Already into Wizard and Glass now. I might just put podcasts on hold and burn through the rest of them.


A nice asshole.
Just finished the Gun Slinger series, not sure how I feel about it but it doesn't feel good or satisfying in anyway.


Buzzfeed Editor
Just finished the last Dark Tower book. Literally just, on my commute into work. Not sure if I like it or not right now. The story sure, but the ending. Last I heard they said the movies will be a continuation of the story so we'll see how that goes I guess.

I liked Wolves, thought it was pretty cool. Keep in mind I never read Salem's Lot so I don't know anything about that portion of the story, or didn't going in. I thought the weakest point was in Song of Susannah and all the weird inclusion of King as a character. I don't know exactly why I don't like that, I just don't. And all the weird mutants and bird people and whatever, it just kind of goes off the rails into some other shit. The stuff with Mordred and the Crimson King also just kind of seemed tacked on, like a not fully realized antagonist in both cases added just for lulz.

Yeah, mixed bag for sure. I will have to reread Insomnia because I don't remember the ties to the Dark Tower at all.


Tranny Chaser
How can you not like Mordred!?! It's an Arthurian legend reference!

New villain introduced in the ass end of the series, immediately jobs out Randal Flagg (the Man in Black himself and villain of The Stand and Eyes of the Dragon) so we never get a final confrontation between Roland and Flagg, and then himself dies.

Anti-climaxes, anti-climaxes everywhere.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah, that was a huge letdown. Looking forward to a confrontation between Roland and the Man in Black for 6 books and then it turns out he's been creeping on these master trackers for the entire series, and oh yeah, the dumbest possible thing happens and he's just out.

And so now the story continues, but he's gone, but he's clearly in the movie, so he's back? So not a continuation? Or ... meh, whatever. Yeah that whole thing was disappointing.


Tranny Chaser
The wheel turns until it repeats, maybe this time will be different.

On his last loop Roland earned a chance at redemption as now he restarted with the Horn of Arthur Eld at his side. He goes on his adventure, he gets to the tower, he blows the horn, and he gets to stop. Speaking of perma-salt I'm going to be salty about this forever too probably -


King tweeting that out is basically making the film the canonical last run-through of Roland when we already had that. The last part of the final book is the poem for a reason. That's the cliff notes on the last journey so you don't have to go and read another seven books.

For someone that has said in the past he didn't give a shit about movie adaptations because no matter what happened the book was still there on the shelf this use of the word of god feels so fucking out of place.


Tranny Chaser
Yeah, mixed bag for sure. I will have to reread Insomnia because I don't remember the ties to the Dark Tower at all.

You don't remember a single line of dialogue at the ass end of a a 1000 page book? Get good son, get good.

I like Insomnia quite a bit but rereading a synopsis for it I can't even comprehend how it's so long for so little happening.


<Gold Donor>
Ive read
Pet Cemetery

All in my preteens/teens I just dont have time to read these days. But I have been thinking about it lately. Its just work, teenagers, wife, TV, computer, games...So much shit to keep you entertained, busy with these days it leaves little quiet time to do any reading. But I have to.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
So I finished reading/audiobooking IT finally and more than 20 years after I first tried it out.

I liked it, but holy shit was there so much extraneous information. I thought Robert Jordan was the worst, and that is after reading every Wheel of Time book and my fair share of Stephen King books, but this was on another level bad. It could have been less than half as long and still been just as good. He is still a master at weaving real world and Lovecraft world elements, as those parts of the book were clearly the best.

All in all, I'm glad I finally finished it. It was worth reading and I wish I would have finished it sooner.

Like 1990 IT miniseries is fucking trash. Aside from Tim Curry, everything about it is just bad. They should be ashamed of it in every way.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Finished Dark Tower today. Wizard and Glass was my favorite, but it's all downhill from there.

What a shitty encounter with the crimson King. Garbage!
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Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah. Wizard and Glass was definitely the high point. And the audio book is really enhanced by that dudes amazing performance. A lot of the stuff at the end is just like... wat?
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Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I downloaded Wind through the keyhole.

Worth my time?

Lemme rank muh Dank Towerz:

1. Wizard and Glass
2. Gunslinger
3. Waste Lands
4. Drawing
5. Wolves
6. Dark Tower
7. Song of Susannah
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