Dungeon Boss (Android/iOS): EQ/WoW flavor team Pokemon


what Suineg set it to
If you'd asked me a year ago if I would ever consider a mobile game anything more than just 'better than solitaire' I would have said no. However, this is one of the most fun games I've played in a while. The combat is very simple but the strategy and tactics are extremely deep. Unlike other freemium games, there is a ton of content and you can play completely free and have the best stuff, albeit in some cases at slightly slower rate (but not awful). While other games you frequently run out of stuff to do within a few minutes of trying every couple of hours, you can pretty easily spend all day if you manage energy and resources properly. You can also 'go infinite' once you unlock certain levels of content because you can earn enough free premium currency to do pretty much whatever you want quickly enough to not need to buy any more. There's also constant new content and events going on.

There are a few game play modes:
1) PvE dungeon campaign (pretty long)

2) PvP dungeons (ala Clash of Clans style not direct but fight the setup)

3) Daily challenge 'raid' with huge rewards for winning (what allows you to go 'infinite')

The core of the game centers around heroes, each one is sort of like an MMO character made into a pokemon of sorts. There are currently 50 in game. Each character can have:
1) Element (Nature > Fire > Water > Nature OR Light > Dark > Light)
2) Race (Elf, Dwarf, Undead, etc.)
3) Class (Warrior, Rogue, Caster, Healer, Tank, etc.)
4) Traits - General (Armored, Magical, Flying, etc.)
5) Traits - Specific (either class, race or individual such as Fast, Demon Slayer, Armor Hunter, etc.)

In addition each character has a primary attack (free, always available) and starts with one special move, eventually getting up to 3 special moves.

Progression is accomplished in three ways:
1) Character/hero level
2) Star level from hero tokens which are a common reward/portal drop (overall 'quality' of hero - each hero starts between 1 and 4 stars depending on difficulty to get and goes up to 6 stars)
3) Ascensions (pokemon evolves, give new passives/traits and special abilities)

Combat ultimately consists of your team of 4 heroes vs. the foe (could be 1-5 monsters or a boss in PvE, 1-4 enemy heroes in PvP, 1-4 heroes per 'floor' in the raid dungeon). Combat order is determined by priority (IE, order on your team) PLUS combat speed of the hero (either Fast, Normal or Slow). Each type of content gets slightly different combat order (in PvE for instance you go first, in the other two the enemy does at each step). Every full 'round' that passes, most heroes gain 1 energy. In general, the enemy starts with ALL abilities fully 'charged' while you start with usually only the first ability active but can 'power up' the rest over time or with certain abilities.

For PvE, each dungeon consists of a number of rooms chained together. The dungeons have the same building blocks but are slightly randomized. For PvP, you simply face an opposing team of 4 heroes one on one. For the raid (called Tower of Pwn) you get ALL your heroes (4 at a time) and they save energy/health (permadeath each day) but you must beat 12 floors of the dungeon in a row to get the top reward.

The strategy comes in here a few ways:
1) Elements are a significant counter. Negative elements (IE fire guy hitting water) can't even crit meanwhile the positive element attack (water guy hitting fire) does boosted damage. It doesn't make it immune, but it means you had best plan.
2) Certain heroes have HUGE boosts vs. other types of classes/races/elements. For example, one rogue hero does 3x damage vs undead AND is Light while most undead are Dark, which is ANOTHER 30% buff to damage.
3) Abilities may be hugely powerful, but cooldown time and reuse is a significant factor. For instance two heroes have nearly identical skill setups (they are both fire warriors) but the layout is basically reversed in that the super charge/buff attack is the THIRD ability for one (Rogar) but the FIRST ability for the other (Abigail). Both have long cooldown times and are otherwise similar abilities BUT while Abigail means she can get the ability off first round, it also means her primary ability isn't usable again for 9 turns (an eternity in this game) while Rogar gets his first ability (Whirlwind) back in only 6 turns though it does less damage.
4) Timing. all fast heroes is great... unless the enemy survives and generally is more powerful/tougher.
5) Combat planning for instance on a hard dungeon using all your abilities in the first room can clear it but then you may get wiped in room 2.
6) Synergies - a lot of heroes buff each other or have synergistic effects to create certain 'combos'.

