I lost my pet today and I’m really sad


Sharpie Markers Aren't Pens
<Gold Donor>
Go in peace Lex - you were my best animal friend and taught me so many things. He died at ten years old very suddenly with a massive set of blood clots that paralyzed him. My worst fear was that he would be terrified - he hates the vet. He was so sweet and peaceful to me in the end and went out with a lot of dignity which was such a huge gift to me.

animals teach us so many things about unconditional love and gods love.

here are some things I learned from my buddy:

be more tolerant of the people you love, not less.
Good mornings and good nights are extremely important.
Always be ready to have fun when the opportunity presents itself.
Family matters more than anything else.
Don’t be afraid to stop and smell the Mac and cheese.
No challenge is too big if you put your mind to it.

you are sanctified by my love and I hope that you are living without fear or pain or grief with god
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I lost my Lola today, too. She had a seizure out of nowhere at about 3pm yesterday, and then another at 7pm. We decided to take her to an emergency vet about 2 hours away and she had two more seizures on the way. They held her overnight and even with anti-seizure medication they couldn't get it under control.

My wife and I are having a rough time with it because it happened very suddenly. Despite being almost 13, she was incredibly healthy. We did bloodwork and xrays last night and everything looked great, but the veterinarian thinks she had a brain tumor. I was super hopeful this morning that the medication would work and we'd get at least a few more months of time with her.

It completely blindsided us. We walk her every day and she was exuberant the day before the seizures started. Our house feels completely empty now. It's only been a handful of hours since we had to make the decision.

I honestly don't even know what to do with myself right now. Most of our daily routine revolved around her. I figured I'd come here to either vent or find solace in others.

I'm sorry that you're going through this as well.
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Millie's Staff Member
I lost an 11 year old dog in May, so I empathize. Ours went over about a week, and we had a big party the last night before putting her down, with her surrounded by friends and family.

I still think about her every day.

Our other dog lives on, and the old man will probably go soon as well. He found solace in a friend's Bernese to fill the gaps.

Pets are hard, since their love is unconditional (well dogs, anyway) and they are wholly dependent on us - their loss leaves a huge gap.
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Low IQ Vegan Pacifist
<Gold Donor>
Saw this thread in the most recent threads box.
Solidarity, solidarity.
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Tranny Chaser
2021 already sucks. Mom used to say there is only one cure for this pain, get another pet.
baby hug GIF
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Our dog passed in October. He was my first dog ever and my wife and I got him right after we got married 10 years ago. 3 months later I still miss him and I still get caught up in some of the old routines... closing our basement door for the night so he won’t go down there, looking across our living room to his “spot” every time I walk past, thinking about having to feed him before I start dinner, etc. My mother in law has a two year old golden retriever and every time the dog comes to our house he runs everywhere looking for his friend and always ends up in his old spot, in front of the window.
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Sanrith Descartes

Von Clippowicz
We lost a pet this year as well. Sorry for your loss. I can say without hesitation I care more about my pets and animals in general than 90% of the human race. Want to explore a rabbit hole? Do some reading into how different cultures view animals and pets.
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<Silver Donator>
I still wake up sometimes and look at the end of the bed where my dogs used to sleep. It's been 3 years now. It gets easier but it's never easy.
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Sharpie Markers Aren't Pens
<Gold Donor>
I lost my Lola today, too. She had a seizure out of nowhere at about 3pm yesterday, and then another at 7pm. We decided to take her to an emergency vet about 2 hours away and she had two more seizures on the way. They held her overnight and even with anti-seizure medication they couldn't get it under control.

My wife and I are having a rough time with it because it happened very suddenly. Despite being almost 13, she was incredibly healthy. We did bloodwork and xrays last night and everything looked great, but the veterinarian thinks she had a brain tumor. I was super hopeful this morning that the medication would work and we'd get at least a few more months of time with her.

It completely blindsided us. We walk her every day and she was exuberant the day before the seizures started. Our house feels completely empty now. It's only been a handful of hours since we had to make the decision.

I honestly don't even know what to do with myself right now. Most of our daily routine revolved around her. I figured I'd come here to either vent or find solace in others.

I'm sorry that you're going through this as well.

