Colrectal Stage 3 cancer.

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I have my colon surgery March 07,2014 I be in hospital 10 days. There pulling my colon and lymph nodes getting a stoma.
Then 4-5 weeks of rest then 6 months of chemo on the Xeloda the chemo pill 2 weeks on it, 1 week rest, then 2 weeks on it again , week rest for 6 months then hopefully I be cured after that.


Tranny Chaser
I have my colon surgery March 07,2014 I be in hospital 10 days. There pulling my colon and lymph nodes getting a stoma.
Then 4-5 weeks of rest then 6 months of chemo on the Xeloda the chemo pill 2 weeks on it, 1 week rest, then 2 weeks on it again , week rest for 6 months then hopefully I be cured after that.
How many beta invites is a colon worth? Have you talked to Brad yet?


Musty Nester
I almost feel bad about that one, but after a slow-motion playback I'm going to stand by the original call on the field.

Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
Man, how did I not know this thread was here? AleskiFL seemed like an OK dude (minus the ESL engrish), but if he is in fact Tidbit, then what the I don't even. What is so weird is that Tidbit has fairly good spelling, grammar, and sentence structure when he is talking about MMO's like this:

"In fact: Had he launched with a sloppy, generic, Unity demo, his name, and a fleshed out design document--as well as a working knowledge of how to use social marketing? He'd have easily blown away his funding quota, I think. The fact that he didn't even have these laughably basic things, and still raised 400k, is fucking astounding to me. It really speaks of the HUGE opportunity he probably missed here--all because he expected this to function like the good old boys club of his younger years. The fact that he believes he can be a CEO with that kind of poor due diligence in some basic research and market organization? Is shocking.[/QUOTE]-------all this is so spot on and what makes this so sad as well cause he would have hit his goals and then some.

So well said, great post.", but as soon as he starts to talk about his "colon cancer", is devolves into something like this:

"I have my colon surgery March 07,2014 I be in hospital 10 days. There pulling my colon and lymph nodes getting a stoma.
Then 4-5 weeks of rest then 6 months of chemo on the Xeloda the chemo pill 2 weeks on it, 1 week rest, then 2 weeks on it again , week rest for 6 months then hopefully I be cured after that."

It's like his alternate personality comes out as soon as his pain body is stimulated by questioning. Fascinating stuff - might be a good case study for a psych majors' college study.


I'm Amod too!
Man, how did I not know this thread was here? AleskiFL seemed like an OK dude (minus the ESL engrish), but if he is in fact Tidbit, then what the I don't even. What is so weird is that Tidbit has fairly good spelling, grammar, and sentence structure when he is talking about MMO's like this:

"In fact: Had he launched with a sloppy, generic, Unity demo, his name, and a fleshed out design document--as well as a working knowledge of how to use social marketing? He'd have easily blown away his funding quota, I think. The fact that he didn't even have these laughably basic things, and still raised 400k, is fucking astounding to me. It really speaks of the HUGE opportunity he probably missed here--all because he expected this to function like the good old boys club of his younger years. The fact that he believes he can be a CEO with that kind of poor due diligence in some basic research and market organization? Is shocking.
-------all this is so spot on and what makes this so sad as well cause he would have hit his goals and then some.

So well said, great post.", but as soon as he starts to talk about his "colon cancer", is devolves into something like this:

You realize that 90% of that "quote" you posted was him trying, and failing, to quote Lithose? The only thing he added was:

-------all this is so spot on and what makes this so sad as well cause he would have hit his goals and then some.

So well said, great post.
A standard Aleski one liner.

Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
Hmm, well I am slightly retarded as he is quoting a Lithose post, but the general idea is the same... coherent when talking about, or asking about beta keys for MMO's, but completely devolved into caveman engrish when discussing his "cancer".


I'm Amod too!
I think the problem stems from the fact he tends to stick to small one or two line posts in most MMO threads. Harder to get himself lost and fuck it up. Here he's trying to post too big and getting overwhelmed.
Well in a few hours I will be having my surgery to remove my colon and lymph nodes and having a stoma built.
March 07,2014 at 545 AM at Bay Pines VA, please pray that this goes well for me.
It will be around 6 weeks after this that they will resume Chemo treatment via the chemo pill Xeloda for 6 months with 2 weeks on pill, 1 week break rest then hopefully I will beat this cancer.

