Pathfinder - Pen and Paper RPG Books


Avatar of War Slayer
I realize that the OGL allows for the vast majority of the Pathfinder rules to be plastered online inthe SRDand other enthusiast web pages, but call me crazy, I prefer to own the books for both esthetic and sentimental reasons. Plus, its more convenient for me in many ways.

So, for those that agree, and are up for spending the $30 per book (avg), when ordering them online from places like Amazon, I have my first recommendation.

Mythic Adventures.

I was not expecting all that much from Paizo's version of Epic Level gaming, but after spending only a single evening/morning browsing the contents I can honestly say that THIS seems the perfect solution to the number/stat bloat that was born of the 3.5 D&D Epic Level Handbook.

I find myself almost giddy over the next two installments of the Mythic line of rulebooks slated to release in the near future.

I also find myself wondering what if!! What if this ruleset where applied to well known Epic like adventures, such asRappan Athuk?

Anyway. I know its not much, but I just wanted to share.

I am curious what kind of longevity Pathfinder will have once D&D Next hits the printers. From what I gather from the play-tests, its going to be good, and it wont suffer so badly from the stat bloat that comes with previous generation leveling. Leaving plenty of room for 'Epic' like expansions of the rules in the planned 'rules modules'.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I play in several Pathfinder games currently including a Mythic game. I love the system. If DnD Next is good I could see us playing that also but I don't think our Pathfinder games will go anywhere. Paizo puts out really high quality adventure modules. Several of the games we play are the adventure paths.


Avatar of War Slayer
I play in several Pathfinder games currently including a Mythic game. I love the system. If DnD Next is good I could see us playing that also but I don't think our Pathfinder games will go anywhere. Paizo puts out really high quality adventure modules. Several of the games we play are the adventure paths.
Are those the subscription based adventure paths?

Is there any fiscal reason to have a subscription, versus just picking them up ad-hock?


Vyemm Raider
I play in several Pathfinder games currently including a Mythic game. I love the system. If DnD Next is good I could see us playing that also but I don't think our Pathfinder games will go anywhere. Paizo puts out really high quality adventure modules. Several of the games we play are the adventure paths.
Pathfinder doesn't have a lot of market share, but being free and online really opens the game up to so many people in terms of accessibility. In a group of 6 people, making it free makes it worth investing for the one person in the group that actually can afford to buy the books. If the books weren't free, the other 5 people might just go do something else, and the buyer would never get past buying the core rulebook because his buds aren't going to shell out for books of their own. Nobody to play with? No reason to buy any more books.

Are those the subscription based adventure paths?

Is there any fiscal reason to have a subscription, versus just picking them up ad-hock?
You get 30% off the cover price with a subscription. The cost of 1 volume is normally 22.99, so it's $15.99. I get 4-7 day shipping via USPS for about $6.50. I barely save any money, but you do get the free PDF copy of it too(which is probably $9 or so). I like to read the adventures and have them in case I play or run them someday. It's worth it to me since I just like reading them.

If you're not an enthusiast, I'd read the AP summaries then buy the PDF's or buy the books if you want to have the physical copy. Just about every adventure can pretty much be made into a stand-alone with a few simple changes to the story.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I like the subscription because of the free PDF copy. That said I only subscribe for the modules I want. You get your 6 issues then it ends. Also Pathfinder continues to grow its not some super tiny game any longer.


And now my Watch has ended...
I really wish some of my friends that game with me liked Pathfinder. I've wanted to play it, but they are kinda snobbish towards it, and love their 3.5 broken tiered characters : /


Avatar of War Slayer
I did pick this one up last yearRise of the Runelords, as I liked the reviews it got in the community, but I have stayed away from subscription based collections in general. I am afraid that I might pay for a handful of adventures I didn't like, as I did when I was a kid, with almost no money... So many bad memories of spending what little I had on books I thought would be good because of a neat cover, or the comic store guy said it was good, only to find it sucked (in my opinion). I suppose I am just damaged goods.

As it is now I am an Amazon Prime member so I get free 2nd day shipping. With the 20-30% off the top of most MSRP's in the RPG segment, I have always just picked things up as I wanted/needed them.

My last significant buy, besides the Mythic Adventures & Runelords, wasEd Greenwood Presents Elminster's Forgotten Realmscombined withGrand History of the Realms. Mostly for the hooks, and sheer curiosity.


Vyemm Raider
If 3.5, 4e, and D&DN convinced me of anything it's that WotC does not deserve any more of my money. They try to be all things to all people at the same time and end up satisfying no one.

