Must Have Software


Blackwing Lair Raider
LinkedIn has a bunch of excel stuff too, but may have to hunt for more of what you are wanting there.

Good luck trying to get anything setup to import into the correct fields automatically. After 10+ years of using it and other flavors of database management, the only consistent theme is everyone has their own way of doing things and won't like being told "Here's a template, put your data in this format if you want shit to work correctly".


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Thanks. Never even thought to look at Microsoft's website lol. And thanks for the tip about Linkedin, will check it out but won't try it if I need to open up an account there. I'm trying to reduce my social media pressens lol.


FoH nuclear response team
Having to use Excel after a decade of using Google Drive, it feels so clunky. I hate it.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
So my current job wants me to do some new tasks that involve working a bit deeper in Excel than I am used to. By that I mean doing things such as gathering data from other Excel files, importing automatically to the correct cells, shit like that. As someone who only has a very basic understanding of Excel I'm up for learning more about it, going through an online course. Does anyone know of or can recommend a decent (preferably free or cheap) online Excel course that teaches you basic to mid level stuff. I don't think I need the very advanced shit that can compute theoretical astrophysics lol.

Sounds like a perfect use case for SQL if you've ever used it. Create a separate table for all your excel files and combine using queries. I used to have to wrangle a stupid amount vulnerability data spreadsheets and when I started at my previous company I worked for their process for getting all the data to the right folks was stupidly tedious. I threw everything in an MSSQL server they had and made the whole thing a lot easier. It's a totally different skillset from Excel for the most part but I'm convinced most complex tasks involving a lot of spreadsheets would be far better done in a database.


Molten Core Raider
I used NLite back in the day to make my own installs of XP that were debloated. Just found out the project had moved on to NTLite for Winsows 7+. Just got through making a debloated Win 11 install and holy shit I Iove this program again.I added my Preset if anyone else wants to try it out.


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