EverQuest 2 Emulator (EQ2Emu) - Zeklabs.com team


Golden Knight of the Realm
I figured I would throw this in here for anyone interested. For those of you who don't know me I am one of the founding members of EQEmu. I had taken part in EQ2Emu in its early inception in the mid to late 2000's (with founder LethalEncounter) and hiatus after, but things are cooking again! Our goal is to get eq2emu up to speed for anyone to setup their own server either legit/old school/customized/etc, database and code are open source. We are all holed up and have been making some great strides in stability and polish.

You can setup your own eq2emu server in ~15 minutes and the client install comes straight from Steam:
Installer + Instructions can be found: http://cutpon.com:3000/devn00b/EQ2EMu/src/master/installer | EQ2Emu Quick/Easy Server installer. (Beta) - -- all bug reports in your individual servers consolidate into the zeklabs forum so we can track/fix code and content issues.

We have play test going if anyone is interested in just peeking into the world: http://cutpon.com:3001/en/Guides/HowToPlay

The code base is being updated daily and currently available here: http://cutpon.com:3000/devn00b/EQ2EMu
Code changelog: http://cutpon.com:3001/en/Changelog
Team project forum/page: Zeklabs

Lastly our discord is here: Join the EQ2PVP Discord Server!
EQ2emu main discord here: Join the EQ2Emu Discord Server!

Thank you all for your time!

P.S. yea there are a lot of different links around; zeklabs.com is the team involved (play test is on this server also), cutpon is a secondary server hosting the git. Consolidation in the works!
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Vyemm Raider
Nice to see Eq2 get some pvp emu love. Might be my favorite pvp game of all time during the early Nagafen days.

Is the EQemu zek server done then? I happened to be curious and checked today but can't find the old boards and saw the new ones. Coincidence this gets posted here today as well I suppose. I'm not bothered one way or another, I thought you guys did a great job on it but am curious about the state of it.

Good luck on the new server I have no doubt I'll be checking it out.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yea the eqemu zek pvp server is no more. The other year I had decided to move on, mixture of real life stuff keeping me busy at the time and I had been working on eqemu's codebase for almost 2 decades at that point. /dev/n00b showed interest in working on eq2emu late last year and it was a great opportunity since we compliment each other well where he can cover the db/content and I primarily focus on the codebase. Also as you said EQ2 (and EQ2Emu) pvp needed love and I think eqemu has been in pretty good hands for some while.

Appreciate the support and hope to see you around!
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Trakanon Raider
Fired up a server. made a character and when I go to enter the world it just takes me back to the character screen.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Sorry you are having trouble setting up, did you use the installer approach or did you do a manual setup? Installer is here: http://cutpon.com:3000/devn00b/EQ2EMu/src/master/installer


Edit: If I were to take a guess and you are using the installer.. it looks to me like the files aren't getting updated per the LAUNCH EQ2EMU.BAT:

devn00b is using this option which only retrieves the files if they don't exist, so it is sticking to the original installer exes:
wget -q -nc

If you can modify the LAUNCH EQ2EMU.BAT file in the EQ2EMu-Zeklabs directory:
1) Right click LAUNCH EQ2EMU.BAT, select Edit
2) On the Notepad dropdown click Edit->Replace (CTRL+H)
3) Set the parameters:
Find: wget -q -nc
Replace: wget -q -N
Click Replace All

I will let him know and see if he can update the installer soon (its really early west coast) to resolve this issue.


Secondly just to verify you are using the AoM client correct? Backdrop should look something like: http://eq2emu.com:3001/loginprompt.png

The EQ2World should also be spitting out some messages, if you see any errors in there might give a clue whats wrong.

May be easier if you jump on eq2emu discord and we can help debug the issue further with you: Join the EQ2Emu Discord Server!
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Trakanon Raider
Yes, tried the installer. Will make the adjustments listed above. Using AoM client. Will keep you informed. Thanks for the help!


Trakanon Raider
now I get "Login server returned a fatal error: Incorrect version" along with "ERROR - KICK BAD VERSION: Got versions: protocol: '0.5.0', database version: 0.8.1-gemini1"

I might be able to get on discord later today but I'm at work now.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Well it is good to see you have the right exe's least now. The problem now seems the DB has only old versions

there should be an entry in the eq2ls database to allow all versions to connect, so your eq2emu login database might be old.

eg if you are familiar with mysql command line:

\u eq2ls
insert into login_versions set version='*';

I did leave a note for devnoob to take a look at the installer cause seems the recent changes in code/db may have messed things up.

As far as coming into discord, no rush we will be around and do our best to assist when you are available.

Edit: devn00b updated the installer, you can either remove/re-install with the new one up on the site or download the replacement bat he made as an alternative: https://zeklabs.com/dl/LAUNCH EQ2EMU.rar - hope this sorts things out but again reach out if you have any issues.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Since Secrets shared the 'dry run' video, I thought I would share some better ones that LethalEncounter put together just these past few weeks. This probably hasn't been seen for a long long time.. and also we can get it working in more recent clients (so far circa 2015 AoM)!

Intro lore (before far journey tutorial):

Far Journey Tutorial:
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Golden Knight of the Realm
From what discussions I have had with devnoob on the topic he has stated it is too early to make any decisions on the PVP design. Right now the primary focus is to get all the appropriate systems in place that make this game work. This past week for example been getting water maps working so we don't have land sharks everywhere!
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