EVE Online


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I have a knack of "investing" in shit then it goes to crap. Bought a ton of isogen back when the price was going sky high. Right after CCP upped the amount you could get from mining. Price dropped like a rock. Bought a bunch of stuff to sell during capsuler day that has been in demand and price goes way up normally. Not sure if they will even have it this year.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I don't know if it's because summer is here or coming. The market has turned upside down. Skill extractors were put on sale last June. They only recently got back to where they were before the start. Put them up for sale recently at a wildly high price along with some other stuff like all the DED mods i collect running sites. All today my entire sell orders across the board that were price very high for long term "maybe" sale were cleared out when I logged in today. Crazy stuff. When CCP ran specials for their shooter game I could see people logging in, but this no idea.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
Capsuleer event started today and goes for a month. I looked in. Biggest nothing burger, almost as much nothing as the events they skipped a while back. I was already subbed for a year at a time through plex. No way I would pay anything to come back for it if not already subbed/training. More hoops of shit to get shitty skins for shitty ships.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Did find one thing about event. Alt got use out of the battle heron with everyone out hacking.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
More proof the ISk supply is over inflated. I got a random 20 billion isk donation today.
  • 1Worf
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
What the fuck lmao, 20bn is more than my entire net worth.

How fuckin rich are thees space methuselah that have been playing for 30 years
  • 1Worf
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Log Wizard
If you just farm, yeah you'll have a lot. My problem is I get 4 bil and then I want to hotdrop it on someone.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Number of trillionaires now in Eve. Eve Oz streams and has youtube videos and is now on the CSM and I'm not sure he ever flies in game and is a trillionaire. Just plays the market. Before he was elected to CSM he did a giveaway to people that applied for large amounts of isk that had a plan to make more. He has some pretty large spreadsheets of the market and tracks prices and amount sold and makes videos of what has less than 1 day of supply on the market and such.

Lot of isk to be made keeping up with the stuff CCP puts on sale like skill extractors. I bought several billion of them when they did and the price crashed. Took almost a year but the price eventually got back higher than they started after I bought them for half that.
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<Gold Donor>
Number of trillionaires now in Eve. Eve Oz streams and has youtube videos and is now on the CSM and I'm not sure he ever flies in game and is a trillionaire. Just plays the market. Before he was elected to CSM he did a giveaway to people that applied for large amounts of isk that had a plan to make more. He has some pretty large spreadsheets of the market and tracks prices and amount sold and makes videos of what has less than 1 day of supply on the market and such.

Lot of isk to be made keeping up with the stuff CCP puts on sale like skill extractors. I bought several billion of them when they did and the price crashed. Took almost a year but the price eventually got back higher than they started after I bought them for half that.

I really miss that game.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Email from CCP today, June expansion is going to have new Upwell hauling ships, for PI I think. I'm not sure really haven't followed it.

To give you an idea how out of whack the economy is. On my alt he ran a high sec anomoly to get his 25 rat kills for 10k SP last week. Got a high sec 5/10 esceleation and I ran it on my main. 770m isk. Ded medium afterburner, Ded multispectrum shield hardener, Ded shield booster, 43m OPE, 20m bounty, and something else I can't remember.
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  • 1Blown
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Yea any kind of deadspace modules like that are pretty insanely pricey. The issue is though is that farming them is a fucking nightmare unless you have unfettered/safe access to a bunch of sovnull space to grind it.

Trying to chase escalations in highsec is a suckers game


Bronze Baron of the Realm
5/10 angels escelate from refuges which are everywhere in high sec and I did it with a <300m isk ship in 20 minutes. I used to buy them from new players that couldn't do them but they changed the way bookmark sharing worked killed that. Easy isk from an alt and he does the refuges to get the free sp daily. But I'm about to sell him soon. Another way to make isk, buy multiple pilot deals with plex bought with isk when they are on massive sale and make a character and then sell it and come out ahead. I have a 40m SP dreadnaught alt that I'm about to sell as well soon as a major war breaks out. Should not be a surprise a lot of people in Eve have more isk than sense. Once say a multi billion isk killmail of a Kronos before the maraurder change, that was fit with lasers and shield.

The new ships I don't think I'll have a need for any of them.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
If you go to Amarr/far Minmar space you can find plenty of anoms yea, but even still it's only 10% to get an escalation, and of the available escalations only a handful have actual good odds of dropping deadspace mods. Most of them are shitty 1/10 and 3/10s that 'might' spawn an officer ship that 'might' drop a deadspace module etc.

The highs are neat but overall the isk/hr comes out to just be worse than isthar ratting mostly - trust me I've done it a lot lol


Bronze Baron of the Realm
The 5/10s come from low lvl anoms in angel space, refuges instead of dens. My alt uses a sub 2 sec align 450dps ship that the range is further than shit spawns. The refuges are done in less than a minue with rockets. He racks up 3-5 5/10s a day in short order. Like I said they are 43m OPE and, 20m isk bounties plus loot of betweeen 0 and 900m isk. It's good stuff for a low sp character focused on just that.

My main runs them when he gets enough of them to make it worth while. Took me about 10 days doing them to get enough isk to buy enough plex to buy a years sub for that account. Simple just shoot shit nothing like doing the other ded sites, which I do from time to time. I haul it to Jita when I get a couple of billion isk in shit.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Man things sure have changed. We had a guy in our corp who would have loved this. He was one of the first to design and use massive spreadsheets to plan and maintain a massive moon mining operation we had going. This was early days, btw. He was running 3-4 accounts overseeing dozens of moon mining things, all while having a RL job too, while much larger corps were having trouble running just a few. He ended up getting quite a few offers to join up with some of the big alliances back in the day to oversee their entire production chains, but he declined them all, just wanted to mess around and have fun with his RL friends. He died about 10 years ago, but man I think he would have loved this stuff now.
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Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
So I bit the bullet and downloaded the client. Probably the first time I load it up in ~5 years or so? Maybe more. Man a lot has changed. I noticed that I couldn't train anything since all the non-Omega skills were already at max lol (240mill sp 4tw). But I also remember that my in game assets were valued at between 2-3 billion ISK last time I played. I remember that as I found it a lot (compared to the good old days). Now they are valued at about 12 billion, so looks like inflation has hit online games too. No idea what I am going to do. I don't really have the time to spend hours a day playing as I did once. I might sub for a month and just muck about a bit, but I doubt I'll do anything longer.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
It's sort of inflation? But very specifically targeted inflation at pirate/navy ship hulls. Their 'scarcity' project basically saw the price of most non-standard hulls go up what, 300%? 500%? And they've basically remained there ever since.

You can buy marauders for the price of some of the pirate battleships etc.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
What the fuck lmao, 20bn is more than my entire net worth.

How fuckin rich are thees space methuselah that have been playing for 30 years
I pretty much stopped playing in 2009 and had over 500b at the time. I’m not precisely sure how much money the purse had in my alliance, but I added about 1-2.5 trillion a month myself, and we had about 200 unique ships at the time and probably 100 trillion liquid and another 100trillion plus in other supplies. At that time, I think people were speculating the richest people had just passed a trillion in isk.

I was IC in PL for reference.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
How much does ratting in a zero typically give these days? Last I did anything with the game was years ago, but I could pull 15-25 million out of ratting in 30-40 minutes and the drops would sometimes be worth just as much, if not more. Is that not how it is anymore?