Paizo on the other hand, does one thing and they do it very very well. If I liked 3.5e (which I don't), I'd be all over this game.


Avatar of War Slayer
If 3.5, 4e, and D&DN convinced me of anything it's that WotC does not deserve any more of my money. They try to be all things to all people at the same time and end up satisfying no one.

Paizo on the other hand, does one thing and they do it very very well. If I liked 3.5e (which I don't), I'd be all over this game.
Having never actually run a Pathfinder game, yet (I have DM'd 3Ed and 4Ed D&D mostly, some 2Ed when I was in high school), I can say that I have read through nearly every one of the core rulebooks, and though its similar to 3.5Ed, its far different in many ways. I think you may be selling yourself short.

Also, having read through the last 3 public tests of D&D Next, it is really something different, yet something very familiar. It may end up being the singularity that D&D needs to rip itself out of whatever limbo its been stuck in this last decade.

I am cautiously optimistic.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Nope, our campaigns tend to end once people start reaching 20-22. It just suffers from escalation bloat and I think the DMs find it too difficult to run games at that point. This is referring to 3.5. We never made the jump to 4.0 because frankly it looks like shit /shrug

I actually prefer 3.5 to 3.0 OTHER than they removed the ability for Sorcerers to "downcast", IE use a higher level slot to cast a lower level spell. Really removed a large part of the versatility of the class for me.


Avatar of War Slayer
Nope, our campaigns tend to end once people start reaching 20-22. It just suffers from escalation bloat and I think the DMs find it too difficult to run games at that point. This is referring to 3.5. We never made the jump to 4.0 because frankly it looks like shit /shrug

I actually prefer 3.5 to 3.0 OTHER than they removed the ability for Sorcerers to "downcast", IE use a higher level slot to cast a lower level spell. Really removed a large part of the versatility of the class for me.
I admit, the one I ran didn't last long. But what little I did, was hella difficult to keep straight. I had Avatars of Ferunian deities and demi-gods (in the flesh) messing with the PC's... It was a stat nightmare.


Vyemm Raider
I haven't ran/played epic level in pathfinder yet. We have been playing the same game for a little over 2 years every other Thursday and just hit level 10. So maybe one day we will get there. We did use the power word system, but there is only 2 characters left from the start of the campaign that have them.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I admit, the one I ran didn't last long. But what little I did, was hella difficult to keep straight. I had Avatars of Ferunian deities and demi-gods (in the flesh) messing with the PC's... It was a stat nightmare.
That's just it. I think it's the same problem some authors have when they make genius-level intellect characters, without themselves having that same intellect so... how can you possibly write them? That and trying to keep track of all the million things really powerful beings such as you describe can do - it's sort of the same reason why we rarely ever fight other fully fleshed out class-based parties - it's a nightmare for the GM to run (even though they are really fun to fight against).


I've abandoned Hasbro/Wizards at this point, as 4e is my favorite edition and they decided to shit on it and its fans. D&D Next had a few glimmers of hope in some of the playtests but ultimately got worse with each one, combined with them clearly not wanting me as a customer, I'm all done with them. I will probably look at the book when it comes out if I can do so without giving them money, but I'll need a huge amount of convincing to buy at this point.

Pathfinder is very popular around here and may well be the #1 game. I can play it, but it isn't a good system. It is improved over 3.5 but it doesn't remove the fundamental flaws with the system.I must say however, I have massive, massive respect for Piazo as a business and the great thrashing they have given Wizards in the past few years. I think Pathfinder is an excellentproduct, they give it amazing support and such and I will always give them credit for that. I just think they system is inherently flawed. Not so bad as I won't play, I recently did the first few bits of Rise of the Runelords, quite fun.


Vyemm Raider
I've abandoned Hasbro/Wizards at this point, as 4e is my favorite edition and they decided to shit on it and its fans. D&D Next had a few glimmers of hope in some of the playtests but ultimately got worse with each one, combined with them clearly not wanting me as a customer, I'm all done with them. I will probably look at the book when it comes out if I can do so without giving them money, but I'll need a huge amount of convincing to buy at this point.

