

Tranny Chaser
I’ve never played any of the fallout games. Are the games as good as the tv show? Great storylines? Any recommendations on which would I should play if any?


Avatar of War Slayer
Perhaps I missed something but why did the Ghoul struggle fighting Maximus in his BoS battle armor but in episode 8 used his special one shot technique to go ham on the other BoS bots?
same reason the armors jet pack during that fight allows super flight. while every where else the armor needs pulleys, and has no flight capabilities at all.

And all the other inconsistencies. The writers don't give that much of a shit. every scene is written in isolation.

that scene one of the things that really pissed me off in episode 8. struggled against power armor worn by someone that has no idea how to use it. then yeah, 1 shots 5 guys in power armor in the dark, in episode 8. they fucking have night vision..
that scene was really really stupid. theres "the ghoul is cool and skilled", and then theres "ayra stark."
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Lord Nagafen Raider
I too am struggling with how attractive or unattractive Lucy aka G-o-o-s-e-y is. Some scenes, yeah I would and some scenes, no thank you.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I loved everything about this except for the casting of Maximus. Still a 10/10 from me though.
  • 1GreNeg
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That guy
Yeah I loved everything about this except for the casting of Maximus. Still a 10/10 from me though.

Eh he got better as it went along. Can't tell if he's bipolar as fuck or retarded. Possibly both.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Eh he got better as it went along. Can't tell if he's bipolar as fuck or retarded. Possibly both.

Yeah he seemed fairly retarded to me, but I'm not sure if that's because the character was supposed to be, or the actor just didn't know what he was doing. He waffled all over the place with the performance. Was kind of charming and superhero-like in a few scenes (namely rescuing Lucy with the suit) and an impossible-to-read expressionless dumbass in others.
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
you guys should just say "he's black" and move on
  • 4Worf
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Pretty sure BoS are are just idiots in the show. Everyone was naive or dumb outside of ghoul
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Bald Brah

Lord Nagafen Raider
Loaded up new vegas for the first time in 10 years. Man even the initial cutscene was better than anything in this show. Got all the viva las vegas mods too. It looks a lot better than my old PS3.
  • 1Salty
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
you guys should just say "he's black" and move on

Got no issue with his blackness. I just really don't know WTF I'm supposed to glean from his performance. Lucy is happy-go-lucky good-hearted plucky face (something we need way more of in media). Goggins Ghoul is bad-ass unstoppable monster heel with unclear motivations who has seen some shit. And then we've got Maximus, whose persona is about as all-over-the-place as his pretending to be a knight.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I think if he wasn't such a bitter bitch and he got the suit from Rapaport dying on his own it would have been a little better. Dude wasn't around for a day and let's him die and is a retard with the suit. I don't get how Rapaport was such an idiot either though
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I really didn't find his performance jarring at all. I think the character is meant to be seen as naive and a bit clueless at the start and he gets shaken by his idealized worldview being shit on by Titus being a coward and asshole. He has a lot of arrested development and so he's finding his way so I think it makes sense that he's a bit all over the place. Him with the power armor is like a 16 year old nerd being given a fast car and a wad of cash.
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Parody Account
<Gold Donor>
For some reason the quirkiness of Titus Maximus worked for me. Whether it was intentional or not I chalked it up to the character being traumatized as a child and brainwashed by the BoS.

Overall I enjoyed the show and liked most the characters with their goofy interactions, but that ending was ham fisted Hollywood horse shit that left me unsatisfied.
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That guy
For some reason the quirkiness of Titus worked for me. Whether it was intentional or not I chalked it up to the character being traumatized as a child and brainwashed by the BoS.

Overall I enjoyed the show and liked most the characters with their goofy interactions, but that ending was ham fisted Hollywood horse shit that left me unsatisfied.

Assuming you mean Maximus? Titus was the knight that died from the yao guai.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I think if he wasn't such a bitter bitch and he got the suit from Rapaport dying on his own it would have been a little better. Dude wasn't around for a day and let's him die and is a retard with the suit. I don't get how Rapaport was such an idiot either though

Everything Knight Titus did reeked of ineptitude and assholery. Taunting the guy who is standing there holding his heal pack, then continuing to taunt him while he stares you down. Was a bit much. Like I can't imagine a real person behaving like that while they're desperately in need of a heal and the guy is in the process of bringing it to you. "Hey, doctor who's about to give me a heart transplant! Your mother is a stupid whore! Yeah you heard me!"
  • 1Solidarity
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Trakanon Raider
It almost makes you wonder how the Brotherhood of Steel survives training nothing but idiots.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
It almost makes you wonder how the Brotherhood of Steel survives training nothing but idiots.
Like I mentioned, BoS came off as complete retards, but also so did everyone in vaults. You wear Geiger counters but everyone takes them off when finally opening a vault.

Barricading yourself with weapons/readers and then tossing it all before you open the vault makes zero sense
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