Comic Books


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Jesus this woke industry is a joke. How many things can you find wrong in the top panel?


Caliane Caliane as a colorist, do you guys ever say anything if/when you get retarded shit like this, or does the studio just do the best they can (like the "light sources" from the previous post) and cash the check?
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<Prior Amod>
Jesus this woke industry is a joke. How many things can you find wrong in the top panel?

View attachment 502395

Caliane Caliane as a colorist, do you guys ever say anything if/when you get retarded shit like this, or does the studio just do the best they can (like the "light sources" from the previous post) and cash the check?
besides the obvious...

i think the sink is emptying into a dresser drawer lulz, some1 loaded up the bedroom models, also someone loaded up the kitchen models too cuz that cabinet on the right could be a fridge

also why are the curtain creases/shadows not consistent in each panel?


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I’d hate to turn the hot/cold with the cabinet flush low like that.

Wait, in the mid panes it is at like boob height.


Avatar of War Slayer
besides the obvious...

i think the sink is emptying into a dresser drawer lulz, some1 loaded up the bedroom models, also someone loaded up the kitchen models too cuz that cabinet on the right could be a fridge

also why are the curtain creases/shadows not consistent in each panel?
sometimes. but yeah, editors rarely care these days, so its pissing into the wind. sometimes its due to being late already. by the time the colorist gets it, theres no time to send it back to fix. sometimes, I get asked to fix it. (and not paid for it at all)

recently, got some pages for titans. so, flash fam gets turned into animals. bart gets turned into a lizard. animal girl, uses her powers to turn him into an ostrich instead. 1 page later, oops hes a lizard again.

the artist seemingly drew the pages out of order. we the colorists were getting 1 page at a time, out of order. trickled in. I brought it up, but never saw an art fix...

curtains not matching in batgirl there. honestly, I'd do that too. it shows I'm not just copy/pasting, and instead drawing it in every panel.

ive seen some bad stuff, but nothing specifically like that room. haha. If I got that page, id probably hide the door, just color it as wall. when I first started I was asked to not alter art without express permission. this includes fixes. it pisses some artists off. (that said, I have on occasion fixed things. today added pockets to a shirt. asked to by the client)
rug in bathroom, under toilet/tub.. again probably try to pass it off as tiling.

I forget the specific last time I notice the geometry of a room not matching. might have been Shi? stairwell kept moving, and was facing in such a way, that it was leading outside the house.


Trakanon Raider
I finally got my Kickstarter in from The Boys. Took 1 1/2 years and a fight for them to send it to the right location after telling them I moved 10 times. They did throw in extra books I guess they had left over. The one on the far left is a pure metal cover. Looks like only 100 were made for the Kickstarter. I also picked up some others from Antihero mystery box. Took them 2 months longer than they said, but they threw in tons of non-graded variant covers.

books1 - Copy.jpg
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Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
That's actually fine. But make it like the women didn't know a mutant mystique was impregnating them so theres some drama
You give woke shitlibs too much credit. They aren't writing this shit for "some drama". They're doing it because they're mentally ill.


Potato del Grande
You give woke shitlibs too much credit. They aren't writing this shit for "some drama". They're doing it because they're mentally ill.
No I said they SHOULD do that, they just had it be regular lesbians in a loving relationship which is boring lol.
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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I have the actual issues of that Hologram set. Not that it matters.
I can almost remember buying it at the convention back in Birmingham when my parents took me. Been sitting in a bin ever since moving out for college decades ago.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
God damn I couldn't stop laughing lol I'm probably the only one here following this EJ drama. He's such a fucktard, and EVS is so entertaining.



Avatar of War Slayer
EricJuly/youngrippa59/rippaverse, and Ethan van scriver were fighting about something. I have no idea what.

well, actually, looking over video titles. I can't find too muhc, but I think I see mention of tracing/lightboxing.
I think ethan called him out on it and they started fighting?

I suppose I should give my 2cents. without watching the vid fully, or ethans accusations/crits at all.

First off, the end product is what matters most. Tons of great artists use models, use 3d assets, mockups, etc. I would MUCH rather an artist take the time to make a 3d model of a room, and get it right, then freehand it and fuck it up constantly.
I think I mentioned, one of the indie books I did recently having a house exterior... and on the inside a staircase that turned left into a hallway, that could not possibly work from outside. 3 stories inside, a dojo in the attic, that is not possible from the outside.
The issue is largely when they trace, or use models and its just so very obvious, with no real artist imput, or creativity. take the base, add your creativity over it. if I can immediately TELL that its just traced. ew.

The classic perfect example of this was Normal rockwell.

as the notes here outright point out. He took his photo, and exaggerated it all. this is how you do it.
Its a comic book, it should have heightened reality. so just copying 3d assets, porn, or photos is really stupid.

The next issue is then referencing YOUR own photos or art, versus someone elses... Look, I'm not going to pay for a drone shot of NYC skyline, so I think its obvious there is some level that using other peoples photos, art is acceptable. but... just where is that line? thats hard to say.
composition is a big part of the pencillers job. stealing that is a big no-no to me... but at the same time, "homage" is ok, and its ok if you expressly make note of your "borrowing" of it imho.
and, it should be noted. as a customer I'm paying you for YOUR art, not someone elses. so if you are just stealing art. why am I paying you, and not them? which kindof goes back to the original statement on referencing. take the base.. but make it your own, and it can be ok.

..oh, I'm just realizing that elevator door from older posts was from Isom#2. so that was Eric's comic. so was it all from that? yeah, Ethan was right to call his team out on that shit.
I wonder what exactly happened from there? Ethan can be a jackass. Artists make mistakes, I'd just apologize for the screwup. I've certainly made mistakes that got printed. Did Eric not apologize and take it badly? or did Ethan just hound him about it? Ethans business model atm is those livestreams, and picking fights, creating drama...
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
EJ is the KING of grifters. He's produced 3 comics so far - ISOM #1 and #2, and Alphacore #1. The artist he hired for the first two took A LOT of digital art assets, ran them through a filter to "comic book'ize" them, and called it a day. That image at the top of the page? That's a door frame asset repurposed as a metal detector. See the buttons hanging in the air? That cross hatching/tire tread on the wall that he uses for everything? It's an art asset he liberally applies.

The comic page I posted yesterday? Someone took that page from one of the ISOM books (with its art asset truck, art asset couch, art asset table, and art asset tire treads on the wall) and inserted EJ over his charactar, and changed the text, because EJ refuses to actually name certain people he shit talks and often says "certain individuals, maybe two, not many" when referring to EVS or Dick Masterson. He's tried to bat away the art asset issue by saying "everyone traces" but, that's not what happened. The artist literally copy/pasted shit. It's unreal.

He was also super retarded and started some shit with Rekeita Law, and got schooled BAD by him. However, as he's a token black for the "conservative" side of comics, a lot people suck his dick. He talks himself up as the savior of comics who's taking on Marvel and DC and going to change the industry. He makes Trump look like he has a tiny ego. Yet if you actually read ISOM (he wrote them), there isn't even a story. At all. You'd have to see it to believe it.

He also likes to talk about himself as a serious business man. Nevermind he completely devalued his own books that he (initially) charged $35 dollars for, by having a fire sale for $5 lolz He's been overprinting his books.

Basically he's just a talentless douche that's a stain on comics right now and the sooner more people ACTUALLY read what he's putting out, the sooner he'll fade away. In the meantime, he's content for the content-mill.
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