New World


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Hope you enjoyed BSS, because the EW races are even better. Like World Tour (EW->BSS) lol


<Gold Donor>
Hope you enjoyed BSS, because the EW races are even better. Like World Tour (EW->BSS) lol
Fuck me. I'm old and lazy I need more generous windows. I'm over here trying to stay between 15-75 dash at all times, this shit is stressful!

EDIT: I also tried the music thing for the first time, yeah my old ass is probably not going to get far if it ramps up much beyond these intro songs lol. Mfs want me to be James Hetfield.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Fuck me. I'm old and lazy I need more generous windows. I'm over here trying to stay between 15-75 dash at all times, this shit is stressful!

If you're willing to min-max while racing, as long as you aren't in combat, you can swap out your horseshoes while riding. So you can alternate between dash speed and dash regen. I was able to do the EW->BSS race with a couple minutes to spare.
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I don't bother with Music, either. Just can't do it.
I normally don't either, but holy shit the music in the Empyrean Forge and the new Savage Divide go HARD!

I highly recommend turning it on for those dungeons. 😀
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<Gold Donor>
I normally don't either, but holy shit the music in the Empyrean Forge and the new Savage Divide go HARD!

I highly recommend turning it on for those dungeons. 😀
I at least was talking about the rockstar, hero or whatever the hell it’s called. Where are you jam out on the instruments for buffs. I love the buffs who doesn’t love buffs, but I have a feeling if the cadence picks up, I’m just gonna fail the fuck out of everything.

I definitely maxed on some of the brimstone sand races by juggling shoe horses. It’s a pain in the ass but it worked.


<Gold Donor>
Patch notes today made some of those races shorter it seems lol
I saw that shit lol. I’ve been stuck on the MSQ (some Dowsing for Answers quest) in Edengrove for days and tried all kinds of stuff. I don’t see it addressed in the patch notes either.

FYI you cannot get into the expansion content until you beat MSQ leading to it. Basically a barrier around the zone. Gonna try again after downtime tonight. No one on Reddit has a clue either and many stuck on it.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I saw that shit lol. I’ve been stuck on the MSQ (some Dowsing for Answers quest) in Edengrove for days and tried all kinds of stuff. I don’t see it addressed in the patch notes either.

FYI you cannot get into the expansion content until you beat MSQ leading to it. Basically a barrier around the zone. Gonna try again after downtime tonight. No one on Reddit has a clue either and many stuck on it.

It is sort of like BSS when it launched - you have to craft a "spore" thing so you don't insta die, BSS at launch had you make sunscreen so you didn't die.


<Gold Donor>
Well my issue was fixed, logged in and all the enemies spawned and swarmed my ass, thank god, finally can move forward in MSQ.

Next, I whaled on new heavy armor cosmetics and tower shields.

My self loathing is only surpassed by my dope transmog.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Btw was funny seeing you in global chat last night. We were in middle of doing influence missions for a war dec and the dumb Halloween boss spawned right at the mission location - prevented us from getting 100% influence and the fancy winner lootbox reward lol


<Gold Donor>
I had to change my company to rejoin my guild.

What is the fastest / not PvP way to gain covenant faction rep? I did some circuits with PVE missions from every major settlement but it was like a rank and took an hour or two.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
PVP is going to be fastest - you get a fuckton during influence races if you join a raid and your faction is doing well.

ou can also do PVP missions in higher level areas - with mounts, you can do most of them pretty quickly. Reekwater, some missions in BSS, Shattered Mountain to name a few. Keep in mind most PVP missions, if the spot is quiet, dont actually require PVPing. Anything except fort cap isn't going to draw much attention. Greens will swarm any fort that is flipping (company called Remember my Name - that is all they do lol)