Im sorry man. Im hurting too. My companion was a cat -- his condition can be read about here: Blood Clots: A Stroke of Bad Luck

I really really struggled the last two days about the decision to have to put him to sleep but the vet highly recommended it -- and as I have read more about it I understand why. There is little I could have done. I think it is important to remember -- for most vets -- the reason they are doing their job is because they LOVE animals...so if they are recommending it -- you should at least really think hard about it -- but you are their advocate at the end of the day. The vet at the emergency clinic place seems like he sees a lot of this stuff :(

I have been reading a lot of stoic philosophy the last two days, trying to center my thoughts. The two important things that stuck with me are that just because he is departed doesnt mean I am burying my friendship. He is a part of me and my past -- and he will always be a true and loyal friend to me -- as a matter of fact my past is something I have 100% certainty and control over so it is truly blessed to have him there. Also -- I have to attend first to the concerns of the living -- and thats what he would want. I am trying my best to function and be there for my family as well.

I buried him with my own two hands and a shovel on some property i own that same night..spent some time with him. Went and visited him yesterday, plan to see him again tomorrow. I dont know how to fully move on but I am trying my best. I have been randomly breaking down and sobbing today and yesterday. I imagine that will happen for some time.

Its okay to grieve and cry as much as it is natural too, but dont feel guilty to also live your life once it feels right to as well. Don't copy others or feel like you should grieve longer. Just honor him and commit him to the pet hall of fame in your heart and in memory and your past as a best friend. I don't know how long it is going to take me. I think each day will get a little better.

I am trying my best to focus on my positive memories with him instead of reliving the end.
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Log Wizard
Put my mom's dog down last week and it totally sucked ass. I do all the chores for my mom, and it was nice walking into the house at 8 AM and saying piggy! Piggy! Does piggy want eggs? Piggy! Piggy would greet me with her tail moving at 900 miles an hour.

Mom's dog loved her eggs and I am pretty sure it is what kept her going almost a year after she was supposed to die....she had cancer.

Mom called me early and said piggy was having a bad morning. I wnt over and got her stable and feeling happy but it was time and she knew it. I made her ham and eggs and an hour later she was gone.

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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>

I knew I shouldn't' have wondered in here. Depressing as fuck. Our pets really do balance us out.
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Sharpie Markers Aren't Pens
<Gold Donor>
Put my mom's dog down last week and it totally sucked ass. I do all the chores for my mom, and it was nice walking into the house at 8 AM and saying piggy! Piggy! Does piggy want eggs? Piggy! Piggy would greet me with her tail moving at 900 miles an hour.

Mom's dog loved her eggs and I am pretty sure it is what kept her going almost a year after she was supposed to die....she had cancer.

Mom called me early and said piggy was having a bad morning. I wnt over and got her stable and feeling happy but it was time and she knew it. I made her ham and eggs and an hour later she was gone.


that dog was really blessed to have you in her life making her eggs all the time. thats pretty special. also i am glad that you got to make her a last meal and spend some time with her. not everyone gets that. the vet said that some cats with the condition mine had have it happen while owners are at work, or away on vacation, and they die an extremely slow and painful death....


All labs matter!
Sometimes I don’t think we deserve dogs with how amazing they are. The unconditional love, friendship and companionship they provide.

I have better memories of my past dogs than most people.

I am sorry for your pet losses. It sucks and it’s never easy.
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Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
Every one of these stories is terrible and heartbreaking and at the same time, we should all embrace these moments, and remember that before these endings there was great long years of happiness and laughter, and that when the time is right, there will be another opportunity for a different relationship with a different pet, and that while nothing will ever be the same as it was, the sun will rise on a new day and the story can continue.

I deeply and truly wish you guys comfort in these moments, though. It's not to be minimized the bond we share with them nor the pain we feel at their departure. I had a Pug for 10 years, no real issues, then one day he couldn't stand up, no balance, his eyes doing a little dance like the room was spinning. Vet said it could be an ear thing, let's see how it progresses; after a couple of days it became clear what it was a brain tumor. He was with me through a huge number of major life events, so I understand.
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Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Sorry for the losses of your best friends.

I too lost mine just before Christmas, and the world lost TWO Eddy Van Halens this year. On Dec 23 I had to put him down, 15 years old Corgi that I owned since he was a puppy, and just too many issues. At 12 he had a perennial hernia that we gave him surgery on and they warned us it would come back most likely, and it did at 15. He already could not really see, or hear too well, and with some kidney issues creeping up and watching him struggle to poop and having to wipe him clean every time was when we decided to move him onto a happier place.

I fully admit I balled my eyes out at the vet but was with him until the very end, and fed him a fuckload of his favorite treats right at the end.

I have to say that the only place open was Banfield, at petsmart. I hated doing that for him, such a generic place to put him down, but I really didn't want him to suffer. But I'll be damned if they were not the most professional people throughout it, even calling me the next day making sure I was doing allright, mailing me a condolences card signed by the entire staff, and a paper with his paw print inked on it. Could not have been happier at his send off in the end.

Cya Eddy. Hope you're getting all the pussy in doggy heaven from the hottest bitches up there.

