<Prior Amod>
end game spoilersFinished today. Great game. Any issue I can think up with the game as a whole are so minor they are not worth mentioning. Would love to come back to this gameworld at some point.
- i would have liked ryuzos story to be better and longer, he didn't feel like nothing
- i feel ishakawa and tomoe is second worst, shes just as bad as ryuzo but we let her live?
- fat boy story was eh, but his quests were the best mainly cuz they were big battles and fast
- lady masako was the most evolved story, that bad ass bitch didn't stop
- yuna and taka, weren't really storylines, just a way to move the quests from act to act
- i killed uncle, mainly b/c i didn't want him alive to do evil samurai shit to me, what ya'll do?
- i want a NG+ update
- i want ghosts of tsushima 2:shogun slayer