Does Goliath still have a penis?

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Heres the root of the problem, and it's not specific to goliath. It's not even specific to a particular gender.

Ok, so he's a woman trapped in a man's body. Sounds crazy, but whatever. It's no more crazy than most of the shit i'm confronted with on a daily basis. And so he begins the process of becoming she. Medically that's actually pretty neat, but it's also crazy. But ok, it's no more crazy than some of the shit i'm confronted with on a daily basis.

But then... in this difficult process of becoming a woman and trying to look like a woman and trying to BE a woman... he dyes his hair PINK.

That's not crazy. That's just fucking stupid.
Dying hair pink comes off as either for attention or maybe trying to exert newfound sexuality in a way that's immediately identifiable. It could be doing Goliath a disservice if it's just calling attention to MtF transition, but I figure is for one of the first two reasons subconciously. No idea to know for sure though


MsBehavn is good peoples even if she friended and defriended me like 5 times in SC2 and Steam! She was a good Protoss player in SC2 too.


has an outie
Random, but ty. And I remove everyone from friend lists in games I don't play, that way they don't expect my return or w/e. It's a courtesy tbh.


Dabamf: To be completely honest Ts aren't always treated well in the LBGT community. It's completely regional it seems. Like it's accepted more in some parts of the world(more so than homosexuality), but on average I -think-/pretty sure it's accepted less everywhere else. You were always respectful/polite to me on the previous board in the SC2 threads when I posted there so it was weird when you said some of the things you did to me on here.
I don't remember you from the old forums, but I get irritated any time someone says "LOL I'M A GIRL LOL" things. You're not 1/10 as bad as goliath, but you still do quite a bit of that. Has nothing to do with being trans; the cis or whatever you call them girls that do it are also irritating. The problem with MtF trans people in particular (at least the ones here) is that behavior is so often an outright caricature of normal feminine behavior. Any time someone tries to act a certain way to convince people they are that way, rather than simply being who they are, it's beyond transparent.


Avatar of War Slayer
You should probably expect things on the internet to be exaggerations of actual belief. I doubt a lot of the people that make certain comments here really feel THAT way, but it's definitely the sharpest knife in the drawer to use those insults/comments.
yeah lets be honest. It is the internet. the trolls will be the loudest. the sane people and the rational keep their mouths shut more often then not.
Which is a large part of Goliaths fiasco. She REALLY should have stopped responding to the trolls a long time before she did.


<Prior Amod>
Did you have a bad experience with a Thai Lady Boy, Dabamf?
LoL, I was kinda thinking the same thing.tongue.png

MsBehaven is good people I've no issue with her or any other decent person be them gay, strait, trans or whatever. She's (MsBehavn) always been pretty cool to talk to and contributes to the forums.

Goliath though...he's a douche and treats anyone like a piece of shit if they see something even remotely different then he does. If you wouldn't fuck him you're obviously a homophobe bible thumper (lol Sean) and blah blah blah. The dude is strait up crazy and needs help. Period.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Goliath has been noticeably insane for years too, well before he ever told us he was a she. Doesn't help his credibility with his trans status in my mind when we already new he was a mentally ill drug abuser.


Buzzfeed Editor
I have never really even talked to Goliath. I used to ignore her because she would ramble for pages about bullshit before the meds kicked in. I don;t think MsB is comparable, she's sane and has way, way way better tits.


Potato del Grande
yeah lets be honest. It is the internet. the trolls will be the loudest. the sane people and the rational keep their mouths shut more often then not.
Which is a large part of Goliaths fiasco. He REALLY should have stopped responding to the trolls a long time before he did.


Did you have a bad experience with a Thai Lady Boy, Dabamf?
No but you wouldn't believe the number of guys that get Vang Vieng in Laos, especially, cuz everyone is so fucked up. I hung out one night with a big group of travelers, Lao people, and a couple Thai trans people. One of them was preposterously hot, and I leaned over to my buddies and said, "for the record, that one in the white dress is a dude - don't go hitting on her in 3 hours when you're fucked up." They w


oops...they wouldn't believe me until like an hour after convincing. Overdressed + exaggerated signs of femininity...not Lao or Thai style unless it's a hooker or ladyboy


Blackwing Lair Raider
Erronius announcing his position when he joins the thread. Good job douche.
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