This is the last picture I took of him about 3 hours before we send him off. His floppy ear was from a hematoma when he was 7.

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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Put my mom's dog down last week and it totally sucked ass. I do all the chores for my mom, and it was nice walking into the house at 8 AM and saying piggy! Piggy! Does piggy want eggs? Piggy! Piggy would greet me with her tail moving at 900 miles an hour.

Mom's dog loved her eggs and I am pretty sure it is what kept her going almost a year after she was supposed to die....she had cancer.

Mom called me early and said piggy was having a bad morning. I wnt over and got her stable and feeling happy but it was time and she knew it. I made her ham and eggs and an hour later she was gone.

Was it a pug? Sounds like it by the name.

My grandpa had a pug and they had a ritual of eating Rice Krispie treats together in his la-z-boy. Dog was the fattest pug I’ve ever seen but man those two were happy with each other.

Good on your for the last meal, sorry for the loss though, losing pets is worse than losing family many times.
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AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
About five years ago we had to put our cat to sleep. The cat was 19, and my kids had never known life without them. I was emotional and really struggling with it to begin with, but then I had to watch my kids go through their first loss of this type and I still get absolutely weepy every time I think about that. Pets are amazing. We hug them, pet them, they sleep on our beds with us, our kids love on them, and they're just always there.

Whenever someone I know has to put a pet down, or a long time pet dies, I send flowers just like I would if a family member died. Every single time I do this people thank me profusely. People need to be told it's okay to mourn a pet, because to those who don't have pets it seems ridiculous. To those who have pets it seems natural.
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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
We lost a pet this year as well. Sorry for your loss. I can say without hesitation I care more about my pets and animals in general than 90% of the human race. Want to explore a rabbit hole? Do some reading into how different cultures view animals and pets.
90%? Hell is wrong with you? 99.99999999% is the correct answer.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Adjusting is super hard. I really don't have any friends outside of my wife, and so losing Lola is like losing half my friends and a family member. Our whole day revolved around her. Our routine was really her routine. We'd get up and get on the couch, I'd save a piece of apple with peanut butter for her every single day. She'd start begging for her daily walk at the same time every day. We had a bedtime routine.

Everything was amplified with the last year and covid. We spent every single minute together. I've been able to cherish that fact that our bond got so much greater, but at the same time it's made it a lot harder when she's not there. I stare at the spot on the couch she'd lay on and just get depressed.

We can't decide what to do with all of her stuff. It's everywhere and it'd leave giant empty spaces in our already empty feeling house. It also feels almost like a betrayal to her memory to start packing it up. We'll do it eventually, but it just hurts right now. Getting her leash and harness out of the car yesterday (we took them with us to the vet) made me have a crying breakdown. She loved her daily walks so much. I did have to take her doggy door out yesterday because it'd make noise every once in a while which sounded like her going out or coming in.

My wife and I started a list last night where we're writing down memories of her. That's helped a bit. We're going to compile all of the photos of her and add the memories to it.

I'd give anything to just be able to hold her one last time.
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Sharpie Markers Aren't Pens
<Gold Donor>
Adjusting is super hard. I really don't have any friends outside of my wife, and so losing Lola is like losing half my friends and a family member. Our whole day revolved around her. Our routine was really her routine. We'd get up and get on the couch, I'd save a piece of apple with peanut butter for her every single day. She'd start begging for her daily walk at the same time every day. We had a bedtime routine.

Everything was amplified with the last year and covid. We spent every single minute together. I've been able to cherish that fact that our bond got so much greater, but at the same time it's made it a lot harder when she's not there. I stare at the spot on the couch she'd lay on and just get depressed.

We can't decide what to do with all of her stuff. It's everywhere and it'd leave giant empty spaces in our already empty feeling house. It also feels almost like a betrayal to her memory to start packing it up. We'll do it eventually, but it just hurts right now. Getting her leash and harness out of the car yesterday (we took them with us to the vet) made me have a crying breakdown. She loved her daily walks so much. I did have to take her doggy door out yesterday because it'd make noise every once in a while which sounded like her going out or coming in.

My wife and I started a list last night where we're writing down memories of her. That's helped a bit. We're going to compile all of the photos of her and add the memories to it.

I'd give anything to just be able to hold her one last time.

I miss my friend too. Just remember you don't bury your friendship with your friend. You will always have that love and those memories forever.

I took my kid to the doctor today (we had been putting it off due to COVID) and am making time for myself to do it. He taught me a lot of good things, even with his passing, about being a good dad and thats a gift to me that I will have. I think contemplating and writing those things down will be huge for you to honor them.
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