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<Bronze Donator>
Incendes - 7.5/10.
I have a feeling that my take on this movie doesn't fit the intended one. It's set in a backdrop of Christian/ Muslim war. Everything about this movie is better than my rating but the narrative pushed is dumb. Great cinematography, acting etc I actually really enjoyed the watch and my wife stayed awake the whole time. We ended up taking about it afterwards which isn't unusual, but not about the kind of bigger questions which this presents. Here's the real story.

A Christian woman decides to get pregnant out of wedlock with a Muslim refuge. Her family reacts accordingly. She continues to make horrible life choices right up to and even after she dies. The end

No nudity
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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Horrible life choices even after she dies sounds promising!

Stuck in a hotel for this week so I watched:

Night Shift (2023) - it was about a 5/10. Very standard, nothing crazy. Mediocre acting, script, etc. Wouldn’t really recommend, wouldn’t watch again, but was fine as background filler.

Monolith (2022) - This was actually a lot more interesting. I like movies that only have 1 character and 1 set just because it’s interesting to see how they handle relying on one actor / actress to carry everything. This isn’t some amazing piece of cinema or anything, but I was very entertained and interested in what was going on. I’d give it a 6.5/10.

Was trying to watch this movie but couldn’t find one with embedded subs. It looks great and has good reviews.

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Vyemm Raider
I just watched The Pig, the Snake, and the Pigeon (it's on Netflix). It was not what I was expecting from the description, but I liked it a lot.

I was expecting a lighthearted, almost comedic shoot-em-up that didn't take itself too seriously, but what I got was a deep and moving drama punctuated with a little bit of the ol' ultraviolence and a very heartfelt undercurrent. There are a few laughs but it's by no means a comedy.
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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I just watched The Pig, the Snake, and the Pigeon (it's on Netflix). It was not what I was expecting from the description, but I liked it a lot.

I was expecting a lighthearted, almost comedic shoot-em-up that didn't take itself too seriously, but what I got was a deep and moving drama punctuated with a little bit of the ol' ultraviolence and a very heartfelt undercurrent. There are a few laughs but it's by no means a comedy.
I didn’t even think to check Netflix while on the road. Duh. Usually waste my time in the hotel room on streaming sites for obscure stuff. I’ll check this out now when back home


Avatar of War Slayer
Last Sentinel 4/10
trailer shows the whole movie pretty much

this has been sitting on my plex for almost a year. totally forgot about it. started watching it and stopped to read description as thought got's jorah mormont was supposed to be in it, turn out that is a series called the rig.

this would probably made for a good 45 min episode for an anthology series, but it is 2 hours. around our time, sea level started to rise, big wars. think someone said the earth's axis had changed, but not sure. anyway, this is whats left.


there is a huge storm/wave that comes by every so many days, so one side built the sentinel with a nuke (think the last nuke) at the only point the others could attack from, but they have not had contact with the other side in decades. the crew of 4 does a 2 year bit watching and the relief ship is a few months over due and that is where the story starts.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I watched the recent 4k HDR Atmos remaster of Aliens last night. Similar to the Terminator 2 4k version, it strips a lot of the grain and characters often look like waxworks.

What's the best way to watch T2 or Aliens at this point?

I've got T2 on both VHS and Blu-Ray. Never bothered getting a 4K player despite having a 4K TV. For movies it really doesn't seem to make much of a difference, or even worsens them in some cases.

Far as I can tell DVD is too low-res and 4K is too high, so the best way to watch these movies and not expose them is (I would think) blu-ray.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Fahrenheit 451 - The newer movie starring... Michael B. Jordan??

Didn't have high hopes for this and expected it to be geared towards a teenage audience, but the villain is played by Michael Shannon and that single-handedly carries it. By the end I'd say it was actually passable and got some of the point of the story across, but it could have been waaaaaaay more. Which is about what I expected.

Movie is from 2018 so I was curious to see how it'd integrate real-world politics (which you kinda have to in this story). Early on it was kind of comical seeing them portray the book-burners as a semi-right wing fascist government when so much of what they were doing were things the left side of the political spectrum has been doing post-2018. However they (very smartly) pulled a Civil War midway through the movie by including left-wing destruction of history and offense-taking at literary works as well, essentially making it a situation where everyone was culpable in going along with the government tyranny in order to "fix" things that weren't broken. So neither side will feel solely blamed for the regime.

It was also kind of funny to me that the band of resistance trying to save the country were all spry diverse young people, like 20ish year old activists, when the movie made a huge point before that about how young people didn't even remember what freedom of information was like because they weren't around and have no comprehension of it, while only old people were still hanging onto these ideas. Well, again, it had to appeal to the teenage crowd, so it couldn't be too honest.

It's basically "1984" for a modern young person who can't handle the John Hurt movie and needs the Netflix version. All in all I'd give it a 6.5/10 but I DO respect the movie and I'm not going to dump on it. I think it would have been MUCH better off as a 5-10 episode miniseries on HBO or Netflix where it would have had time to explore the concepts (and connect them to the modern world) a bit better.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Far as I can tell DVD is too low-res and 4K is too high, so the best way to watch these movies and not expose them is (I would think) blu-ray.

What resolution do you think VHS is? lol

The Good:
A quick comparison between this new transfer - which Optimum, Kinowelt and Studio Canal are sharing for the UK, German and French Skynet releases - and the old one Lionsgate used for their first Blu-ray release of Terminator 2: Judgment Day a few years ago, reveals some dramatic improvements in terms of color and color-saturation; yellows, reds, blues, greens, blacks and whites are notably stronger. When blown through a digital projector, the image also remains pleasingly stable – there is no flickering, shimmering, etc. Generally speaking, contrast is also strong, though I detected some mild boosting, which I am fairly certain the more sensitive amongst you will notice as well. There are no stability issues and the film looks notably healthy -- there are no overly disturbing scratches, specks, stains, or dirt.

