Robocop - Remake


Millie's Staff Member
maybe if we keep making threads about it the movie will start to look less like an abomination of shit??


Vyemm Raider
Thankfully still haven't seen any info on this movie. Hollywood needs more movie ideas, not 80s movies ideas.


It wasn't exactly high cinema when it came out.
Actually it toys with the fundamental question of "what is a man?" in the same manner of the more eloquent "Ghost in the Shell". The movie is a satire of corporate greed and political corruption that resonated with the city of Detroit enough that a statue has been funded andit's the only good thing to happen to Detroit since the original movie came out. Robocop gives the people of Detroit hope, and that hope my friend is about to be crushed. I expect a movie of Total Recall proportions, an uninspired rehash of one of the great action movies of the eighties fueled by Mountain Dew.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
Please don't ever mention a shitty anime series in the same post as Total Recall ever again.

I'm asking nicely.


Throbbing Member
I loved the original.. but just the pictures of the Robocop suit make me detest this movie.


Millie's Staff Member
robocop 1 was epic. robocop 2 was pretty good. irwin kershner directed it. yes robo 3 was a flaming pile of shit. ive seen it quite a few times on cable hoping that its gotten better with age. nope.


first robocop was sublime... verhoevens best imo.
the rest of them were dungshits. the new one wont be robocop as we knew it.


Millie's Staff Member
why the hate for robo 2? that movie was really well made. it had a decent underlying tone, kickass special effects and CGI for its time and all the actors reprised their roles. really whats there to hate about that movie?



Panel opened with a new show narrated by Samuel L. Jackson who took us into the world of RoboCop. Jackson's character is named Novak. He's on a segment that discusses robotic efforts to promote peace abroad and at home in America. Field report takes us to the streets where silver robots with red laser eyes are patrolling the streets, They look like terminators. There are even bigger robots coming behind them.

Michael Keaton says his character is the ultimate pragmatist.

Samuel L. Jackson describes Pat Novak as "Rush Sharpton".

Alex Murphy is with his family but gets blown up in a car bomb. Michael Keaton's character works on saving Murphy's life. They put him inside a machine. "We're gonna put a man inside of a machine." Cut to scenes of RoboCop in action. His visor is retractable and remains up during social interaction and comes down in combat. Government laws state that machines can't pull gun triggers in the US (but they can on foreign territory) so they keep Murphy's human hand so he's except from that law.

Michael Keaton says he didn't want to be another cliche villain.

Kinnaman: "The big difference with our version is that Alex doesn't die - he's amputated from the throat down, pretty much." Over the course of the movie, he has this internal battle with the artificial intelligence and his own soul. "That was the challenge to portray that."

Director Jose Padiha says, "You should never fear a gun, you should fear the guy that's holding the gun, because the gun doesn't shoot itself." He added that the film explores technology and accountability and that RoboCop will address advancements in technology.