Pathfinder is very popular around here and may well be the #1 game. I can play it, but it isn't a good system. It is improved over 3.5 but it doesn't remove the fundamental flaws with the system.I must say however, I have massive, massive respect for Piazo as a business and the great thrashing they have given Wizards in the past few years. I think Pathfinder is an excellentproduct, they give it amazing support and such and I will always give them credit for that. I just think they system is inherently flawed. Not so bad as I won't play, I recently did the first few bits of Rise of the Runelords, quite fun.
Pretty much where I am. The only thing I'm really bitter about is the lack of a DMG 3 for 4E and how awful the 4E campaign settings books were (excluding Dark Sun, Eberron, and Neverwinter). Essentials was a bullshit money grab attempt to bridge older editions and 4E, but ended up fucking over 4E without any success at bringing old blood into the "future". Now the glorious promises of 4E have been shattered by the sniveling complaints of you scumfucking 3.5E and Pathfinder whoresons.


Avatar of War Slayer
Pretty much where I am. The only thing I'm really bitter about is the lack of a DMG 3 for 4E and how awful the 4E campaign settings books were (excluding Dark Sun, Eberron, and Neverwinter). Essentials was a bullshit money grab attempt to bridge older editions and 4E, but ended up fucking over 4E without any success at bringing old blood into the "future". Now the glorious promises of 4E have been shattered by the sniveling complaints of you scumfucking 3.5E and Pathfinder whoresons.
For the record, I ran 4Ed games and really liked it both mechanically and the ease with which it made planning traps/encounters. It changed the way I designed my non-combat encounters completely. It was my favorite part of 4Ed. But, I get why so many people found it difficult to like, as it was a significant nerf to the versatility of the traditional spell systems, and had a few to many status tracking issues in big battles. I do not miss being forced to use plastic chits to track bloodied, advantage, etc... Not one bit.

My biggest complaint for 4Ed was the complexity barrier to entry for younger newbies. In the past, you just gave a youster a Fighter class character, and let them learn by playing. But in 4Ed, even Fighters where skill/stat heavy. I found it exceptionally frustrating teaching a handful of 11 year-old's 4Ed. Lost my patience and regressed into a 3.5Ed game, just for them.

But to each their own.


I think the "nerf" the the "versatility" of the spell systems was one of the best things, as to me that was just one of the worst part of earlier editions. Poorly written or designed spells were awful and made for miserable gaming. Not only that is you often had a handful of spells each level far superior to any others, among other problems.

I thought the status effects of 4e were much nicer. Yes, you saw them more often, but they were very specific what they did. Where as in previous editions, each spell could impact you differently with different mechanics, making some useless or others brokenly powerful.

I don't have much concern for noobs. If you don't have or can't be bothered to expend the level of brainpower to work out the At-Will/Encounter system, I'm not interested in you being at my table anyways.

4e wasn't perfect and could have used a revision, but I like it much better than any other edition of D&D.


Vyemm Raider
The spell and combat systems are boring and too simulationist for me, which is why I dislike 3.5 and earlier editions. Pathfinder makes significant improvements.

Biggest problem with 4E (other than shitty / incomplete campaign settings), is the combat got bogged down by tracking combat marks / status effects, and the math stopped working late Paragon or early Epic.

That last flaw could be fixed if they ever published a DMG 3, but nope. Fuck Epic tier. They promised us three different tiers of gaming and delivered one and a half. It's like playing EQ without raiding.


Avatar of War Slayer
Seems to me everyone has there own specific pet peeves about each edition.

Holding those against the company that is doing its best to fix them, seems a bit of an over reaction to me.

In the end, we make of it what we will. Good or bad.


They aren't trying to fix them. Next is specifically dumping most of the good things they did in 4e to chase "nostalgia" of previous editions because there are people out there playing old versions of D&D and liking it.

I look at Next and don't understand who will want to play it. If you like old editions, you have them to play. It isn't an evolution of either 4e or 3e, so it won't interest people who want something new. They're trying to please everyone and looks like they will please no one.

They are too obsessed with "Holy Cows" and "nostalgia" and the "feel of old school D&D" for Next to be a good product, because most of those things are what make the game flawed to begin with.

Also, the guys who hold the leash, Hasbro, has little interest in giving them the resources they need to make a good game and don't understand the industry enough to let a good game flourish. They are the main reason 4e got sunk and bastardized like it did.

Guess it comes down to, why buy from them when you can just play something else if given a choice? I can play Pathfinder for free, Warhammer Fantasy is both more fun and I'm happy to support the company, 13th Age is out, Numininuriania or whatever is out, FATE is pretty popular among people I know, Song of Ice and Fire is terrific, etc.

I see no reason to bother with Next, besides feeling shit on as a customer, I have no faith in them producing a decent product.