So, is this game still a big piece of shit or should I reinstall?
Give S4 a shot. Comes out tomorrow. Pretty big rework of a lot of things.So, is this game still a big piece of shit or should I reinstall?
would be playing necro for the 3rd time.
Number 25...That's quite a lot of changes I didn't even know about. All for the better. If they would just add a loot filter, I'd be playing this for years.
So, is this game still a big piece of shit or should I reinstall?
Doesn't hurt to look at the comments too.That's quite a lot of changes I didn't even know about. All for the better. If they would just add a loot filter, I'd be playing this for years.
That's quite a lot of changes I didn't even know about. All for the better. If they would just add a loot filter, I'd be playing this for years.
Leveling up the first time you definitely wont be wanting a loot filter as you will need the mats since you won't be getting a boost like on the PTR.
I haven't played since S1 and this update has me interested so I've been watching some of the streamers / devs going over the changes. From my understanding, the golem change was a broken build they left in the PTR. They fixed it. Essentially, you could stack over +25 levels of golem mastery. Now you can only stack it within the same ranges as other builds stack mastery which is maybe around 5 or so levels? The guys from Maxroll do not seemed to worried by it and are still saying it will be one of the top builds. So instead of your golem just walking around one shotting everything you will have to buff it but now you have room to put other stats to buff your build instead of just +golem mastery.still debating on playing or not. would be playing necro for the 3rd time. was little hyped to play op minions, but according to what the devs hinted at, golems are looking at 50-90% damage reduction from ptr. which was not listed on the updated patch notes.
They refuse to let you create an attractive character.Loaded this up for the first time in a long ass time to clear out a character spot and figure out what kind of character I was going to create and let me remind everyone that the character creater is fucking ass. I forgot how fucking awful these abominations fucking looked. All of the characters look plastic stupid and ugly... Thanks you woke American Inventor faggots.
I was hoping to play Diablo 4 not Clayfighter for the fucking N64. At least the stupid American Inventors in charge have finally figured out that most people don't want to look at this shit and their fucking cosmetic store might as well be putting lipstick on a pig and that we can finally zoom the fuck out further.
Yeah, but once you hit that phase in the game where you ONLY care about this stat or that...