Peter V. Brett


Silver Baron of the Realm
if the next book is this much backstory and build up that last bit of desire will go away fast.
The really dumb thing was that Inevera's backstory covered events that we have already been over at length in the other books. It added nothing and honestly who cares about her past, big deal if shes a bit mysterious, that said her portions were less irritating than anything concerning Arlen and Renna. Brett was probably just meeting a deadline and had ran out of ideas.


<Gold Donor>
I hated the fact Arlen reverted to talking like a hill-billy.
I hated almost everything about the book. I'm trying to think of something that I actually liked, and I'm coming up blank. Like I said above, it isn't necessarily an abomination of a book per se, but there was not one thing actually likeable about it. Not even one character really. Abban was ok, but I even started disliking him.

Was talking to a friend that just finished it as well, and something that occurred to me was that most of the reason I loved the first book was because of the characters. Arlen was awesome to follow, but even the whole section about him learning wards from the old man, living with that family, and meeting that girl that he fell in love with and almost stayed with, only to go become a Messenger and lose her forever. I liked all of those characters, in particular the love interest chick, and except for Jardir and Abban in the second book, I can't really think of anyone introduced after the first book that I really gave one shit about. And on top of that, almost all of the ongoing characters turned into people I despised and couldn't stand reading about.

This book was pretty much The Walking Dead for me. If the demons had killed every single person in the book, I would have cheered.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Read all three books in a day.

Feel like I wasted a day.

The premise is pretty interesting, but I feel like there should be some rhyme or reason to the Wards and people could just figure that shit out, given a large enough sample size of known working wards and what they did. You can kind of see there are gaps he just didn't write about, like the humans re-finding combat wards was obviously a surprise to the mind demons, they thought they'd gotten rid of everyone who knew about them. That isn't humans just "losing" the wards, that is the intentional hunting down and extermination of anyone who knew what they were. Makes the lost civilization make way more sense, and that is like one line of one thought that one of the mind demons had. The idea that humans are just cattle doesn't really jive with the lower numbers every year, that isn't how you keep a breeding stock healthy.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Pretty sure this is going to end up being a 5 book series. I like it well enough for this universe, but some of the povs were boring.

I highly doubt the cliff fall will kill the guy given how much power he just sucked outa Arden. Arden already survived a serious fall so I figure it would be really fucked up to kill the other potential deliverer the same way. If anything this will make them stop fighting each other at some level. Jardir's biggest problem is that he's never failed at anything but successfully kill his friend. He needs some humility. Human vs human relationships are rarely unique in fantasy, time for some higher tier demon action damnit.


Molten Core Raider
Just finished the third book.
Although the weakest in the series so far, I did get some enjoyment from reading.
My number one piss off is him rehashing shit he's already written about though.

Let's move the story along shall we?


Molten Core Raider
This series reminds me a great deal of the Runelords by Farland...Strong start in the first book and the subsequent books piss away all the items I liked about the first.


I actually enjoyed getting Inevera's perspective, primarily the scenes where we had already seen Jardir's version of the event, then got to see it from her eyes. Renna however was terrible. And what he did to Arlen with Renna was even worse. She is right up there with the WoT women, so painful to read.

I was disappointed by the amount of filler in book 3. I too thought it was supposed to be a trilogy so was wondering what the hell was going on with so much useless crap throughout the entire book. The magic is also getting too out of control. I really liked the low magic world he had built in the first book with more in the second. By the third, everyone able to use magic and the incredibly emphasis on it was getting really silly. All the main characters became super heroes by the end of book 3.

As a stand alone book, I would not recommend book 3 but at this point I want to know how the story ends because I really liked book 1 a lot and after a bit of a slog at the beginning of book 2, I enjoyed that one as well.

Oh and the auras crap, was AWFUL. We do not care what some random character we will never hear about again, feels about her sister's husband's brother, while we are in a war council.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I really liked the low magic world he had built in the first book with more in the second. By the third, everyone able to use magic and the incredibly emphasis on it was getting really silly. All the main characters became super heroes by the end of book 3.
Serious mudflation going on in this series.


<Gold Donor>
Unless someone tells me it comes with free blowjobs, there is not a chance I'm ever picking up another book in this series. Which really saddens me, because the first book was fantastic, and the second was pretty good. The third just absolutely killed any interest I had though. I would rather read Twilight again than read The Daylight War again, no joke.


Silver Baron of the Realm
Unless someone tells me it comes with free blowjobs, there is not a chance I'm ever picking up another book in this series. Which really saddens me, because the first book was fantastic, and the second was pretty good. The third just absolutely killed any interest I had though.

According to Goodreads:

"The first three novels in New York Times bestselling author Peter V. Brett?sgroundbreaking Demon Cycle series?The Warded Man, The Desert Spear, and The Daylight War?set a new standard for heroic fantasy."

I would be interested in perusing the demographic info of the people who hold this opinion.


Molten Core Raider
I read the new novel, thought it was better than the 3rd but he's got a lot to wrap up in just one more book.


<Gold Donor>
I read the new novel, thought it was better than the 3rd but he's got a lot to wrap up in just one more book.
Assuming the next book is the last. Everyone I know was under the impression it was a trilogy, and was shocked when it didn't end with the last book. That could have all been assumption on our part, but point being, if sales are high enough, how about a septology??


Lord Nagafen Raider
Got a personalized message from him on Goodreads trying to pitch the new book. Obvious that it was an automated mass sending based on people who had linked any of his books as read..considering I had listed Skull Throne read 2 days before street dated. OOPS.

Neat idea for an author though, and it's much, much simpler than trying to plan tons of book signings all over the country.


Golden Squire
Read the new one. A third of the book is Krasians backstabbing each other to insane degrees. Two-third of the book is about Leesha and Rojer still causing self inflicted wounds. Arlen and Jardir are in maybe four chapters. So if that sounds like fun to you then check it out.


A Man Chooses....
Unless someone tells me it comes with free blowjobs, there is not a chance I'm ever picking up another book in this series. Which really saddens me, because the first book was fantastic, and the second was pretty good. The third just absolutely killed any interest I had though. I would rather read Twilight again than read The Daylight War again, no joke.
Literally my exact opinion. This shit went off the rails in an amazing way.


Golden Squire
Read the new one. A third of the book is Krasians backstabbing each other to insane degrees. Two-third of the book is about Leesha and Rojer still causing self inflicted wounds. Arlen and Jardir are in maybe four chapters. So if that sounds like fun to you then check it out.
Spot on. I enjoyed it, but not nearly as much as the first two books. It's not awesome but I've certainly read worse. Will read the last one.

- I didn't like the way he handled the (literal) cliffhanger from the last book.
- Rojer dying sucks and was a bit out of nowhere, though I thought the scene where Sikvah (sp?) flipped the assassin switch in the tower was pretty ace.
- Abban being a giant bastard is great.
- Kind of don't give a shit about Jardir anymore.
- Lots of Thamos character buildup in this book only to kill him off towards the end seemed a bit pointless.
- Briar is an interesting character but I don't think partway through the 4th book in a 5 book series is the right place to introduce a new POV.

I gave it a 3/5 on Goodreads.