Official Blood Bowl League


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
The Official Blood Bowl Tournament League!

Feel free to join the Steam Group for ease of communicating your matches --

We are now accepting applications for teams to the Blood Bowl league. For those of you new to the game, here is how you go about this -

Go to multiplayer, make a coach name and log in (it's like an old school log in).

On the overview, go to "Create Team," and build one.

Then, go to Leagues, click on the League Finder button. Search for, and you'll see it pop up. (You will also see our Open League, which is where any number of matches can be played with any number of teams). You are looking for Official League.

On the bottom of that window, you should be able to choose your unregistered teams, and apply for the league.

Post in this thread, say something in IRC #swampdonkey (info here -- or PM me or another admin if it's been longer than a few hours, and we'll get you approved for the league.

The Rules!

(disclaimer -- I shamelessly cut and paste a lot of this from the Orca Cola Cup forums, with minor tweaks for our specific situation. They are one of the premier leagues and have been doing Blood Bowl competitively for a long time, there's no reason for me to reinvent the wheel here. I do this out of respect and the lack of desire to sit down and word my own shit. Hopefully no one complains or feels offended)

This is a structured competitive league setting for playing games. Only new teams are allowed, and you may ONLY play your league matches with said team. The Open League and the various public leagues are available for you to play games (with different teams) outside of the season structure for the competitive league. This rule exists to keep the playing field level with regard to matches played.

Sign up

Signing up for a season means that you are committing yourself to playing a full season. We reserve the right to ban any participant from future seasons if they don't finish their season. We will determine the length of a season after we see what kind of interest we have in the league and build divisions, but i suspect it will be between 6-9 games, played weekly. Sign up will be open for a reasonable amount of time, probably a week.


All teams starting in the league need to have a team value between 950 and 1000 while fielding a minimum of 11 players.
Stunty teams are allowed to have a team value between 500 and 1000 while fielding a minimum of 11 players.
Starting teams are required to have 0 games played and 0 SPP across the roster.
Existing teams are forbidden to play any games between seasons.
Existing teams are forbidden to play any games outside of the league structure.


Match days run from Wednesday to Tuesday midnight.
League Admins will never grant extensions of a match day.
Your league admin team will forward the match day every Wednesday.
You are responsible for scheduling your matches. You can do this by posting a date and time proposal on the boards, in the IRC #swampdonkey channel, by Private Message, E-mail, in game mail/chat, or the Steam group --

Remember we have a VoIP server (Ventrilo) running as well that Obilio was nice enough to pay for. Information here -

Port: 63046
Password: nuffle

Currently it is only a 10 man server and I paid for a year up front, if we need more slots I will open up donations.

Please note there is a 30 minute Idle Kick Timer because of the limited space.

Lastly, I will make Hatorade and few others Admin just to avoid drama and abuse from asshats.

EDIT: Please use the same name in vent that you use for BB Coach/Steam/Rerolled
Keep your Admin team up to date if you're failing to grab a hold of your opponent.
If you make no effort to get in touch with your opponent and/or the League Admin team before Friday 19h CET, then you forfeit any right to a draw if game is admined.

Post Match

League Admins/Roaming Admins will validate your games as soon as possible after requesting it to be done. Note that until that point in time your earned SPP and gate earnings will NOT show up on your team management screen. This is a function of the game, and prevents disconnect abuse.


When you suffer a DC/crash/time-out or game breaking bug; the two affected coaches will have the option of -

1 - Coaches agree between themselves what would be the fairest outcome had the game continued. They BOTH inform that decision towards their league admin team and the result gets admined accordingly.
2 - Coaches agree upon replaying the game before the end of the match day deadline. They send out a request for reset towards their league admin team ASAP. The league admin team will reset the game as soon as possible. (DO NOT harass the league admin team in case the reset isn't instantaneously)
#3- If you cannot come to any of the agreements ruled in #1 or #2 you'll have to face whatever score set by the game at the end of the match day.


When you have a dispute regarding a match result and the dispute is not covered by the above rules then contact your League Admin team ASAP. Make sure to explain as thoroughly as possible what your exact dispute is.

Unplayed games

When a game remains unplayed on the day the League Admin teams forwards the match day and NO information on the coaches scheduling is know by the League Admin team, a 1-1 draw will be issued.
When a game remains unplayed on the day the League Admin teams forwards the match day and information on the coaches scheduling is know by the League Admin team, a 2-0 win will be issued to the coach who did make an effort/attempt in getting it organized. Note that by doing this, the losing coach forfeits his MVP and winnings, and the coach you concede to gets double winnings, and double MVP's.
When a game remains unplayed on the day the League Admin teams forwards the match day and incidentally there was no possible way the game could be played due to personal schedules of the coaches involved, a 1-1 draw will be issued.

12 player bug

If it's on the first kick-off of the game, both players can alt-F4 out and the game wont count or need a reset.
If it's any other kick-off:
Before moving any of your players (and preferably before the kick off event) designate one player on your team as the "extra" player in the chat. Move that player out of the way, towards your end zone. Make absolutely certain he's not hindering your opponent. The player in question can't be blocked or blitzed by your opponent unless he's in the way.

League Structure

The league will be divided into 2 or more divisions for play to make the experience better for everyone. How many divisions will be decided by how many participants are involved. Upon the close of a season, the winner of division 1 shall be declared the league champion. The bottom 2 players in each division will be moved to the next lower division, and the top 2 players in each division will be moved to the next higher division for next season. Rankings will be determined by win/loss ratio, then TD's scored, then TD difference. All of this is subject to change to fit the number of participants we have in the league and how much resorting of divisions need to happen after season 1.


