Neverwinter: PC


Molten Core Raider
D&D just doesn't seem to work in MMO's. After Dark Sun, Neverwinter is probably my second favorite thing in all of D&D. But Salvatore totally fucked it up.

Hoping this is pre-Salvatore, and I wish it was just a multiplayer game with a good story.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Perfect World / Cryptic (same ones as STO - Star Trek Online and City of Heroes) FAQ states a release in early 2013. Like STO they are featuring their Foundry, a player driven content creation kit that can be used to publish your own adventures and campaigns. It will be a free-to-play MMO with a cash shop, much like their current models.

2013 Feb. Issue of PC Gamerfor mount codes and exclusive interviews. Issues are $8.99 on the iPad newstand app or $8.99 at a book store (at least in my location)

Beta Weekend 1 - February 8-10:
Hero of the North Founder's Pack purchasers
Guardian of Neverwinter purchasers
Hero of the North Friend Key

Beta Weekend 2 - March 8-10
Hero of the North Founder's Pack purchasers
Guardian of Neverwinter purchasers
Hero of the North Friend Key
Torchlight 2 pre-orders
RaiderZ Elite Pack purchasers
Lifetime members of Champions Online and Star Trek Online.

Beta Weekend 3 - March 22-24
Hero of the North Founder's Pack purchasers
Guardian of Neverwinter purchasers
Hero of the North Friend Key
Torchlight 2 pre-orders
RaiderZ Elite Pack purchasers
Lifetime members of Champions Online and Star Trek Online.


Neverwinter - Chasm Zone Trailer

Blackdagger Ruins


Class trailers
Control Wizard - Role: Control Type

Trickster Rogue - Role: Damage

Guardian Fighter - Role: Defender

Great Weapon Fighter- Role: Damage Dealer and Secondary Defender


Drow Racial Preview
Tiefling Racial Preview

Character Creation Interview with MMORPG.COM
Appearance customization options:
Head Shape
Hair (shape and color)
Eyes (shape and color ? some customizable per eye)
Eyebrows (fineness and color)
Facial Hair (shape and color)
Skin complexion and color ? old/tan, weathered/black, etc.
(For certain races) Horn alignment
Facial tattoos and their color
Scar shapes
Sliders for your facial dimensions ? neck length, cheek size, etc.
Sliders for your body dimensions ? hand thickness, leg length, etc.

I'm not sure that this is my kind of playstyle for a DnD game but I am a fan of the series (DDO - pen and paper). I'll be following the game even though it hasn't struck me hard yet.



Lord Nagafen Raider
Another class video:

Combat looks to be more action oriented since you use the mouse to attack, but the videos make it look fairly boring with everyone just sort of standing around while the enemies beat on you.


I tried it out at e3 and the game seemed like absolute shit. Which is sad, because it's neverwinter, but not unexpected, because it's perfect world. I don't have high hopes for this game, but I'd love to be proven wrong.


Last video is overloaded with effects and and screen shaking, i can't imagine playing this. I kinda got sick while watching this.
Also theres no distance, everything seams right in front.

What a shame to Neverwinter franchise :/


I know it's not directly related to this, but playing theLOTR mod during the original NWNwas some of the most fun times.

That said, the original NWN and NWN2 were pretty amazing in my book, I'll give this a shot since it's free, whenever I can get into beta and whatnot.


Golden Knight of the Realm
$200 to be Drizzt... ouch

Those hungry for some hot renegade Dark Elf action can shell out $199.99 for the Hero of the North Founder's Pack. They'll score beta access, a five-day head start to the open beta, and the exclusive playable Menzoberranzan Renegade race, complete with special racial abilities, a tattoo, and a panther companion, just like a certain Drow ranger.


Molten Core Raider
Ah man, i forgot all about this turd. But it's Perfect World AND Cryptic, what a hilarious combination. If you ever run into a situation where that odd friend or colleague hears about mmos and wants you to play with him (but you seriously don't), you can play this together and you never see him again.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I know it's not directly related to this, but playing theLOTR mod during the original NWNwas some of the most fun times.

That said, the original NWN and NWN2 were pretty amazing in my book, I'll give this a shot since it's free, whenever I can get into beta and whatnot.
Original NWN kicked ass...all 16 colors of it on AOL.

The newer one that was 3D wasn't bad either ;P


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Oh god the voice in that video is so annoying. Do they really expect anyone to watch that and decide to blow $200 on a bunch of shitty items for a game that's going to flop?
The only thing that intrigued me about this franchise was the possibility of making your own zones and such to play through with your friends like back in NWN. Now that I see who's making it, I'm guessing that will suck as well.


I wanted to show my friend that hilarious fucking "founders pack" video from Kotaku on my phone at work via youtube app. Turns out the video is exclusive to Kotaku and Kotaku only on their Viddler account. The video doesn't show up on Neverwinter's website, Cryptic's website, PWE's website or any of their youtube accounts. Pretty ass-backwards logic if anyone was seriously lining up to play this piece of shit.


That said, the original NWN and NWN2 were pretty amazing in my book, I'll give this a shot since it's free, whenever I can get into beta and whatnot.
The problem with that is the Neverwinter Nights franchise and this...thing...have nothing in common, save the first eleven letters. They're whoring out one of the best names in the D&D RPG category to try and make a quick buck off it. Sad, really.

From BioWare (the old, great, pre-EA BioWare), to, Obsidian, to Perfect World? Fuck that.