Kingdom Death: Monster


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Oh yea - BTW - for those that want painting tips and ideas/etc (as well as some marketplace stuff if you're hunting something specific or selling an extra) - if you're not aware, the Facebook fan group thing is: "By Lanterns Light"

It's got a good volume of consistent contributors/etc.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Got the antelope done last night.

Hitting it with white light on the underside so the mouth is more visible.



Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Finished one of the survivors for one of my gaming buddies builds.



Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Nice. The light from the crystals looks very natural.

Thanks, it's my second shot at light sourcing, I've been happy with them both. I was always too nervous to try cause everyone does it with an airbrush and I don't have one, I'm just brushing. I think it would be a lot faster with one, but I don't feel like it's a must have anymore.


Trakanon Raider
So our group just got through lantern year 4 last night and holy crap the step up from a lion to the Butcher is insane. We got through him but he one shot my character and almost took out everyone else with brain damage. Not quite sure how you're supposed to deal with 4 attacks all hits that double bleed. So 8 bleeds when 5 kills you outright... Ouch!


Trakanon Raider
The butcher isn't generally a cakewalk. Been playing with a buddy and some other folks who drop in and out. Think butcher killed one of ours, close to 2. We're on LY hmm10? Can't remember if going into or coming out of. Just did the Kingsman- which was uhh just a bad scene. Other than that- havent had too bad of a go on any of the hunts so far. We did get hit with the plague on our settlement and the murderers slightly later- which really put us behind in population and did a Great Job of killing off our more advanced peeps. We really need to discover dash, so we've been stalling and slumming easier hunts- but probably gonna roll the dice and try phoenix soonish.


Golden Knight of the Realm
So our group just got through lantern year 4 last night and holy crap the step up from a lion to the Butcher is insane. We got through him but he one shot my character and almost took out everyone else with brain damage. Not quite sure how you're supposed to deal with 4 attacks all hits that double bleed. So 8 bleeds when 5 kills you outright... Ouch!

I might misunderstand this but I think you played that wrong. If an attack that is 4 speed, 1 bleed after damage hits with either 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 attacks, it still only inflicts 1 bleed token. That said, yes he is a fucking beast especially on your first game when you're surfing on an easy year 3 lion kill. Getting a TPK on your first Butcher is pretty common.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Finished another survivor I made for one of my gaming buddies build, tried shading a little differently on this one. May touch it up a bit, but it’s pretty much done.



Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Finished another survivor I made for one of my gaming buddies build, tried shading a little differently on this one. May touch it up a bit, but it’s pretty much done.

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Love the lighting on that one, I legit had to figure out if it was the room lighting or OSL a sec.

Don't recognize the weapon though, you alter the halberd a bit or have I overlooked that halberd variant? (or is it part of the 1.5 upgrade sprues - not assembled my 1.5 upgrade stuff yet)


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
It came like that, it’s the counter-weighted axe from the weapon crafter.

That’s all brushed on lighting, I actually had the lighting directly in front of it to remove shadows from the arm holding the lantern. Thanks for the compliment on it!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
It came like that, it’s the counter-weighted axe from the weapon crafter.

That’s all brushed on lighting, I actually had the lighting directly in front of it to remove shadows from the arm holding the lantern. Thanks for the compliment on it!

Interesting, guess I misplaced that sprue or something - I don't see it going over mine right now, alas. (Perhaps I lost it behind some furniture when I packed KDM to evac with us from Irma)


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
The faces are a separate piece, but in the same sprue, I couldn’t find it at first. If you still don’t see it I’ll post a pic of the full sprue.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The faces are a separate piece, but in the same sprue, I couldn’t find it at first. If you still don’t see it I’ll post a pic of the full sprue.

Ah... ok I think I see it, yea, I thought the 3 face thing was a shield.


Trakanon Raider
Let us know how that went! :)
I expect it to go spectacularly bad. Gotta put the beast together first- which is daunting. Still- i have some time off for the holidays, so we'll probably make a huge mistake attempting it before the year is over.

Anyone have any idea when the reprints/whatever that got opened up for orders around black friday are supposed to go out? I caved for the dung beetle and sun stalker. No clue when to even expect those- let alone the gamblers chest.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Today I met the Watcher

Every new fight so far in KD:M had been a nail biting spectacular showdown. But the Watcher ate his socks after drawing one measly AI card, getting destroyed almost single-handedly by my Twilight Knight. I guess it's fitting since he's the son of an ageless survivor that came from another village (thank you Clinging Mists) who gave him 3 points of Twilight Mastery before heading off, never to be seen again. After the fight I checked the AI cards and I guess the Watcher could have eaten me up pretty quickly though.

Now on to the Gold Smoke Knight... just checking his stat line, no idea how I will beat him. Guess I have ten years to find out.
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