Colrectal Stage 3 cancer.

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Lord Nagafen Raider
Fuckin cancer.

The only info i can share is this : my dad went trhough 3 weeks of chemo and couldnt move from his room. I gotta say hes the most positive person i know, yet this innactivty nearly killed his moral. Try and find some way to prepare yourself for this isolation / innactivity. I dont know, a movie list, books or fuckin meditation, whatever works. Start learning russian if it suits you. Keep the brain active at least. And have visits. People around you will play a critical role.

Best of luck man. Keep us updated.
Apparently the reason they cant get me started sooner with my chemo is the August 23,2013 consult to see the chemo doctors is the soonest they can get me in jesus.

That means 5 week delay to start chemo, followed by 5 weeks of chemo, then another 8 week delay to do sugery followed by more chemo.

I thought this cancer might kill me, but fuck think they are going to kill me long before it with all this waiting shit, sighs.


Lord Nagafen Raider
My aunt just had her colon removed. She had the choice of a bag or intestines connected directly to rectum. She went with it being connected to her rectum and seems to be doing just fine with it. So you might ask about that.


Molten Core Raider
What's the downside to that? Just a much shorter digestive tract so you have to use the bathroom more frequently since your body can't store as much waste?

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
What's the downside to that? Just a much shorter digestive tract so you have to use the bathroom more frequently since your body can't store as much waste?
You have to go to the bathroom more often and with greater urgency, you become more prone to dehydration and diarrhea, and your stool is more acidic (I'll let you use your imagination as to the impact this one has). I only know this based on research I did after being diagnosed with diverticulitis because it's potential treatment should it become acute or unmanageable. I'm sure Tred can provide better info.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Yes you have to use the bathroom more often and since moisture doesn't get drawn out as much stool is a bit looser. Fiber and/or stuff like Metamucil does help with that though. It's definitely an adjustment at first but it's something you get used to.

edit: And what FW said. Acidic diarrhea is NOT a fun thing to have. Sure does suck when your ass feels like a volcano spewing lava. lol


Molten Core Raider
You are in the UK so I am assuming you are going through the NHS for the cancer treatment

Not surprised with the wait but it's free treatment and they do provide excellent care. You obviously can decide that you don't want to wait and go for private treatment but I think it is extremely expensive especially for the cancer.

Good luck with this man. Fuck cancer.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
You are in the UK so I am assuming you are going through the NHS for the cancer treatment

Not surprised with the wait but it's free treatment and they do provide excellent care. You obviously can decide that you don't want to wait and go for private treatment but I think it is extremely expensive especially for the cancer.

Good luck with this man. Fuck cancer.
Yeah the wait definitely sucks and surely can't help with the prognosis, however it could be worse and you could be your average American Joe who not only has to think about survival, but also how he/she is going to deal with mounting medical bills and keeping a job while on chemo just so you can pay them. My mother who had GOOD health insurance through her husband who was a surgeon had accumulated over $500,000 in medical bills over the course of nine years, and this was after insurance payouts and doctor discounts 'cause my stepdad was a doc.


Potato del Grande
Now is a good time to start learning how to make really good meth! Fuck Cancer! Stay positive and keep people around you!
For fucks sake, I read through 3 pages of this to see if anyone had made the joke so that I could make it...
You have to go to the bathroom more often and with greater urgency, you become more prone to dehydration and diarrhea, and your stool is more acidic (I'll let you use your imagination as to the impact this one has). I only know this based on research I did after being diagnosed with diverticulitis because it's potential treatment should it become acute or unmanageable. I'm sure Tred can provide better info.

I am told all the above, also think 1 way or the other your more at risk to get infection.

I am 36 year old and don't smoke just social drink once in moon with GF,in excellent shape other then ulcerative coltis since I was 25 years old.

However the way my surgeon told about it, she did not give me the option of anything but the bag.
So I got home 1 hour ago from fun filled day of seeing doctors.
They are going to try to move my chemo up ahead so don't have to wait till august 23 to start it, which will delay my surgery by 5 weeks so instead of having surgery week 13 due to that it gets moved to week 18 leaving my body and mind with a lot more anxiety and stress till then.

Next week I go get a 2nd medical Opinion on my chemo, surgery, chemo etc.


Bronze Squire
Have you thought about perhaps seeking a second opinion and/or an out-of-pocket option?

Just seems like you aren't getting a lot of "why it has to be this way" when it comes to your treatment and makes me wonder if you are falling victim to the health-care system there. There may be a legitimate reason why you can only use a bag, but between that and the delay in your chemo, I would be looking into other options. Might be expensive but you have a lot of life in front of you and if these delays are potentially dangerous or there are options that could significantly improve my quality of life going forward, I would be looking into them regardless of costs. It's only money...
Have you thought about perhaps seeking a second opinion and/or an out-of-pocket option?

Just seems like you aren't getting a lot of "why it has to be this way" when it comes to your treatment and makes me wonder if you are falling victim to the health-care system there. There may be a legitimate reason why you can only use a bag, but between that and the delay in your chemo, I would be looking into other options. Might be expensive but you have a lot of life in front of you and if these delays are potentially dangerous or there are options that could significantly improve my quality of life going forward, I would be looking into them regardless of costs. It's only money...
Yes I am going next week to get 2nd on surgery, chemo every dam thing, Hate to be this blunt but fuck money if your dead cant spend it, and I don't want to die im only 36 year old, was hoping to live to be 80-90 etc.


Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Definitely go for a 2nd opinion and even a 3rd if you feel you need it. This definitely isn't something to fuck around with.


Buzzfeed Editor
However the way my surgeon told about it, she did not give me the option of anything but the bag.
Ask about it, and see someone else. Doctors are like any other profession. Her hospital might not offer it because they don't have the equipment, or expertise ect. (Well, that's here, not sure how it works in the UK.) My brother was told his tumor was in an inoperable part of his brain, but the guys at Duke had a special technique to get to it anyway. So, as odd as it sounds, shop around.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
So I got home 1 hour ago from fun filled day of seeing doctors.
They are going to try to move my chemo up ahead so don't have to wait till august 23 to start it, which will delay my surgery by 5 weeks so instead of having surgery week 13 due to that it gets moved to week 18 leaving my body and mind with a lot more anxiety and stress till then.

Next week I go get a 2nd medical Opinion on my chemo, surgery, chemo etc.
Jesus. How nice of them to "Move it up ahead" or see if they can. Are they fucking kidding? They are treating this like it's a common cold for Christ sake. What the hell is wrong with any system when you have a serious disease in which time is of the essence and they say "Oh see you in 4 weeks!" Holy fuck! (I seriously want to strangle some of the idiots in the health care system. In ANY country.
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