

Got something right about marriage
Weren't people saying the graphics looked dated and shitty? They look pretty impressive to me, especially the water.

Ship raids on giant sea monsters? Giant forces of players hang gliding into a city to seige it from a cliff top? I'm in.

I'm just picturing sitting in my corn field harvesting some food for my BBW in game wife and seeing a shit ton of people on gliders gunning for my beloved homeland. Sound the alarm! We're under attack!!!

This is the first MMO I've been interested in for a while now. Hope it gets released here.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
hackers will enjoy this game. automated farming should give them that edge needed to excel.


Elisha Dushku
You can't get away with automating anything. This is not 2001. Read up on the game first mmk?
We'll see what happens when it ships here - it could be hackable (a la EQ/MQ) or not. @Marple I'm not happy about the FFA PvP. It means I'd have to roll an FD class. That's the problem with this game - some great stuff but then some not so great stuff

READ ABOUT THE FUCKING GAME FIRST YOU STUPID RETARD. They have randomized events so your automated crafting bots will be about as successful as a Vanguard crafting bot. Whether it has hackers though is anyone's guess.
I'm only saying what the beta testers say. For a start, crafting requires that you spend Labor Points and you only get a limited amount of those per day, so you can't just go AFK and let your macro craft endless amounts of shit. The points are so valuable that crafters will sell their time to the highest bidder. And secondly, the locations of harvesting resources are random, so one time it might be gems and then it might come back as a tree. And when you do harvest stuff, mishaps happen and you have to react to the mishap.

I'm sure it wont be perfect but at least get a clue about what might be good and what might not.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
This is not 2001.
Bro, if you said what you said I would be reasonable and say, "okeh you are right" but since you said "this is not 2001" you obviously took that leap, i responded with equally reasonable response, and now you did this to yourself.