Upon applying to the league, I would ask that you post on the forums and rate your ability/comfort of the game on a scale from 1-5, 1 being very comfortable with the rules and feel that you are ready for serious competition, 5 being brand new to the game and still learning the ropes. This ranking will be used to help determine the intial division sort so that we can make the league as fun for as many people as possible. The number you give may not necessarily correspond to your division number, but we will try to sort it out the best we can given limited experience with all of you playing the game. What I'm trying to avoid with this is a division where we've got say 4 players that are 8-2, and 4 players that are 2-8. Clearly there could be a better division of skill there.

Admin team --


Steam Group --

Lets get dirty.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Useful links (not league related, gameplay related)

Injury statistics with various skills

The Art of Blocking - if you're having trouble with the game, this is what you read

League stuff --

Current Coach list for season 1.

Division 1

TheCutlery/Cutlery - Hard Knocks - Orc
McCheese/McCheese - Dwarfskins - Dwarf
Gavinrad/Gavinrad -- The Bowl Z - Undead
Moontayle/Moontayle -- Dat D Cup - Amazon
TwoPint/Djay -- Two Pints of Rerolls - Norse
Oblio/Oblio -- In Da Clutch - Lizardman
Seantsc/Sean -- Hellscythes - Necro
Khalan/Khalan - Goudaville Goons - Skaven

Division 2

Dokomo/Ko Dokomo - Kaladim Steelers - Dwarf
Kragg Goremaw/Hedeon - Kragg's Krushers - Ogre
Sateal/Sateal -- Vast Mountain Raiders - Orc
WhatsAmmataU/WhatsAmmataU -- Pulsefuhr Bootstinks - Chaos
Xannder/Xannder - Arctic Tor Raiders - Dark Elf
Makkon/Makkon - Aaaaaaargh - Necro
Hatorade/Hatorade -- D is for Dodge Also Dicks - Wood Elf.
ZProtoss/ZProtoss - New Cheeseland Ratriots - Skaven (fucking awesome, by the way).

Division 3

Erronius/Erronius -- Bashers of Befallen - Undead.
Ronne/Ronne -- We Are Alpharius - Chaos
Morenfin/Morenfin -- Arkham Asylum - Human
Funkor/Funkor -- The Soul Train - Dark Elf
Dman/littles -- Nordic Track - Norse
Superhiro/Superhiro - BALLZ IN YOUR ZONES - Orc
Adam12/Adam12 - Sucktown Balleaters - Orc
WaxedWolf/WaxedWolf -- Nymphomaniac Nymphs - Wood Elves

Division 4

Stupidmonkey/Stupidmonkey -- Monkey See Monkey Do - Chaos
Slytin (Adam's RM) -- Meetballz - Orc
Kyougou/Kyougou -- The Monster Mash -Chaos
Restless/Restless -- The Lounge Lizards - Lizardman
Vycron/Vycron -- Valhalla Vikings - Norse
St-George/St-George -- Red Cross Undertakers - Orc
CyrusReij/CyrusReij -- Get in the Cage - Nurgle
Phazael/Phazael -- Bush Leaguers - Amazon


Trakanon Raider
I can admin if needed, but I won't be able to make my team until I get back home on Saturday...Friday at the earliest. Thanks for setting this up.


Molten Core Raider
Something is fucked up with it. I create a team, but it's unavailable when I go to join the RR league. It automatically puts me in the Auld Public League, and I'm not sure if that's why it's fucking up.

Edit: Ok yeah, you have to remove your team from the public league first. Applied with Sucktown. Skill level 4 (I know the basics now but not really good at applying them yet).


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Applied to the league as "Dwarfskins". I'd put my skill level at a 2 according to your scale.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Edit: Ok yeah, you have to remove your team from the public league first. Applied with Sucktown. Skill level 4 (I know the basics now but not really good at applying them yet).
Yeah, I dunno why the fuck that is. It shouldn't be making teams in Auld, it should be making the team..just making it. And then you get to decide where to put it. Happened to me too. But, either way, yeah, just go to Auld and pull your team out.

Also, in case this isn't obvious, you can't play these teams until the season starts. Make a team for the Open League (if you haven't already) for casual matchups.

Fuck yeah, we have our own chat channel in game now.


Went against my first instinct as Orcs, decided to try Skaven and applied with my team, They Have Our Cheese. Skill level at 3 or 4.


A nice asshole.
Thats a lot of Orks
Dakka team applied.

Cancel above applied as vampires to mix it up. Names Awake O Dead.
Applied with human team, Arkham Asylum. Never played blood bowl before this week, never played against humans before, so I'd rank at a 5? Not new to miniature games though.


Molten Core Raider
Applied with The Soul Train, looks like the only Elf team so far dohohoho (i'm dead).

Put my skill at a 4 as I've played the game for a while but not with this client so I kinda suck with it still.


<Gold Donor>
I will be playing for sure, just need to decide on my race. I am less in love with the Lizardmen than I was a week ago, the 1 Agi Saurus and Croc are a bit of a handicap when trying to disengage. I am considering Skaven or DE, but very well could go back to the Lizards. I assume this league does not start til next week? so I have a day or so to decide ... right?


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
I will be playing for sure, just need to decide on my race. I am less in love with the Lizardmen than I was a week ago, the 1 Agi Saurus and Croc are a bit of a handicap when trying to disengage. I am considering Skaven or DE, but very well could go back to the Lizards. I assume this league does not start til next week? so I have a day or so to decide ... right?
Yes, I'm thinking right now we'll start next tuesday eve/wednesday, depending on how long it takes me to build the divisions.

My plan currently is to build divisions when I get home from work tuesday morning.

We're at 17 right now, fyi, after less than 1 day of it being open. That's fucking amazing. That's 2 full divisions for sure, and we've got you, Gav, maybe Sean, and Djay left still, along with whomever else just hasn't seen it yet. This is gonna be really awesome.