Ancient Civilizations


Potato del Grande
the thing about those Colossi is they look really OLD. like much older than most of the stuff in Egypt. maybe over 10000 years or older. and yeah, Egypt reigns supreme when it comes to ancient artifacts. its been theorized that Ancient Egypt was conquered by the same people who came from Atlantis after it was washed away.
You have no basis to say that anything is 10000 years old or 1000 years old or whatever.


Millie's Staff Member
Your guess is as good as anyone elses.
Sure, I'm not an expert. I don't know what kind of stone that is. If it's soft like limestone, it could be younger than it looks. If that's a hard stone such as quartz or granite, then it is really old.


Millie's Staff Member
They can make an educated estimate better "Looks old, I reckon that's 10k years, probably Atlantean architecture".
they can guess based on the stone. but its still a guess and of course if that statue had been buried in the sand, all bets are off. the Sphynx was unearthed and its been eroding away ever since. there has been an ongoing preservation process going on since Roman times. its a losing battle, it will only last if they let it get buried again. nobody knows how old the Sphynx really is.


Trump's Staff
there are other mass extinction event timelines before that, but nobody is willing to dig deeper than the 12k mark. its "established science" that 12k was when people crossed over the land bridge to the US. nobody who depends on funding is willing to rock the established science boat by looking for anything older. even though people have found much older artifacts in the US.
"The Indigenous peoples of the Americas have ascertained archaeological presence in the Americas dating back to about 15,000 years ago. More recent research, however, suggests a human presence dating to between 18,000 and 26,000 years ago, during the Last Glacial Maximum."

Not to mention shit like this:



Millie's Staff Member
12000 years again.
In what the French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (Inrap) is calling an “unprecedented” discovery in Marliens, France, near Dijon, excavations revealed a series of occupations on one site spanning from the Neolithic period to the First Iron Age.

The oldest occupation features a monument with three interlocking enclosures. The center section offers a circular enclosure 36 feet in diameter, the largest in the bunch. To the north a smaller 26-foot-long horseshoe-shaped enclosure connects directly to the main center piece. To the south, a circular design remains open on one side, but still ties to the main circle. The team believes all three structures are linked together in both positioning and dating and that a gravel layer found on the two side enclosures suggests a fence was also present.

“This type of monument seems unprecedented and currently no comparison has been possible,” the research team says in a statement. A bundle of artifacts—including seven flint arrowheads, two archer’s bracers, a flint lighter, and a copper alloy dagger—discovered in the site’s ditches correspond to cut flints, suggesting attribution to the Neolithic period, potentially as far back as 10,000 BC to 2,200 BC. Radiocarbon analytics is planned to help determine exact dating.
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Millie's Staff Member
geopolymers are thought to have been used in some of those massive megaliths in South America and even in ancient Egypt.




Watcher of Overs
All of those big walls look like one of the theories postulates; like a bag was filled and set in place, then hardened and the bag material decayed away. Would be easy enough to do with concrete, but many of these walls are identified as a form of granite right?

Has anyone tried melting down silicates to get a liquified granite of some sort? Just from reading on wiki, it seems like it could be made via a recipe and high heat.

Seems like walls could be built by piling wet clay as a mold for the blocks, then pouring in the molten granite recipe and letting it cool before moving to the next, recycling the usable clay for the next mold.

The round nubbins protrusions might even be steam explosions from the wet clay.
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