How about coffee? Gurgs you’re French… thoughts on that?
I drink mostly coffee, sometimes I'll go a few months without coffee, sometimes I'll go green tea. Pretty sure green tea is a bit better for the health, and I do find myself having more energy when drinking green tea. But I don't like tea nearly as much as coffee... Pretty much every single study ever made on coffee point to it decreasing all cause mortality. I believe there are 2 mechanisms :
1) it's rich in anti-oxydant, it shouldn't matter much for people with a good diet, but they found that for the
average American, the 2 cups of coffee make up for most of the antixoydant in their diet... again, if you're consuming actual food, especialy fruits, it shouldn't matter nearly as much.
2) You've got more energy, pushing people into more physical activities, as noted on my previous post, the more you sit, the faster you die.
If you drink coffee everyday, the cortisol spike will be significantly lesser, if that's your issue. You can drink say 2 coffee per day, because you like it, then on the odd day you need an energy boost, get 6 or so.
That said, when I don't feel great or sick, and need a boost in mood or energy, I'll get green tea in the morning and light or decaffeinated or no coffee at noon, it's definitely better for me. If you believe you have adrenal fatigue, you should definitely go the green tea route, and avoid coffee for a while.