All Stephen King Books


Buzzfeed Editor
ugh, no. That movie... what were they thinking? What kind of person has that much money to waste?


Tranny Chaser
ugh, no. That movie... what were they thinking? What kind of person has that much money to waste?



Salt. Forever. I will be salty forever about this franchise.
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Tranny Chaser
Sure, if you use the term “end” loosely.

The end is the poem. That poem represents the final loop and you can regard it as the cliff's notes of the story that you then don't get to see. That is why it is reprinted again at the end of the final book. He goes through one more time having earned a chance at redemption as signified by having possession of the horn. He then reaches the tower, blows the horn and finally gets to stop. [/quote]


Buzzfeed Editor
I read a few more King books I hadn't read yet: Tommyknockers, Misery, and The Institute.

Tommyknockers was not as bad as I was prepared for it to be. I read some review where they said the worst part was the middle where he expands the insight into the townspeople you get, but I disagree, that's King's best shit. I think the problem with this book that i had, the main problem, is the same as the main problem I had with The Institute. He undercuts a potentially super interesting concept by falling back on tropes. How much more interesting would the alien relationship in Tommyknockers have been if it were more symbiotic and cooperative instead of bodysnatchers? In The Institute, he just hand waves away the moral complexity of the central issue. It's much more interesting to the story if he left that shit out, just have it be "Yes, the institute served a real purpose and the choice was these children vs the real impact". So now I guess the readers don't have to feel bad but the story is worse for that compromise.

The set up of The Institute, in particular is really good. But he cuts the legs out from under it until at the end it is pure evil vs pure good. A more interesting story would be one that made me understand why these people working at this place would do this, why was the sacrifice worth it. Instead he does the opposite and goes out of his way to show that it explicitly was not. And that's shitty.

Misery is just a masterpiece. The blending of reality and unreality, just the sheer determination of both characters, shit is awesome. If I had any critiques it would be that I think he gave too much of Annie's backstory and should have left that to the imagination rather than fleshing her out as some ghoul. But that's super minor, book is badass.


Ssraeszha Raider
Doing another trip through the Dark Tower series and I'm hoping someone can clarify something for me.

It was my understanding that Randall Flagg is the Man in Black is Martin Broadcloak.

Across all of King's novels, is every mention of Flagg supposed to be the same character (this is what I've always thought) or is each Flagg a different reality version of Flagg?
EG: Flagg from The Stand is the alternate reality counterpart of Flagg from The Dark Tower series

I know Flagg from Eyes of the Dragon is the same as the one from the Dark Tower


Trakanon Raider
I assumed they were all one person willing and able to travel between the realities, but I suppose it’s possible that each reality has a Flagg.
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Tranny Chaser
Doing another trip through the Dark Tower series and I'm hoping someone can clarify something for me.

It was my understanding that Randall Flagg is the Man in Black is Martin Broadcloak.

Across all of King's novels, is every mention of Flagg supposed to be the same character (this is what I've always thought) or is each Flagg a different reality version of Flagg?
EG: Flagg from The Stand is the alternate reality counterpart of Flagg from The Dark Tower series

I know Flagg from Eyes of the Dragon is the same as the one from the Dark Tower

It's the same character in that he's birthed or manifested in each of these worlds rather than it being literally the same sack of meat moved around. They're not multiverse alternate versions.
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<Gold Donor>
Doing another trip through the Dark Tower series and I'm hoping someone can clarify something for me.

It was my understanding that Randall Flagg is the Man in Black is Martin Broadcloak.

Across all of King's novels, is every mention of Flagg supposed to be the same character (this is what I've always thought) or is each Flagg a different reality version of Flagg?
EG: Flagg from The Stand is the alternate reality counterpart of Flagg from The Dark Tower series

I know Flagg from Eyes of the Dragon is the same as the one from the Dark Tower
I always took it to be the same character , every novel. SK's version of Hail Satan.
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King is a favourite of mine. Dark Tower is basically my favourite series of all time, with some fantasy series gaining on it. What good work has he done in the last decade, though? I know he is still active.
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<Silver Donator>
King is a favourite of mine. Dark Tower is basically my favourite series of all time, with some fantasy series gaining on it. What good work has he done in the last decade, though? I know he is still active.
Dark Tower is one of my favorite series, too. Relisten to it every few years.

Of the books he's come out with in the past decade or so that I've read and we're decent were Doctor Sleep, The Outsider, The Mr.Mercedes trilogy, and Revival. Don't remember much about Revival though other than it was horror and maybe lovecraftian. May have to run through it again when I'm on the road.

I was looking at his bibliography and there's a lot of books I don't know anything about. He started writing a lot of non horror type stuff that just wasn't real interesting to me. I'd be curious to know if some of his newest stuff is any decent or if it's saturated with woke BS. He kind of went off the rails under Trump, and I don't know if it ended up affecting his overall writing.


Tranny Chaser
King is a favourite of mine. Dark Tower is basically my favourite series of all time, with some fantasy series gaining on it. What good work has he done in the last decade, though? I know he is still active.

His son under the pen name of Joe Hill writes a lot like his dad.


<Gold Donor>
Stephen King released another Holly Gibney novel yesterday, called simply 'Holly'. Started it last night, guy cannot help himself with his liberal mask/covid/trump shit so warning about that.

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Millie's Staff Member
Stephen King released another Holly Gibney novel yesterday, called simply 'Holly'. Started it last night, guy cannot help himself with his liberal mask/covid/trump shit so warning about that.

this is so sad. dude is closing in on 80. he shouldnt be this buttmad about anything. just enjoy the time you have left on this planet. he's seen more presidents come and go than most of us had and he should know better. he should also stop shitting out books for the sake of shitting out books on a regular basis. 20 years ago he claimed he was going to chill out and stop doing this.
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<Gold Donor>
Mom was a huge SK fan and turned me onto him. Think I've read all the fiction books he's pumped out. I do like the Holly character and the detective books she's been in. The TV shows they made from them, not so much. I do realize I'm forcing myself to read through his political BS but I do like the character. Hopefully it dies down further in or I'm going back to Malazan and/or Tom Clancy re-reads.
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<Silver Donator>
this is so sad. dude is closing in on 80. he shouldnt be this buttmad about anything. just enjoy the time you have left on this planet. he's seen more presidents come and go than most of us had and he should know better. he should also stop shitting out books for the sake of shitting out books on a regular basis. 20 years ago he claimed he was going to chill out and stop doing this.
Fucker should go back to doing blow and drinking a case of tallboys a night, maybe he'd write something awesome again. Probably kill him though. 😉
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Parody Account
The Stand was the first King novel I read and boy did I ever read that fuck out of that book in high school.

I then picked up Gerald’s Game and thought pedos are pretty horrific, so I guess this works?

Nope. As it turns out rape, incest and kid fucking is a theme in every one of his books.

Makes sense that he’s a leftist. Just surprised he hasn’t come out as a tranny yet.