Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


Think I might end up playing this whenever it comes out. Not like there's anything else on the horizon, and for some reason I feel a little nostalgic for a good 'ole grindy-ass MMO.


My two brothers LOVED 11 and even played 14 on release and I tried, but good god the chat system and targeting annoyed me to no end. Plus the small, but deal breaking issue, with having your character in 11 pause EVERY FUCKING TIME he took out or put back his weapon. I am way too Type A / ADD to have to deal with shit like that.


Trump's Staff
Character pausing for animations was definitely one of my biggest gripes. That shit is fucking stupid.

^-- Being able to choose what item you want to get from gathering seems like a great idea. That crafting system looks pretty good.


Yeah, the consensus seems to be that it's virtually a completely new game. Graphics are different, gameplay is different, server structure is different (to reduce lag)


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Character pausing for animations was definitely one of my biggest gripes. That shit is fucking stupid.

^-- Being able to choose what item you want to get from gathering seems like a great idea. That crafting system looks pretty good.
this. i hope they will fix the animation. everything else looks fantastic.

Angry Amadeus_sl

I tried hard to get into 14, but obviously it was a clusterfuck from the top down. This is a really interesting move and somewhat unprecedented in the gaming world - where the company just straight up pulls the plug on a project, shutting it down, to entirely revamp and rework it. I think it's much smarter to release a game that has long term draw to it that players actually want to play, rather than stick to your guns and stumble hard. They definitely don't want another Horizons on their hands.


Trakanon Raider
The initial incarnation of 14 was pretty trashbag terrible, 11 was a ton of fun if you liked EQ and could get the swing of the interface and forgive it for what was a bit clunky or overly punishing. Best group mmo I've played by far. If this new 14 captures some of what made 11 so good with a legit pc control scheme, I could definitely see myself playing as well. The fact they seem to have literally gone all in on redesign is shocking to say the least, they literally took most of the things players just could not stand and attacked them.


TLP Idealist
I want this to be a great game, but I've had to deal with a decade of disappointment from Square Enix now so I'm not counting on it.


I intend to try this game's reincarnation, but I think that the fact this place has no active player that still played the game and posts kind of indicates how bad the original version of the game was.

If any of you get into Alpha and find yourself bored and willing to trust a random, poke me please o/


Seriously hope they come to their senses and ditch the Subscription model for this.
Unfortunately this is Square Enix we're talking about, and it's become quite apparent that Japanese developers don't give a crap about what's happening in the rest of the world for the most part. Well... I guess we could hope Theatrhythm is a blow away success on iOS!


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm quite looking forward to the relaunch of this - will finally have to give it a shot, after steering well clear of the original clusterfuck.

The harvesting and crafting video looks quite interesting - the crafting at least looks to be much better than FFXI's crafting, though I do get a slight hint of EQ2 crafting (or at least how it was originally - haven't touched that game in years).

I still hop into FFXI every year or so and tinker around for a bit, so I don't really think the slow pace or animations will be too off-putting.


If combat isn't as slow as it appears to be, it might be interesting.
In addition to the general pace of the combat, there are a few things worth pointing out about the first battle in the quest/combat video:
- The player was level 15 and fighting level 8 creatures
- It took about 1 minute to kill them
- Her spells were interrupted kind of a lot
- She used 1/2 of her mana and lost 3/4 of her health while fighting them

In both the melee and caster videos, player movement didn't seem to matter during combat. They just stood still and traded blows. That doesn't mean that there's never a reason to move around while using abilities, but it's weird that they wouldn't showcase combat in the best light possible.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
Soloing isn't very viable is what I saw, thank christ maybe a game worth playing for the first time in 5 years.

You know, where most classes have to "group"


FFXI was great IMO. They had me straight from the opening movie the first time I played. I wanted to play the latest FF MMO but I decided to wait a week or two and only heard very bad things about it. This looks neat and all, but I think I'll be waiting after release again cause.. god damn. What a flop that was.


2 Minutes Hate
In addition to the general pace of the combat, there are a few things worth pointing out about the first battle in the quest/combat video:
- The player was level 15 and fighting level 8 creatures
- It took about 1 minute to kill them
- Her spells were interrupted kind of a lot
- She used 1/2 of her mana and lost 3/4 of her health while fighting them

In both the melee and caster videos, player movement didn't seem to matter during combat. They just stood still and traded blows. That doesn't mean that there's never a reason to move around while using abilities, but it's weird that they wouldn't showcase combat in the best light possible.
This is exactly what I was referring to and didn't feel like typing it all out. Just watch the video, looks boring as fuck.