I hope now its time for me to get a stoma, that I can adapt to it, and have my body accept it.
For those of you that have been praying for me, I really appreciate it.
If any of you have had cancer and dealt with a stoma and can offer advice I would appreciate it.
I will be in Hospital from 7 days to 10 days they don't have wireless internet at Miltary Hospitals so I will have to post from my smart phone.


Be sure to burn a sacrifice (some food works, babies or full grown people are better) to Moloch Lord of Flames and all will be well.


Tranny Chaser
Well in a few hours I will be having my surgery to remove my colon and lymph nodes and having a stoma built.
March 07,2014 at 545 AM at Bay Pines VA, please pray that this goes well for me.
It will be around 6 weeks after this that they will resume Chemo treatment via the chemo pill Xeloda for 6 months with 2 weeks on pill, 1 week break rest then hopefully I will beat this cancer.

I hope now its time for me to get a stoma, that I can adapt to it, and have my body accept it.
For those of you that have been praying for me, I really appreciate it.
If any of you have had cancer and dealt with a stoma and can offer advice I would appreciate it.
I will be in Hospital from 7 days to 10 days they don't have wireless internet at Miltary Hospitals so I will have to post from my smart phone.
I hope you get psych eval, Aleksi, as well as the treatment you need. Have the decency to thank your doctor, not some imaginary skydaddy. Post pics.
Its been long time since I updated this thread cause my surgery has happened as well as chemo was started and there was complications in 1 my lymph nodes they took out they found 2nd cancer of another type.
In the lymph node they found a Neuroendocrine cancer sigmoid and the other cancer was rectal adonocarinoma.

MY stoma my ostmey is huge adjustment.

I am being treated for the rectal cancer with 2 chemo meds Capecitabine-Xeloda I take every 2 weeks with labs then have 1 week off.
I also every 3 weeks get ` chemo infusion of Oxaliplatin chemo.

The 2me cancer sigmoid they found cant be detected in bone scan or pet scan.

A special scan that takes 2 days is called a Octreoscan I will need.

I have found out that ostmey bags don't like seat belts had 1 tear it, what a fucking mess.

I am now going to ask if any on these boards live near me in Temple Terrace FL?
I would like to have some from the boards visit even if its just 1 time, to due this to clear my name that have cancer and ostmey bag, that cause they took my rectum, I cant take a bath for at least 4 months to 5 months.

I AM THE guy that in the past has paid for muti MMO"s at the same time up to 8 and sad part is wasn't even playing almost all them just kept subbed cause money was no big deal so the entire I want free stuff applies to a lot of players but sure as hell not me.
I also want to clear the record that it was 1 beta I asked to get in and even offered to pay for it, cause I have real cancer somehow some on the boards assumed I wanted it for free.
I was already in wildstar beta BUT DUE TO cancer barley got to play , I still cant sit long howver its up to about 1 hour at time for gameing.

To those that run their mouths and live near me, come visit and I let you change my ostmey bag when you visit or at very least show it to you, once this happens. I can promise you will never nake fun of someone with cancer again.

So I openly pleading if someone lives near me in Florida to come visit to verify the cancer you can see paperwork meds, doctors, ostmey stoma all.
I ask that after you have visited that you come here and post to clear my name, and have my thread removed from this section back to normal real life section were can get emotional support for my cancer which is really important for my cancer battle.

I am very serious about someone visiting me that lives near me to verify the cancer or even a few people.
I want justice for the players that laughed at me for having life threatning cancer when I really had it.

thank you

Derek Alexander
For those asking what was removed in the surgery it was the lower and upper colon, the sigmoid colon, the rectum and 84 lymph nodes I got and ostmey and had to sew shut the anus.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I think Soygen's in that area.

Soy, you wanna... do ... whatever this guy is asking ... or ... i dont know
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