Anyway, any questions let me know. There are a lot of specific strategies for beating everything and more advanced stuff to get the most out of the game. It's simple to get into but there's a lot going on so it's impossible to cover everything in an overview.

My suggestion if you want to spend money from a value standpoint:
1) $10 special starter 'Willow' bundle - Willow is an amazing character relevant throughout the game so if you want to get a leg up almost immediately, this is a decent bundle though overpriced in terms of value later on
2) $3/mo 50 gems/day login bonus
3) $5-10 Energy packs for events with good repeatable rewards, specifically for special celestial evo events - these are components that allow you to ascend/evolve your heroes and are otherwise rare and frustrating to get exactly how many you need of any one type sometimes. To give an example, you can probably get $50 worth of 'bundled' evos from packs in the shop for $10 worth of energy running the celestial event extra time.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Ill check it out.
Another ftp game in this vein that is recent and good is battlehand. Its on ios for sure, not sure about android.


what Suineg set it to
Yea worth a look at least. The game is pretty new and I'm actually pretty impressed they have been doing pretty regular balance changes, content addons and some pretty fun events.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Its good. Very very similar to this, but with a card collecting deck building theme that isnt very nickle and dimey, and gets a lot of support as well. It also came out recently.

I like these types of games in general. A non ftp one that is quite old now but still excellent is battleheart. Its ancient in terms of mobile games, but does the mmo holy trinity and you grind battles and boss fights for loot and xp and all that.

Anyway, I played this for a decent little bit just now and it is very good.

Seconding your recommendation of Dungeon Boss


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
I like it. Is anyone good enough to give recommendations on the heroes rankings?

Is it worth to ascend Yasmine, or just pour everything into nub nub.
Nub nub is fucking OP, for real.


<Silver Donator>
I like it. Is anyone good enough to give recommendations on the heroes rankings?

Is it worth to ascend Yasmine, or just pour everything into nub nub.
Nub nub is fucking OP, for real.

Both are good - Nub Nub is priority as he is boss. Huge HP pool, awesome heal and party buffs.


<Silver Donator>
Also, PM or ask me in this thread about the game. Been playing since January - I'm at lvl 64, almost all my guys are fully ascended with at least 6-7 guys with 6 six stars.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
What should be the priority order of ascension/ tokens?
Nub nub - > astrid , then who else?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Started this last night. It's pretty fun and a good time waster. Thanks for turning me on to it :)


what Suineg set it to
Just don't spend money. They ruined the econ and return on gems. Before you could "cap" if you played a lot, they changed their business model about four months ago to make that basically impossible.


<Silver Donator>
I spend money on more heroic summons only. VIP 6 here. Even after those summons, I still enjoy the game, especially now with epics and runes.


<Silver Donator>
Nub Nub first. I don't have Astrid but I here she's really good for PVP defense. If you have Yokozuna and Kai, I would prioritize those two after Nub.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Played it for most of the day yesterday, it's definitely too depended on IAP. Stamina became an issue early on. Got to chapter 6 and couldn't pass any of the levels no matter what hero combos I used.

Ok game, fun time waster but don't expect to get very far without IAP.


Golden Squire
I spent maybe $20 using gift card money on this. When I stopped playing I was around Chapter 18 I think. Up there. You absolutely can go far without spending a dime but it's mostly predicated on time. Get character tokens, evo mats, etc. Make what you have as powerful as you can manage with where you're at. Chapter 6 isn't even the first boss.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Started playing this a week or two ago. Level 34 now, I think. Fairly simple and straight forward, but I like it. Was going to join Avery and gang in the other, but once part of a guild I feel like I have to log in and do the shit every day, and some days I'm just lazy.