The Bad:
The bad news is that I detected plenty of noise reduction on this transfer. Coupled with the contrast boosting mentioned earlier, this will more than likely annoy those of you who are sensitive to DNR application. The overwhelming amount of the noise reduction is noticeable primarily during close-ups, but there is plenty during some of the panoramic daylight scenes as well. As a result, clarity and detail suffer substantially. Furthermore, there is also plenty of edge-enhancement that tends to pop up irregularly throughout the film (the effect is easily noticeable on a larger that 50' screen). To sum it all up, it is probably best that you find a way to check this transfer out first and see whether or not what I've noted above bothers you. There is a good chance that some of you may not be as sensitive to the noise reduction as I was, but there is also a good chance that some of you may find it impossible to tolerate. (Note: This is a Region-B "locked" release which you won't be able to play on your Region-A PS3 or SA. In order to access the content of this Blu-ray disc, you must have a native Region-B or Region-Free player)."

Never bothered getting a 4K player despite having a 4K TV. For movies it really doesn't seem to make much of a difference, or even worsens them in some cases.

Well it's certainly up for debate how much future any physical media format has left. And yes, if 4k remasters are done badly or with substantial changes to the originals like the above T2 then it can worsen them.

I personally download everything in 4k and Dolby Vision HDR because I have a 2023 LG G3 OLED


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Maestro - We lasted an hour or so. It was just boring. Masturbatory is another way, but not in a good way. As if Cooper just wanted this excuse to play a strange bi-sexual Jew and dove in head first. Maybe it gets better? The first hour was just him running around complaining about being a Jew and then hooking up with dudes behind his wife’s back. Nothing about On the Waterfront, Candide, West Side Story, or any of his actual work and conducting. Those events were referenced in the background so presumably they occurred. Great, that’s not the point of the film, fine I can get with that. But SOMETHING else has to be interesting. Even Man In The Moon was interesting.


Tranny Chaser
Last Sentinel 4/10
trailer shows the whole movie pretty much

this has been sitting on my plex for almost a year. totally forgot about it. started watching it and stopped to read description as thought got's jorah mormont was supposed to be in it, turn out that is a series called the rig.

this would probably made for a good 45 min episode for an anthology series, but it is 2 hours. around our time, sea level started to rise, big wars. think someone said the earth's axis had changed, but not sure. anyway, this is whats left.

View attachment 520115
there is a huge storm/wave that comes by every so many days, so one side built the sentinel with a nuke (think the last nuke) at the only point the others could attack from, but they have not had contact with the other side in decades. the crew of 4 does a 2 year bit watching and the relief ship is a few months over due and that is where the story starts.

I caught this not long ago and have to agree. It would have been way better with a 90 minute runtime than a 117 minute runtime.
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I don't want to go back and bump the original thread, but I just watched the girl ghostbuster reboot last night. It wasn't that bad, to be honest. Not McCarthy's best movie, I guess she needs better straight men to really stand out. But it was Mckinnon's best movie, which is saying something. My only real problem with it was that it seemed like they had to work hard to separate it from the original movies. It was ham handed having the entire old cast in the movie while pretending the other movies didn't happen.

It was almost like a parody of ghost busters. GB was funny, but this was more slapstick. Woulda been better with hotter girls and skimpier coveralls.


Throbbing Member
I don't want to go back and bump the original thread, but I just watched the girl ghostbuster reboot last night. It wasn't that bad, to be honest. Not McCarthy's best movie, I guess she needs better straight men to really stand out. But it was Mckinnon's best movie, which is saying something. My only real problem with it was that it seemed like they had to work hard to separate it from the original movies. It was ham handed having the entire old cast in the movie while pretending the other movies didn't happen.

It was almost like a parody of ghost busters. GB was funny, but this was more slapstick. Woulda been better with hotter girls and skimpier coveralls.
The only saving grace for me was Hemsworth.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>

Resurrection (2022).. for some reason the IMDB link isn't unfurling, or whatever you call it.

This was pretty good. Slow burn and not a ton really happens except for Rebecca Hall going a little crazy. She really sells the movie and is likely the main reason it works. Tim Roth plays a suitably creepy guy. The 5.9/10 rating seems a little low and off putting (if you go by IMDB stuff) but it isn't a 7/10 or anything.


Potato del Grande
My fav Coens movie is Burn After Reading. Re-watched it again and it still holds up.

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Millie's Staff Member
Doors (2021) on Prime.

Was actually quite entertaining and maybe the first thing I've watched in one sitting in a while. 4 vignettes about mysterious doors that appear. It has a subtle cosmic horror bent that is never really firmly established but teases throughout.

I think the rating holds true.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I don't want to go back and bump the original thread, but I just watched the girl ghostbuster reboot last night. It wasn't that bad, to be honest. Not McCarthy's best movie, I guess she needs better straight men to really stand out. But it was Mckinnon's best movie, which is saying something. My only real problem with it was that it seemed like they had to work hard to separate it from the original movies. It was ham handed having the entire old cast in the movie while pretending the other movies didn't happen.

It was almost like a parody of ghost busters. GB was funny, but this was more slapstick. Woulda been better with hotter girls and skimpier coveralls.

When they first announced 2016 GB, I expected four hot chix with like a new short shorts variation of the GB uniform. Probably one of them would be Eliza Dushku. It'd be the best thing ever.

By the time 2016 actually rolled around, it was pretty clear anything like that was now Bad and forget about it.

Enter the Void - Rewatched this for the third time (in about a decade's span) and it's a 10 out of 10 movie. Super bizarre and weird, but a brilliant movie. Watch it on shrooms, probably would be a real experience.
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