Guild Wars 2


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Didn't Ruin transfer to a EU server? If so, sounds like PRX is going bag farming.


Trakanon Raider
I transfered to Aurora's Glade to play casually and honestly I have no idea what you are thinking. Unless you can play during primetime most of EU is a ghost town.


Yea, people are acting like this is the end of the world. It's a lot of work and stress to do what we do. This will be a nice change of pace.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
Can't blame y'all for jumping from sever to server and grinding them to T1.

Literally nothing else to do after hitting T1 in WvW without meaningful endgame/pvp rewards.

Beef Supreme_sl

Why continue to play WvW and let ArenaNet think they have a finished, fun and worthwhile product? WvW as it stands isn't worth the time investment at this point without the amount of people present at release.

Not trying to be a hater, and I did have a helluva time 1-80, but once you level cap your lil bro, there's nothing meaningful to do. Sad face. WvW was not what anyone thought it would be.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Tuco why the bail on SoS?

Interested to know from a JQQ perspective.


Molten Core Raider
are tranfers still free...? really a euro server.. dunno if i wanna keep this hopping up.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Why continue to play WvW and let ArenaNet think they have a finished, fun and worthwhile product? WvW as it stands isn't worth the time investment at this point without the amount of people present at release.
I haven't read anywhere where ArenaNet has said they think WvW is "finished". In fact, there was an interview recently where they talked about how WvW isn't quite where they want it and updates are coming to it in Jan./Feb.


Trakanon Raider
I haven't read anything about January and the only interview and Anet post I've seen has said February. Given that Anet tends to release updates and patches near the end of the month, we're looking at a mid - late February patch for the only part of the game that hasn't yet been improved upon or added to. Oh, and we're not being told about any changes or additions that are coming until we "get much closer to the patch" and Anet refuses to talk to the WvW community in any direct way to discuss or acknowledge existing issues. Meanwhile, the WvW population continues to fall and the same WvW exploiters that were exploiting against us on HoD in September are still around despite numerous reports sent and forum requests made.

I don't want to sound overly bitter, but I got GW2 to PvP and to me, not having a single content update for WvW (while every other part of the game has had several) is just unacceptable. It's not just the no content for WvW thing that is upsetting me but Anets complete refusal to engage the WvW community in any type of direct discussion while all the other Dev's are doing AMA's for sPvP, Dungeons, ect. It's hard to have faith when you're told to trust a company that continues to greatly embellish what they are doing and what their content patches actually contain.


I'm gonna start hopping on again, but I'm only going to be more casual than I was in the first few weeks. Is the transfer still free?

Beef Supreme_sl

Would you care to share with the class this finished mmo that is out there?
There isn't one. We keep buying/playing/supporting flawed (sometimes purposefully) MMOs. The core ideas are always there, wrapped around group interaction, but no single game has managed to make them truly beautiful. Maybe it's the perpetual part, or maybe it's trying to make a narrative cylinder fit into an MMO square slot. And honestly, we are to blame in the end. We can only, meaningfully, vote with our wallet and we are collectively lazy. Or jaded. Or willfully ignorant of what these "games" truly are. If we keep buying them as voraciously as we do, why, as a dev/publisher would I care about quality, or *gasp* art? Money is all businesses and corporations truly listen to, because they can, and we keep giving it to them in Fry-clenched hand holds. Until we refuse to stop buying inferior products, they will keep being sold to us under the promise ofmoreandbigger, better, stronger, faster. Maclom's line to Hammond about standing on the shoulders of past greatness is spot apt.

Or maybe I'm all wrong and I just don't like MMOs.


Silver Squire
Just about every game since WoW has been designed to be "won" inside the free month or soon after. Some had a few good ideas, some mediocre ones and some terrible ones but in the end the games themselves are flawed on the time mechanic. No time investment, no attachment to characters and all you end up doing is speeding players to the illusion of some end game which ends up being repetitive garbage. All of which only to stop players from progressing quickly which is what everyone finds fun <boggle>. Progress all you want and at a rate of your choosing up to end game, however, once you are there fuck you. 6 quests here and 5 there then go beat off or something because there is nothing to do.

In addition, these games have become so sterile and predictable its pathetic. You can predict your next loot drop by adding +1 to the stats and the hand holding from hub to hub on rails adds nothing to the replay factor. There is no soul anymore, nothing to look forward to except incremental +1 upgrades and a bag full of vendor trash.

Seriously that is all you got for us? How stupid are these developers? Stop trying to meter out my enjoyment like some giant fun Jew. Its done nothing but stall the genre with a bunch of half ass ideas implemented into a shell almost identical in far too many ways to a game we all played and quit years ago.

Until they stop doing the above, games will continue to be 30 day wonders or maybe hold your attention for a month or three. I don't need some super massive grind, I just need enough content to last me a good 6 months and give the developers time to create more of said content so people, I don't know, keep playing and paying for their fucking game.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
JQ will be top server now that SoS is done.

On a side note thinking they should turn WvW into battle groups, as I understand it most of the servers are dead in WvW, which was a major selling point for the game. Even in tier 1 I only get a queue if I want to go center map.